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Author Topic: Items and spell components  (Read 127 times)


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    Items and spell components
    « on: June 14, 2005, 05:09:00 am »
    Hello all, I am new here.  I created a wizard to experience the world of Layonara.  My question is, are there any magic rods in this game?  I know they were a key part in the originally NWN campaign for a wizard, I was just curious if they were in this game at all, I'm guessing probably not.

    Also, why are there spell component requirements for just certain spells?  Why does negative energy ray have a component that you have to have, not just one, but many of those little mirrors, but not magic missle?  I was just curious, I usually go with spell focus and if I focus necromancy, I think I may be out of luck.  

    Any other advice for a beginning wizard?  You sure can use all of your spells in much less than 15 minutes.  How do you guys get by?  Thanks.


    RE: Items and spell components
    « Reply #1 on: June 14, 2005, 05:41:00 am »
    There are magic rods/wands/staves, but they're not plentiful.  They can be made through the crafting system if one is sufficiently skilled.  This is a low-magic world, unlike the Forgotten Realms setting, so don't expect to see much in the way of super-powerful items.

    Spell components are in because it gives a slightly more PnP feel to the game.  Not all spells have components. Perhaps someone else can comment upon why some spells do and others do not.  I know from PnP, not all spells required material components, so this may be part of it.  Again, this is a low-magic world, so spell components help to keep that in check.

    As for "how do we get by?"....well, we gather/buy and carry these things around with us.  Most spell components are stackable, so they take up less physical room in your inventory, though they still have weight.  It's not so bad, once you get used to it, and it forces mages to think a little about how they use their spells.  Also, there's a custom feat here called "Eschew Materials" or something like that.  There's 3 levels of that feat.  The first removes the requirement of spell components for spells that are levels 1-3, the second removes material components from spell levels 4-6 and the third removes them from spell levels 7-9.  Once you can cast 3rd, 6th and 9th level spells (respectively) you can take the corresponding feat.

    Seriously, don't worry about this one too much.  It's really not that burdensome.  Consider it a bit like food and water...don't go adventuring too much without stocking up on supplies.

    As for other advice for new mages, party up with stronger players....those who can defend you while you gain strength. Stay in the back; use ranged heroics.  And conserve your spellpower, because you never quite know when you'll really need it...or when the next time you'll be able to rest might be, etc.

    Thunder Pants

    RE: Items and spell components
    « Reply #2 on: June 14, 2005, 05:54:00 am »
    most of the spell componant were taken straight from the players handbook, the reason magic missle doesn't have one is because it doesn't have one in PnP while negative energy ray has one

    should the spell componants be a big hinderence to a player there was a feat added that mages can learn after they have learned 3rd/6th/9th level spells which gives them access to cast spells without using spell componant

    the best advice i can give for a starting wizard is perchase a bow (if your an elf) or a crossbow and find some people to adventure with, save your spells for tougher enemies and lay down fire support with your bow, or lay down a few cantrips while saving your stronger spells for harder monsters while the fighters handle things with the weaker ones

    a low level wizard really needs to pick and choose when he/she will cast, or they will find themselves with nothing to cast when something dangerous comes along


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      RE: Items and spell components
      « Reply #3 on: June 14, 2005, 07:00:00 am »
      Thanks for the advice guys.  I'll try to find some people that are willing to take on some low level quests with me.  I'll also pick up quite a few mirrors so I don't have to keep using magic missle, this is for RP purposes.


      RE: Items and spell components
      « Reply #4 on: June 14, 2005, 07:29:00 am »
      One other thing...I think the mirrors can be made through the Tinkering craft.  Might save you some cash.
