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Author Topic: BAD fantasy Books  (Read 279 times)


BAD fantasy Books
« on: March 20, 2006, 12:48:01 am »
Following on from another topic I was just wondering what every one considered to be a bad fantasy book.

This like Thomas Cabernet which Sucks so bad I nearly died reading the drivel.
How many time can you say "The trees where big and green, very big and very green on and on and on
And the hire protagonist. Plot being

Thomas "Hello buifel mythical being (10 pages saying why)"
Putifell and mythical being "Hi, O im dead"
Thomas "well I don’t care"

Three books latter last cheaper

Thomas "Hello Butifell mythical being (10 pages saying why)"
Putifell and mythical being "Hi, O im dead"
Thomas "O! I DO! Care"

Fantasy books which are right ups of some ones DnD game with his/her mates.

Tonkin wont-a-bees
A world of Dwarfs, elf’s, Halfling and dragons
Please at least invent you own races any thing just no more hobbits

So any one know any bad books

(yep I know I spell like I have an IQ of 60 but its 154 cuz ive been tested so there.
Hay if it’s that high way im I not rich Doooowwww!)


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Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2006, 01:04:03 am »
Bad boks you say *grins and shots from the back*

Harry Potter!!!



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Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2006, 02:43:50 am »
Some Forgotten Realms Books are pretty bad, some good. The worst two would have to be The Maztica Trilogy (direct rip off of Cortez vs Aztecs), The horselord trilogy (or whatever its called.....anyways direct rip off of Genghis Kahn) and although I absolutely enjoy and love the charachter of Elminster the Sage he is kinda a direct rip off of Merlin from court of King Arthur, also Ed Greenwood wouldn't be allowed on Layo IMO because he is a powergamer LOL i mean how many classes does he want his char to have? sheesh!

The following is just my personal opinion and taste but I don't really like anything from Terry Pratchett.
Also thought the Redemption of Athalas by normally fantastic author David Eddings was ... too.
The Troy game by Sara Douglas sucks IMO so did her original trilogy axis i think it was called.
There is probably alot of others too but those ones seem to stick heh.
K no one flame me please because remember we all have different tastes like for instance I just KNOW terry pratchet fans are gonna read this and go WHAT? how can you NOT like his books, heh well I dont so chill :P


Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2006, 02:47:36 am »
*rolls down the thread*

Huh? WHAT?!!!

oh you are so dead Logangrimnar *petrificus totales* AAARRGHH!!!


Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2006, 11:18:18 am »
*stoppus logangimnarus*!


Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2006, 02:51:35 pm »
Ugh... no offence to anyone who likes them but I cannot read the Lord of the Rings book. They are just too long and drawn out. I'm not a huge fan of Tolkien's writing, although I will say the plot is good and the world he made is really cool.

And the movies. Loved the movies.
*runs off and hides*


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Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2006, 06:41:02 pm »
Way to be a rebal Ne'er!

*hides again*


Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2006, 11:21:00 pm »
LoganGrimnar - 3/20/2006  9:04 AM

Bad boks you say *grins and shots from the back*

Harry Potter!!!


definatly, why cannot he just die!


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Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2006, 11:50:24 pm »
oh he will, trust me he will. Harry is Going DOwN!!


Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2006, 04:33:51 am »
>Ugh... no offence to anyone who likes them but I cannot read the Lord of the Rings book

Your not wrong there what with Tom Bomerdil
I resd the Simlirreallostonenomblebluuber book
Tolkins alter history

O man was I dead bord


Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2006, 04:40:55 am »
On harry potter

Well seeing as Dumbeldoor is not dead! why the clues are there I say.

If JK dos what I think shes going to do, then there will be at least
3 new main players in the next book, all Headed for that last act we all hopeing for



But also Ask your self If snape has a brother who would it be.



Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2006, 04:45:23 am »
Ne'er - 3/20/2006  10:51 PM  Ugh... no offence to anyone who likes them but I cannot read the Lord of the Rings book. They are just too long and drawn out. I'm not a huge fan of Tolkien's writing, although I will say the plot is good and the world he made is really cool.  And the movies. Loved the movies. *runs off and hides*
 *Froth, gibber, froth*
  You know I'm reliably informed that movie no 2 was conclusive proof I have become a Tolkien fanatic....
  I survived no 3 by repeatedly telling myself that it was a fun 'fantasy' movie and still to this day want to make Peter Jackson go back and re-make no 2!!!!


Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2006, 12:35:57 pm »
If I had Peter Jackson right here and a sharp adamantium long sword I would teach him not to totally ruin a masterpierce again... If he want to make another braindead action movie dont take it out on an epic novel.
*whispers* but ok I havent read more than until Aragon and Arven gets married in the third book... but still dead over the movies!
and I must agree with Nexus... Dumbledore cant be dead...


Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2006, 04:40:38 pm »
Pretty sure ol' Dumby is gone. But I figure there is a twist involved, involving a deal with Snape and such. Of course, I could be dead wrong.

As for the second movie, I thought it was good. And I don't really know if it followed the book well or at all, but for all I care that battle at Helm's Deep and Isengard, heh, that was worht messing with things. And, he made some smart choices in leaving things out, *coughsTomBombadilcoughs*



Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2006, 08:07:47 pm »
I'l give you Tom Bomberdill but the rest....
  *froth, twitch, froth*


Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2006, 01:18:23 am »
OK time to fess up here I have worked on evey one of the Potter Films, from the chess set in one to the Shark Boy in the last one.
Its me job is all, Im most proud of the Hipogriff in HPIII, and Im now working on HPV been on the sets and all.
Dont ask me what I doing on it Ill have to kill you after, no only jokeing but the NDA with WB is nerly that harsh.
So you see as it pays my wages I LOVE THE FILMS o yes baby

O and Keep and eye out for the Directer own film looks very errr moden.

Ps who do I work for

See walking with Dinos cuz I did them.

"Spuralus VFXuss"
"CG Magicusss"

Aryn Ravenlocke

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Re: BAD fantasy Books
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2006, 01:48:01 am »
Bad fantasy huh? Well, I'm going to have to go with Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time saga. But not the entire saga. This epic started off very strong, and initially only got better. But then somewhere in there around book five or so it just started to drag for me. I keep reading them as they come out because I keep hearing how the newest addition revitalizes the series. You'd think I would learn by now. It's sort of like every year when all the experts say the Atlanta Braves are finally going to choke. It just doesn't ever seem to happen, no matter how good the circumstances look and no matter how badly anyone want it to actually happen.
  Don't get me wrong. I am a fan of long, detailed, and complicated stories. I'm pretty sure that is why I have been hooked on Middle-Earth since I was about five or six years old. But long and detailed with complications needs to have a point. The Wheel of Time seems to me to simply have gone on to be long and drawn out just for the sake of page and word counts.
  @Ne'er, it's alright to not be much of a fan of Tolkien's epic. As much as I am a fan, his style of writing is definately very different than most fantasy writers', and can even come off as a bit stuffy. IMHO the greatness and genius of Tolkien's works isn't the stories themselves, but the intricate world he created that has over the years become what is typically considered the standard by which all other worlds are measured.
  Other bad fantasy would include the vast majority of Dragonlance novels not writtenby Weiss and Hickman.