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Author Topic: How did you RP your characters permanent death?  (Read 181 times)


How did you RP your characters permanent death?
« on: October 06, 2009, 05:38:31 am »
Since it seems one of my chars is going to be permanently dead somewhere soon.  I wanted to get out some idea's on what to do when that char is going to go. and since I never had a character permanently dead before I thought I'd ask around first.

So how did you RP your characters permanent death, or how was it Rp-ed?


Re: How did you RP your characters permanent death?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2009, 07:55:30 am »
Well, for starters, if your character has some inkling their time may be drawing near, I'd suggest a separate thread in the Private Development Journals section that outlines their Last Will & Testament, if they're the type of character who'd have one. Your character might also choose to discuss ahead of time with a friend or two about who they'd like to handle funeral arangements, especially if your character doesn't otherwise have a written will.
 As for RPing that final death... there's not much you yourself can do, since your character will be dead. Hopefully, when your character goes they'll be with a party of good friends and those friends will RP the recovery of your character's body, and the initial scene afterward. One of them may even post a thread to report the death in the RP sections of the forums. You might also make a final CDT entry that describes the scene at the time of your character's death, but be sure to do it in the third person, since obviously your character can't write about it themselves once they're gone.
 After all is said and done, I'd suggest also writing up a fairly short bio of your character to be put on display in the Hall of Heroes and Heroines, especially if their actions through quests or whatnot have left a lasting effect on some aspect of the world of Layonara. Many players don't seem to bother with this option for some reason, which I think is kinda sad. Once these bio's are in-game, they're a great source of flavor and history for new characters to learn about when they visit the in-game Hall of Heroes and Heroines.
 Hope this is the kind of information you were looking for and that it helps you.


Re: How did you RP your characters permanent death?
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2009, 05:56:22 pm »
I RPed that he knew the end was near. Now that may not exactly fit with current lore as the perception of how much a PC knows about the soul mother has changed, or to be more accurate has formed better, over time. So I used the time to tidy up some loose ends in his life and to try to achieve a few things he had been working toward. One of which was making a yew bow. That created a lot of great RP amongst his friends. He did get to try twice before he left the world but did not make his final masterpiece. I made a choice to RP that he knew the end was near but he did not stop being who he was.


Re: How did you RP your characters permanent death?
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2009, 06:34:37 pm »
When Randi permed I did not rp anything differently.  Randi died doing what she always did... trying to save someone else.

No one knew she was on her last SS ic or ooc. Well other than my rl husband that plays Lance (Randi's husband).  But IC I played her with no change.  I was lucky that when she did perm she was with her husband and two of her best friends.  They rp the rest out, while I watched and bawled my eyes out. ;)

I never put anything in the Hall of Hero's because that is not something she would have wanted.  Burning her to ashes to blow away with the wind is all she would have wanted.