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Author Topic: barbarian deity...  (Read 167 times)


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    barbarian deity...
    « on: November 06, 2006, 06:06:56 pm »
    whats  the  barbarian  deity  in  this  pw  module???,  how  do  i  write  a  great  character  bio  for  gm  approval???,  how  long  will  it  take  to  get  it  approved???


    Re: barbarian deity...
    « Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 06:19:41 pm »
    There is not one 'Barbarian' diety.
    Some, mostly humans from the frozen north might follow Mist.
    Wild elves generally follow Kithairien.
    But it's really up to you. Any diety is possible, and unless you are a cleric or paladin it's not really required to declare one .

    I'd suggest you invest some time reading the hanbook found here:

    Time spent reading the handbook will also greatly aid you in writing a biography for your character.

    Approvals, if the rules and formats  are followed are usually very swift . ( a few hours)


    Re: barbarian deity...
    « Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 08:24:47 pm »
    Barbarian isn't always a class as in 'Conan' For instance, I have a barbarian/cleric gnome who is completely civilized, he's a barbarian because he was taught to fight by Goblins ie, pick up something heavy and get mad. So... barbaric could just be that your character isn't 'conventional' My character follows Folian S'pae, but you could be a barbarian and follow just about any diety, or none at all.

    As far as writing a good bio, get striaght in your head WHAT you want your PC to start out like, then give him/her a past that would get someone to that point. The more detail the better really.

    As far as the time it takes... it could be 10 minutes... it might not happen untill tomorrow. The approvers aren't on a schedule, they do it on their spare time.
