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Author Topic: Breaking a level stagnation.  (Read 390 times)


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    Breaking a level stagnation.
    « on: December 05, 2006, 02:17:58 am »
    I've just recently got in a major part of a level grind. And I just have come to a complete stagnation here XP wise. I'm trying to do things to stay busy in game, but you can only craft so much, help people out so much, gather CNR so much. I'm trying to get parties to go to Dreger so I can at least get better XP. But not very many people near my level are on, or are available to help when I am. And it is very hard, impossible for my character to do it alone. Also I haven't had the chance to make any of the scheduled quest my character can be a part of recently due to time. I'm basically just bored to tears at this point, and wondering how to get out of this?

    I mean does anyone know a good way to get over when this happens?

    Sab Kaylag

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      Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
      « Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 02:27:25 am »
      just throwing this out there but maybe organize your own hunt and schedual it on the player portion of the calander?


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        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 02:29:42 am »
        Did it, waiting to see how this one turns out. Tried player events before though, and ended up missing my own one cause people went and had it without me earlier in the day. LoL


        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #3 on: December 05, 2006, 02:35:35 am »
        Ah....Millie's XP wall. Don't worry, Im climbing it too.

        When climbing, everyone seem's to head to Dregar for a fast track climb, but of course, it's a bit deadly at times, and can lead to SS's earlier than you wanted them.

        Only thing I could suggest is setting up a few Player led events to go places..Isles and dungeons....which could still lead to SS's, but at least your going with a team.

        Bah *looks up, realising how slow he is*

        Talan Va'lash

        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #4 on: December 05, 2006, 02:41:03 am »
        my philosophy is just to do whatever and RP with people and if I end up getting XP then I get xp, if I don't, then I don't.

        Often this ends up with me not getting xp even when I could have done something that would have gotten me xp because I was having too much fun doing something else heh


        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #5 on: December 05, 2006, 02:46:18 am »
        I am with TV on this one. I remember RP a parade in Hlint roadwalk with Alleina and the Hillername sisters. We had a DM on briefly and that was fun. The constant grinding becomes a tad boring after a while (without RP). Build your journal by talking to people, Making up events. Layonara is after all a RP server...action comes as part of it.

        I look at The Great Wall as a good thing...because it gives you plenty of opportunity to build your character for CDQs WLs etc.



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        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #6 on: December 05, 2006, 03:16:06 am »
        Count me in as long as their is atleast SOME rp :)

        Pen N Popper

        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #7 on: December 05, 2006, 04:21:42 am »
        AbnerMojo -- If you can't make many GM quests, you are in a world of hurt.  I used to logon to central and just wait and hope someone would come on since I'm a terrible solo'er.  Very, very boring.

        Also, you've only been playing Uilliam for just under two months and are already 10th level.  Seems like you're doing alright.


        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #8 on: December 05, 2006, 04:27:12 am »
        PnP .... Bring back BumbleBee!! He was the most interesting character I  know at your level. You were always there but could never be seen. even without that HIPS for SD. love the newspaper too.

        And as a brownie you did great in groups

        Pen N Popper

        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #9 on: December 05, 2006, 04:36:29 am »
        I quit Bumblebee because at level 10 he wasn't going to gain any more levels without grinding.  Hopefully AbnerMojo finds a way around that pitfall.


        RE: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #10 on: December 05, 2006, 05:47:37 am »
        I remember the wall for my character. I remember thinking that it was taking a loooong time to get anywhere. And then I pretty much stopped worrying about the levels and just had some fun, got involved with things and before I knew it, the wall was behind me.
          Levels are nice, but if you focus too much on them, you'll just be disappointed.


        RE: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #11 on: December 05, 2006, 06:04:06 am »
        Well, I've got three characters ranging between Levels 10-13 at the moment, so if you see any of them in person feel free to bug them a bit and tag along.

        Of course, if you go with Melanna (Fighter/Weapon Master 12), be prepared to deal with her general grumpiness and dislike of most people. (She already knows Uilliam, and thinks enough of him that in most cases she doesn't mind his company even though she may not let on to that fact).

