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Author Topic: limelight network...  (Read 87 times)


limelight network...
« on: August 12, 2005, 07:43:00 am »
who are they what do they want and why in the 9 relms of that nameless underworld do they want to get into my PC?

My Virus scanner has found a few "presents" on them and also my peer gurdian is going off the walls blocking them acess...

So I took a screen shot of me sending them an e-mail to stop...

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RE: limewire network...
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 07:46:00 am »
Limewire is like Kazaa or Morpheus.. or Napster for that matter, it's a Peer to Peer Downloading program for file sharing.

It is actually probably one of the better ones about Spam, I would feel it's not limewire itself doing this, but a third party attempting to "Help" limewire. Sorry it had to be you though.


RE: limewire network...
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2005, 07:50:00 am »
Ug... just think if they put all thier coding talent into a project that wouls actually benifit humanity, how much nicer the internet could be.

I use ZoneAlarm Firewall and Microsofts anti-spyware program, I've blocked over 13,000 intrusions in 6 months with those two, unbelievable.



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    RE: limewire network...
    « Reply #3 on: August 12, 2005, 07:58:00 am »
    I've never had any trouble with Limewire... in fact it is a great program even if you don't buy it.  I have found songs that weren't on iTunes and some great Roms that are really hard  to find today on the internet.  I've also downloaded TV shows.  Of course I have a Mac Mini and it never gets viruses or any problemslike that. :)  It's not Limewire doing it to you because even when I had a PC I didn't get Viruses from them.


    RE: limewire network...
    « Reply #4 on: August 12, 2005, 08:54:00 am »
    That just it I don't have any PHP programs on my PC! I ment limelight not limewire...