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Author Topic: Leading impossible foes through Dalanthar or anywhere  (Read 91 times)


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Leading impossible foes through Dalanthar or anywhere
« on: September 15, 2005, 06:31:00 am »
Dalanthar seems to be a favorite for this considering the rift.  It's one thing for a lvl 4,6, or maybe even 9 charachter to run when they can't handle something (and presumably its not too many lvls higher than them) and for that something to follow them through town and a couple other areas, it's another thing when you leading Mithril Golems and Dragon bone golems everwhere.  I left Dalanthar headed for Near the bay of Carocsa and was pummled as soon as I got through the transition.  It's a nasty and unnecessary surprise.  I had to transition back into Dalanthar to save my skin but still tried to clean up the mess of somebody else (died doing it).  It's not like if you are running around Dregar that you have no idea what may be lurking, the giants can be bad enough.  

Oh...and that nasty Golem is still there as I was unable to defeat it.


RE: Leading impossible foes through Dalanthar or anywhere
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2005, 08:02:00 am »
Please let me know who is doing this (with screen shots or proof) and I will speak to that person. This is indeed not allowed, as has been stated at least a dozen times.


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RE: Leading impossible foes through Dalanthar or anywhere
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2005, 08:09:00 am »
I'm sorry I couldn't.  It was just there when I left Dalanthar and no one else was logged on that I'm aware of.  I do know that I logged off in Dalanthar last night around 12 AM EDT (and if I recall correctly, It wasn't there then).  I was partied with Goldwin and I think he logged off as well.  Maybe you can check log files from then on to about 9 AM EDT to see who was on central?  Don't know how tedious this would be, but a suggestion.  If I can get a screenie in the future I will.


RE: Leading impossible foes through Dalanthar or anywhere
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2005, 10:04:00 am »
I think it's a large possibility you are
overreacting, considering Hurm is just
around the corner. All the new players
who want to explore has easy access to
that area through Leilon.

Someone may have tried to abuse it by
having a NPC tank, but it's likely they'll
only try it once and notice it's no use.
Of course, it's not allowed, but every-
one aren't aware of it.

As far as I know it's allowed to flee into
town for safety as long as your intention
wasn't to get a freebie or have an NPC
tank for you.

Above posts look kind of scary.


RE: Leading impossible foes through Dalanthar or anywhere
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2005, 10:10:00 am »
Though it would be polite to post something
in the Wild Surge if you left some nasties
behind in an otherwise safe area.


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RE: Leading impossible foes through Dalanthar or anywhere
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2005, 12:44:00 pm »

I agree Frendh, such a post about the the status of an otherwise-safe area would be both courteous and appreciated.  

Though I find it hard to believe that the mithril golem is simply a "first time exploring Dregar" error, I won't be walking around snapping screenies of anyone anytime soon (as I can't imagine that being any fun).  I'm not out to find a culprit.  It was just an unnessecary situation, one that should not of had to been experienced by anybody.  It ruins a game experience for someone when the moment they enter an area they are then under attack by something that should not be there whether that someone is me or anybody else.  The bottom line and the reason for my initial post is that this should be fun and such surprises can often not be so.



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RE: Leading impossible foes through Dalanthar or anywhere
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2005, 12:45:00 pm »
*points to above post*

I wrote that in hopes of removing intimidation and any threating tone my original post may have.