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Author Topic: Apologies to the community  (Read 1029 times)


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #40 on: July 22, 2005, 01:35:00 pm »
Routerblade every character you have you RP as CN despite the alignments. I for one totally stand behind L on this decision as well as that for Drizzts.


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #41 on: July 22, 2005, 01:37:00 pm »
Why do you have to apologize? Cause you messed up!

Who cares if no one else has ever had to apologize. You agreed to the punishment, and now you back out because its not fair? Geez.

I'm sorry, but that does not make sense to me. Is what you were doing fair to anyone else? To the players that sit at level 8 or 9 for a long time because they follow the rules set forth by the GM Team? Is it fair to those that will take a *very* long time to get to level 20 and higher?

No. It's not. You agreed, you broke the agreement and to me that is worse then the camping/powergaming infraction.


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #42 on: July 22, 2005, 01:39:00 pm »
RouterBlade - 7/22/2005  1:35 PM

Routerblade every character you have you RP as CN despite the alignments. I for one totally stand behind L on this decision as well as that for Drizzts.

Not sure how that is her saying you lied on your apology.

To me it sounds like she questions your ability to properly RP an alignment, one apparently echoed by the rest of the Team and Leanthar himself. She is a GM because she has proven herself to everyone as being able to properly be a GM. I can guarantee you an attack on her will be an attack on the entire GM Team and a road you do not want to go down.


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RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #43 on: July 22, 2005, 01:40:00 pm »
I know I DID WRONG.  I am asking WHY US? Why did they choose US to apologize instead of all the other people that broke the rules.  I mean come on...


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #44 on: July 22, 2005, 01:41:00 pm »
OMG, i was talking about you at the time luna, Ice's post was the reason why i got all Pissed off.


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2005, 01:42:00 pm »
RouterBlade - 7/22/2005  1:41 PM

OMG, i was talking about you at the time luna, Ice's post was the reason why i got all Pissed off.

Ahh. Misunderstood. Sorry.

I never said you lied. I said by deleting it it makes it come off as less then sincere. That and the attitude you are showing everyone. *shrugs*



RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #46 on: July 22, 2005, 01:43:00 pm »


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2005, 01:45:00 pm »
Drizzt - 7/22/2005  1:40 PM

I know I DID WRONG.  I am asking WHY US? Why did they choose US to apologize instead of all the other people that broke the rules.  I mean come on...

Listen to yourself! Why you??

Why did you break the rules? Geez.

Do not blame others for your mistakes. Own up to it, keep your agreement and life goes on.

Keep fighting it and pretty soon you are finding a new server to play on.

Who cares why you. Swallow your pride, make a sincere apology and let the fun begin anew.


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #48 on: July 22, 2005, 01:45:00 pm »
i think you need to listen to yourself


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RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #49 on: July 22, 2005, 01:46:00 pm »
Did I blame anyone? Did I truely?


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RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #50 on: July 22, 2005, 01:48:00 pm »
Even if I do repost my apology...there will always be tension I know it.  I was kicked around like a dog enough maybe i'll decide to re-post it...maybe I won't be the latter is a lot more likely at this point.


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #51 on: July 22, 2005, 01:49:00 pm »
OK....everyone knows that im pissed off right now...
why do you all continue to pursue this senseless thing!?


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RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #52 on: July 22, 2005, 01:50:00 pm »
Look i've seen countless people leave because of being pushed around...Fian, Arturo, Malakai, and many others...its just sickening..


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RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #53 on: July 22, 2005, 01:58:00 pm »
I think Ed laid it down very clear .... why's don't really matter at this point.

The entire GM team has been more than patient enough with you ... not for camping, but for your behavior here. If they didn't honestly care about you, they would have banned you, and have had the majority of the community behind them on it.

Your continued disrespect and demands for answers are testing the community beyond the limits of reason, and hurting us far more than simple camping are ...

Despite what you may think, you are not acting as some great heroes or freedom fighters by disputing the GM team. The only injustice here is your broken agreement.

As to IceDragon, in my experience with her she has been more than pleasant, and more than nice, and deserves more respect than you have given her.


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #54 on: July 22, 2005, 02:00:00 pm »
Ive tried to have this thread stopped but Orth deemed it appropriate to have it dragged on


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #55 on: July 22, 2005, 02:01:00 pm »
You are both arguing over little details, please look to the very centre of this discussion. There is only one question, do you wish to continue to play on Layonara or not? If you do, then do as the DMs say, you do not have any other options, whether you like it or not. If you continue to talk back and argue, you will only heat the debate even more. Since you said it yourself, that you wish to stop this thread and meaningless flaming, then make a decision, yes or no. It is that simple, everything else is secondary and will fall in place after you make the decision.

To stop this flame, please let your next post in this topic be the one with your answer to the main question.


