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Author Topic: Time  (Read 117 times)


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« on: October 04, 2005, 06:16:00 pm »
now... ive read that;

4 rl min = 1 hour in game

so inless i missed my numbers somewhere that means;

1h36min RL = 1 day game time
28h RL = 1 week game time
112h or 4day & 16h RL = 1 month game time

Is this correct?


RE: Time
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2005, 08:10:00 pm »
Which means human characters should last what? Four... maybe five months?

Talan Va'lash

RE: Time
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2005, 08:52:00 pm »
Doc-Holiday - 10/4/2005  9:10 PM

Which means human characters should last what? Four... maybe five months?

um... no... 5 months RL would be approx 35 months IG.  about 3 years.  Humans tend to live longer than that.  Unless they get killed.

I figure the 1/7 ratio is close enough (since 1 week IG is 28 hours RL, which is close enough to 24.)  

But time is flexible.  Time on a certain quest may go more slowly if it is spread out over many weeks due to RL scheduling issues, since IC the quests should be much closer to each other in time.

I also rule that whenever i'm having a long conversation with someone or doing some rp event that should last like... 3-4 hours IC, but also takes 3-4 hours RL time, that only 3-4 hours have passed.  Because it doesnt make sense for your characters to have a 4 hour chat and come out a day later.

But when traveling you might want to speed up time so it makes sense.  Like, I think you could probably run from hlint to arabel in 6-7 hours IG time (about 20-25 min rl.)  But IC it takes a LOT longer.  Like a couple days at least.  Especially with the boat rides that dont take any time in the game mechanics.

Basically, on a small scale, time is flexible.  make it whatever fits the circumstances.

On a large scale, its about 1/7.  I reference the timeline to figure out how many years its been since X event.



RE: Time
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2005, 08:10:00 am »
hmm... two years... wow... I should think harder sometimes