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Author Topic: Sunday's Quest to Ozlo's  (Read 125 times)


Sunday's Quest to Ozlo's
« on: June 06, 2005, 07:17:00 pm »
This was Awesome, I can't believe I missed all the others. The RP was great, especially loved the bickering among the few characters.
 Twixel is just besides himself. First to be asked to lead by the great Leanthar and be surrounded by so many Master Wizards, Warriors, Priests and so forth and be accepted as one of the group with an opinion. What is an ex-slave to do at this point, except weep for joy.
 But the experience he was able to witness towards the end, to be apart of such a miracle and be bathed in such awe. His life is pledged! (Of course he seems to be spreading a little thin with all his life pledging.) He is bursting to talk about it, but he is just not sure if it is safe to do so. OI, the headache.

Thanks again for letting one so small join in something so great.


RE: Sunday's Quest to Ozlo's
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2005, 07:22:00 pm »

