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Author Topic: Question about clerics and paladins alignment  (Read 160 times)


Question about clerics and paladins alignment
« on: January 03, 2007, 12:22:08 pm »
A cleric or a paladin MUST be of the alignment that "Deities of Layonara" says?


Re: Question about clerics and paladins alignment
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2007, 12:42:10 pm »
A Paladin MUST be Lawful Good.

A Cleric is slightly less restricted... A Cleric must be within "One Step" of the deity's alignment. What this means is that a character can be 1 alignment away from their deity on one axis... Lawful/Chaotic or Good/Evil. A Chaotic Good deity could have clerics who are Chaotic Good (less than one step away), Neutral Good (one step away on the Law/Chaos axis), or Chaotic Neutral (one step away on the Good/Evil axis).




Re: Question about clerics and paladins alignment
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2007, 12:52:58 pm »
Cleric Alignments:

Chaotic Evil
Chaotic Neutral
Neutral Evil

So like this i can make a cleric TN right? CN is one step away from TN, i think...


Re: Question about clerics and paladins alignment
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2007, 12:59:00 pm »
If it says that you have to pick one of those alignment, you have to pick one of those alignments.

It is allowed to be one step away on the scale from the deity's alignment, not from the "allowed alignment" (cake on cake? :P ).

The deity you are looking at are most probably having a CE alignment, so, only CE, CN and NE are allowed (effectively, only CN as both others are seriously restricted ones).

In my own opinion, a cleric should have the same alignment as the deity, unless some very strong reason are given. :)


Re: Question about clerics and paladins alignment
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2007, 01:00:29 pm »
Thanks very much for the help