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #56 on: July 22, 2005, 02:03:00 pm »
Yes i wish this stopped...and stopped now before anymore people get flamed
id like to continue playing layo though i doubt it will be the same after this meaningless flaming


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    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #57 on: July 22, 2005, 02:08:00 pm »
    Drizzt and Router I accecpt you apologies.  what I think is why you neeed to wright them is other look up to you as role models, because you have been here for awhile. So let move on from here my friends and I'll see in a few days.


    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #58 on: July 22, 2005, 02:09:00 pm »
    hope to see you again soon trenton


    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #59 on: July 22, 2005, 02:34:00 pm »

      This has gone on long enough. I have four GM’s stressing over this nonsense, shame on both RouterBlade and Drizzt.  I have four GM’s (and now myself) that could have been in game and playing their character and having fun, been in game and GM’ing for the players and letting them have fun, or providing/fixing content so that the community has more fun.  Instead we (the GM team) have diverted over twelve hours (combined) to this infraction of game rules. That is just terrible over something like this, it is sad.  And just to think in 36 hours most of those involved will be back in game and playing but a few have decided to stir up the hornets nest just so that they can get an emotion going in the community.

      I so wanted this to work out for the best for everybody but Bruenor and Drizzt put the team and the community in a lose-lose situation over something that really could have been settled in far better ways.  RouterBlade has been banned and his characters have been deleted.  The last straw is when he singled out IceDragonDuvessa from the rest of the GM team and she was not involved in the banning but rather in a separate issue all together.  And on that separate issue she ran it past the team and myself and we all agreed that the two characters should be denied.  That was wrong and it shows a level of hostility that I do not want in this world from any player, no matter who they are or how long they have been here.  Drizzt at this time you are not banned because at least today you have tried to be respectful (I will answer your question at the end of this post).  Drizzt I really hope you think about your reply and follow through on the agreement that was made the other day, I would hate to lose another player over this.

      RouterBlade and his family play here so at this time I am not banning their IP range because IF (big if I know--but I am trying to think about them) they still want to play here, without RouterBlade, they are welcome.  But the ball is now in RouterBlade’s hands, if he is inappropriate and continues on with rants and demeaning attitude towards the team and the community (by using their accounts on the forums or creating a new one on the forum or using their nwn cd accounts) he will force my hand to ban the IP addresses—RoutherBlade, please have the respect of your family to not do that to them.

      To the player(s) out there who think that the team has been unfair, edited/deleted posts etc. that is not true at all and I am quite certain that is known but for some reason the bandwagon was joined.  This was an agreement made by seven people, five in the party and two GM’s.  We do not edit nor delete posts unless they contain cuss words and even then I don’t think we have deleted more than 2-3 posts (on purpose mind you) in over three years and none involving this issue.  I know of only a few times that we have edited a post due to inappropriate language but even then only the language was **** out.  So please before you start accusing and such make sure you think things through and understand all sides of the story. 

      I will remind everybody here that we are here to have fun and that includes the GM team, we do it for free and we do it because we want to the community to have a good RP experience in a good community.  That means that we must have rules, like it or not, and that also means we must enforce those rules, like it or not (and truth be told I hate being forced to enforce the rules—it sucks).  That also means that when we have players that push back by blatantly slamming the rules, server, community, or team and then disrespecting them at the level that has happened over this we must take action.  Our backs were put in to a corner and RouterBlade did this on purpose and it was by his choice (to a degree Drizzt did it as well but at least he has remained calm today).  I can’t think of any world or GM Team that listens and values the input and feedback as much as we do but it must be done in a respectful and level headed way, that is a pretty simple and fair request I think.

      I hate losing players and I hate it when the community is not having fun—that is why we are here after all.  If I wanted to deal with that sort of thing I would set up a full pvp/pk server and just let players run rampant but that is not what we are about here.  We have rules in place so that we can have fun in a good community and those rules must be followed and enforced.

      To anybody that is annoyed or think we are wrong on this banning I am sorry.  But this action was forced on us by the inflaming posts by a few people in the community (not just these two that I have talked about in this post). 


      As to your question on why the apology when nobody has ever had to apologize before.

      1)      For camping for 3.5 hours and knowingly doing so as you all admitted…3.5 hours is so far above and beyond “a mistake” that it was very clear to the team that this was done intentionally.
      2)      Because low level players had been taken over there for the soul reason (after 3.5 hours that is pretty much how it looks mind you) of camping and getting nice items and a good amount of gold.
      3)      RouterBlade submitted to be a part of the GM team and as such he clearly knew the rules of the world and the community and as such should have, by himself, reined all of this in but he didn’t and in this case it was even guiltier by party association with him in the party.

      As to your statement of “no public apologies had been done before” that is incorrect.  There are at least two other incidents were players have had to apologize to the community for breaking the rules.  One of them was only a few months ago—I don’t remember the exact date though and the other was at least a year ago—probably more.  I have even apologized to the player and community when I make a mistake.  It is the right thing to do and it makes people think a little more deeply before making that same mistake again (willingly or not willingly).

      I am sorry this all came down this way, it is the worse job in the world to have to ban players, especially players that are liked by others and have been here a while.

