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Author Topic: Spellcraft and savings throws  (Read 70 times)

Xandor Loriland

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Spellcraft and savings throws
« on: August 15, 2006, 08:32:03 pm »
I was wondering about the aspect of the spellcraft skill where every 5 points of spellcraft gives you a +1 on saves vs. spells.  I had heard that only the points that you put in at level up count toward this.  Is that true or is this effect dynamic with the actual skill level at the time.  For instance if you buff your intelligence and get higher spellcraft does that help toward this bonus?  What about if you wear equipment that adds to spellcraft?  Thanks.


Re: Spellcraft and savings throws
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2006, 08:44:05 pm »
It's every five RANKS of Spellcraft, not just every five points of the bonus you get.

It works just like Tumble, which gives a +1 Dodge bonus to AC for every 5 ranks. If it allowed for the modifiers, armors that added Tumble would be REALLY worth the coin, but it doesn't.


Re: Spellcraft and savings throws
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2006, 09:02:53 pm »
True for tumble, not true for Spellcraft. SC uses the modified number.


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Re: Spellcraft and savings throws
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2006, 10:21:19 pm »
well its worded the same for both SC and Tumble. So eather its worded wrong for SC, if Acacea is right. Or its a bug or something, i alwese thought it was Ranks, sence that is what the skill says.

Talan Va'lash

Re: Spellcraft and savings throws
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2006, 11:14:53 am »
LoganGrimnar - 8/15/2006  11:21 PM

well its worded the same for both SC and Tumble. So eather its worded wrong for SC, if Acacea is right. Or its a bug or something, i alwese thought it was Ranks, sence that is what the skill says.

The official nwn documentation is bad.

If this is also incorrect on LORE I will rectify it.

A few oddities with spellcraft:


# Unlike with other skills (such as the AC bonus from Tumble), the saving throw bonus is based on fully modified ranks (not base ranks). Hence Epic Skill Focus in Spellcraft grants a +2 bonus to all saving throws against spells.

# A negative Spellcraft -- such as when a Curse Song lowers your skills -- will provide a penalty for saving throws against spells (-1 for each -5 points). However, since Spellcraft requires training, the penalty will only occur if the player has at least one rank in Spellcraft. For example, if a character who put no skill points into Spellcraft is cursed for -6 points, they will receive no penalty, since they're not trained in Spellcraft and can't use it. If a character that has 1 rank in the skill is cursed for -6 points, they will get -1 saves versus spells.



Re: Spellcraft and savings throws
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2006, 11:27:46 am »
A sort of "What you don't know can't hurt you" on the negative Spellcraft, Talan?


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Re: Spellcraft and savings throws
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2006, 01:08:23 pm »
as long as you dont start lvling in spellcraft, then you cant get a - to saves if it is lowered from whatever you get hit with. I get that. Its like Open Locks, if you have 0 points in it, you cant even try, if you have 1 point then you can try at least. Same with alot of the skills that you need training in, remove trap, set trap are examples i think.

And i had no idea the spellcraft worked that way, thanks pritty cool.