        If you go anywhere with Lyle (Bard 10), be prepared to deal with his somewhat boisterous personality and country accent, the occasional silly-song, and his 'preaching' about Prunilla.  Also remember that Lyle is not good for combat directly and is more of a support character at his current level.

        If you go anywhere with Treana (Fighter 13), well, be prepared for her almost youthful zeal occassionally mixed with a bout of sadness, and her belief in Toran.

        I'm usually available to go on a trip someplace so long as I'm not right in the middle of something else, and my character has sufficient RP reason to want to go.


        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #12 on: December 05, 2006, 06:14:07 am »
        Well Sheree/Shri's only level 7 But her ECL makes it just as hard as if she was a nine or ten level character (of course she has the potential to be just as good as one too).

        Of course I'd be willing to give Rhynn a break and sign onto another character to rp with you. Remember though Shri's a Drow and that may lead to some frustrating or interesting times!



        RE: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #13 on: December 05, 2006, 09:41:21 am »
        AbnerMojo - 12/5/2006 5:17 AM I've just recently got in a major part of a level grind. And I just have come to a complete stagnation here XP wise. I'm trying to do things to stay busy in game, but you can only craft so much, help people out so much, gather CNR so much. I'm trying to get parties to go to Dreger so I can at least get better XP. But not very many people near my level are on, or are available to help when I am. And it is very hard, impossible for my character to do it alone. Also I haven't had the chance to make any of the scheduled quest my character can be a part of recently due to time. I'm basically just bored to tears at this point, and wondering how to get out of this? I mean does anyone know a good way to get over when this happens?
         What are you doing tonight, Uilliam? Are you EST? Key needs about 107,000xp to level, and I'd be glad to go around Central with you.


        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #14 on: December 05, 2006, 09:50:35 am »
        Im coming with you guys (as Shri). We can talk in game though ;)


        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #15 on: December 05, 2006, 09:54:08 am »
        LynnJuniper - 12/5/2006 12:50 PM Im coming with you guys (as Shri). We can talk in game though ;)
         Give me a time, Rhynn-o. I'm out of class at 9pm EST, and should be back home by 930est.


        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #16 on: December 05, 2006, 10:02:49 am »
        That works.


        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #17 on: December 05, 2006, 10:17:16 am »
        If you have room for another, I'd love to head off with the group.


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        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #18 on: December 05, 2006, 01:53:23 pm »
        I'm going to have to side with TV here.  I've been a member of the Layo community for around two years now, I've got three characters, and the highest level among them is 9.  When I first started I was worried about nothing else but leveling.  That coupled with my extremely bad RP skill at the time caused this fiasco; the first words out of my first character's mouth were "Hi, do you know a good place to fight around here?  I need to level up."  Granted, it took me a few tweaks to find a character that I just absolutely love playing, but once i found Minugi, I don't worry about leveling at all.  Now, I'll be the first to admit that if I get xp I'm not going to complain, I mean who wouldn't want to be among the greats of this community.  However, and anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, Layonara is a RP based server.  That's why the xp requirements per level are so large.  The world was created that way so that we wouldn't have hundreds of lvl 40's running around.  My advice to you is to find a character (and perhaps you already have) that you absolutely love to RP.  From there just have fun with it.  Like Dorg said, enjoy the ride and soon you'll be there.  If you stare at the peak of the mountain while you climb it will take forever to reach, but if you look around at all of the beauty of the people and world around you while you climb, you'll be there in no time.  ;)


        Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
        « Reply #19 on: December 05, 2006, 05:21:23 pm »
        Hey Dorgy,

        I remember the wall for my character.  I remember thinking that it was taking a loooong time to get anywhere.  And then I pretty much stopped worrying about the levels and just had some fun, got involved with things and before I knew it, the wall was behind me.

        Levels are nice, but if you focus too much on them, you'll just be disappointed.

        Is there any way that you can hide that XP value so that people don't have to worry about it? :P

        Seriously, I admittedly look at my level from time to time and I plan what I am going to choose for my characters, the feats etc, but I focus in on the RP and  live with the level that i am at in the game.

