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Author Topic: Orcs, Arrows, and Run for your Lives!  (Read 460 times)


Re: Orcs, Arrows, and Run for your Lives!
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2007, 08:59:35 pm »
Talan Va'lash - 3/3/2007  8:16 PM

Ioskeha - 3/3/2007  11:31 AM

This is way I left.  The so called "leaders" wern't listening to anything anyone was saying but a select few.  I would have left the quest a lot sooner then my PC did, but I didn't have a good enough role-playing reason to.  There were a few times I just went AFK during the quest, because I knew that it didn't matter if I knew what was going on or not.  My PC would just be ignored.

Thats how the chain of command works!

In an Army, yes.  Last I checked my PC did not join an Army.  Nor was one sent out from Dalanthar.  Aid was called and Adventurers answered.  There is a big difference between the two.


Re: Orcs, Arrows, and Run for your Lives!
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2007, 09:17:45 pm »
stragen - 3/3/2007 4:41 PM I take your feedback seriously, and if one of my characters is ever in the position of leader again I will try to do a better job. I understand that some of you were not having fun either because you 1) didn't know what was going on or 2) had great ideas that appeared to be ignored. If this happened to you then it was my character's (and players) fault.
 I agree with Ioskeha that several people weren't heard or at least not listened to.More than once, I saw some people try to get a word in, but this wasn't Jin's or the player’s fault.I recommend that when a person suggests something, if nothing else, at least a head nod or some kind of acknowledgement to the input.
  Also, that everything seems so rushed.Not taking enough time to make sure everyone knows what is going on and what their assignment is or will be. Jin had asked the rangers to go scout the area. Great job! So my pc was off looking for tracks for a bit. In doing so, my PC missed a lot of what was planned. Which in reality, the plan should incorporate the scouts report, not…send out scouts, plan, start moving, the scout return but not listened to, execute plan that was made without all the information. The plans shouldn’t be finalized until after all the reports are in. So, in the end, she just hung to the back and attacked when something attacked the group. Hard to lead a group that is rushing. Harder to lead a group that is weeding you out of your spot instead of feeding you ideas. I think this has been a great post that we can all learn from. I don’t think anyone has been put down. Also I think a team succeeds together or fails together. Hopefully the next quest will go much smoother and without the lost of any Soul Strands. ;)