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Author Topic: Characters in NWN2  (Read 214 times)


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Characters in NWN2
« on: June 10, 2006, 02:57:43 am »
I've been working on my character bio for my Half-Giant barbarian character for a while now, and was wondering whether I'd be able to submit as a character background for Layonara's NWN2 version when it comes out?
 Reason for this is that I've got quite a bit of info in mind for him, in fact, I've already got four pages typed up in MS Word, and I haven't even begun typing anything up on him yet (the 'bit of info' on his parents has pretty much turned into separate bio's).
 I've already become emotionally attached to my non-existent lumbering, slightly stupid, trusting half-giant... and as Layonara may be set quite far in the future, if I created him for NWN1 I might not be able to play him in NWN2.
 And if that happened I'd most likely end up having an emotional breakdown, and probably run off and join the circus, where I'd make friends with swashbuckling ninja-pirate jester gnomes.


Re: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2006, 03:04:12 am »
SO if it's not on him, then what's the four pages about?


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RE: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2006, 03:07:39 am »
They're on the background of his parents, I'll probably end up cutting it down a lot for the actual submission, as otherwise it'll just be a nuisance for the GM's to read it all. As I said, I've got a reasonable amount of info in mind for him, I just haven't had time to type any of it up.


Re: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2006, 08:05:37 am »
I've already started on the bio for my Layonara NWN2 character.  I'm going to submit it when they open up submissions for NWN2.


RE: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2006, 08:06:02 am »
Until we have the game, we can't really say whether or not half-giants are going to be a viable subrace in NWN2. There's really no way to answer your question with any real accuracy, unless Obsidian has released definitive word on whether half-giants are going to be a playable race/subrace.
  Also, decisions on what exactly will happen to characters as we jump over from NWN1 to NWN2 hasn't been decided yet, so it's entirely possible that any character created and played now will not be available when we move to NWN2.


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RE: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2006, 06:22:55 pm »
Hmm... I think I'll continue typing up his bio over the next while, and then once NWN2 is out I'll either submit him as a half-giant if they can be played, or rework his bio so that he's a half-orc, or maybe a human.
    Edit: I know that half-giant isn't one of the subraces that've been confirmed as playable as of yet, but if it isn't playable, wouldn't it be possible (providing that the new toolset isn't too hard to use) to have the creature skin set your appearance to that of a half-giant, set the creature size to large, and have the ESA on it aswell, or would that be easier said than done? (This is going by the assumption that you can do that in NWN1's toolset, and that the NWN2 toolset will be able to do the same things)


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Re: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2006, 06:29:38 pm »
although i have nothing intelligent to say on the subject, i was thinking i should start writing up my submission, but i was planning on making one of the offspring of my current PC's and i can't predict what will happen to that PC between now and NWN2 layo


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Re: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2006, 06:36:53 pm »
_M_O_B_ - 6/11/2006 1:29 PM although i have nothing intelligent to say on the subject, i was thinking i should start writing up my submission, but i was planning on making one of the offspring of my current PC's and i can't predict what will happen to that PC between now and NWN2 layo

 As dorganath said above *points up* nothing's been set in stone on the characters, so I'm guessing that'll be the same with the time period between NWN1 & 2, so depending on what time differences will be you could either have them as a child of, or a descendant of your current PC. (I might be wrong here, a GM might have to clarify that)


Re: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2006, 07:23:45 pm »
Right, I'm going to reiterate what Dorg has said. "We won't know until we have the game in our hands." Basically we can speculate on what may or may not be availible when the game is released, however there's always going to be that "if" or "but" that will nullify the speculation. "There's a good chance it'll be in there, but since they haven't stated anything we can't be sure." Best advice is either to settle down and wait for the game or work VERY loosely on a bio so that it can be changed later to fit the game.

As for decendants of characters, I have a simple solution. Don't work on the actual background. Instead, try to think of how you want to character to walk, talk, reason, fight, ect. Try and "guess" as to what deity he/she will follow what his/her class will be and how will he/she look? Some of that may be dictated by what eventually ends up being your current character's fate, however nothing should stop you from making a rough character outline. It will at the very least allow multiple scenarios for future bios to run through your head while you wait for the dramatic conclusion of the current campaign.

Also, to comment on what Schmack said, Dorg has already stated that NWN 2 "may jump ahead 5 minutes, 5 days, 5 months, 5 years, 500 years or even 5'000 years." The GM Team probably won't even have an idea of how far ahead they'll jump until the campaign is concluded and the outcome has been talked about. Speculating on whether or not it will be a son or daughter to a great-great grandson/daughter of a character can't be done. It would be like asking someone what their GPA will be right before they take their finals. "Uhh... I dunno dude, ask me after finals!" (I like that analogy.)

Perhaps for the time being we should all take a deep breath and pay attention to the amazingly detailed world that we have at hand instead of drooling over a world that has yet to be (and may never become). Like some person said at some point in time (maybe it was me... who the heck knows), "There's no changing the past, and the future will never come, all we have is the present."


RE: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2006, 08:29:05 pm »
To reiterate what ZeroVega said regarding reiterating what I said... ;)
  I would advise against making any assumptions as to what can and cannot be done regarding subrace skins, custom appearances, and so forth until we have the game in-hand and have had a chance to work with it a bit.
  I don't want to dash your hopes of this half-giant character, and so I would suggest not going too far down the road of development and backstory until we can say for sure what will and will not be possible.
  I'm sorry, but this is the best answer I, or anyone else on the Development or GM teams can give at this point. The fact is we don't know, and it's entirely possible that half-giants will not be possible in the initial release of NWN2 and/or the next version of Layonara. We do not have game code, we have not had any time to work with it and experiment with subraces. Besides what has been announced and confirmed officially by Obsidian, there is really nothing we can say with any semblance of accuracy regarding NWN2. At this time, anything not officially confirmed is speculation, and it would likely be a bad idea to become too attached to an idea rooted in speculation.
  I really wish I had more definite information to provide, but I do not. You really need to consider the fact that you may be disappointed that half-giant characters will not be available in NWN2.


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RE: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2006, 09:33:40 pm »
Ah, in that case, I think I might hold off until NWN2 is out, or until it's known whether they'll be playable, until I do anything more with my bio, or at least, until I do anything race-specific with my bio.
 Anyway, thanks for the info :)


Re: Characters in NWN2
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2006, 02:01:37 am »
The GM Team probably won't even have an idea of how far ahead they'll jump until the campaign is concluded and the outcome has been talked about. Speculating on whether or not it will be a son or daughter to a great-great grandson/daughter of a character can't be done. It would be like asking someone what their GPA will be right before they take their finals. "Uhh... I dunno dude, ask me after finals!" (I like that analogy.)


And also keep in mind that when NWN2 is out, we will need a few months to move to NWN2 (bulding areas and stuff). At that time however, it should be clear on subraces so then while we build new servers, you can think of a bio for a char with a supporeted subrace (plenty of time I'd think :) )