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Author Topic: Casting against one's will.  (Read 366 times)


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Re: Casting against one's will.
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2006, 12:44:02 am »
ThrainSil - 4/11/2006  11:18 PM

A side question regarding duels, but can you cast spells when engaged in melee combat?  I thought being hit while casting disrupted spells. seems hard to say hocus pocus while a sword is entering your side. Im not realy sure how the "concentration feat" works but I assumed if you got hit it dirupted the spell.QUOTE]

Well first you have to understand ho HP works. A cut across the through kills anyone. a sword in the heart as well. when you lose HP, and when you are "hit" its more along the lines of getting scratched or a cut. HP is more along the lines of an endurence, or stamina. When you run out of energy you fall down, and then you start actually bleeding out. When someone is "near death" its more along the lines that there very tired and have little energy left. That is why a barbarin who lives in the wilds has alot of HP while a wizard taht does little and lives in a tower has little energy.

Now as for consentration. It is a skill, the DC has to do with the damage delt, but if your attacking my while i cast i have to make a test, if i fail the concentration i lose the spell, if i pass the test the spell will go off fine. Alot of times that DC can be crazy high anyways so its hard to cast anyways.


Re: Casting against one's will.
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2006, 02:43:57 am »
Acacea - 4/12/2006  5:32 AM
Something very different from IC messing around is the casting of offensive magic in town, which is often really just silly. A fireball doesn't hurt anyone when cast at them in Hlint. I'm not sure that is a good enough reason to set the place on fire. Er...well. I guess I could think of a lot of reasons to set the place on fire, but that's not what I was talking about. ;)

People sometimes go crazy with those sorts of spells in town, that are considerably more aggressive than a quick heal when someone is bleeding, or a haste to someone running by. The latter examples are pretty easy to respond to if you don't limit yourself to just "thrashing" them.

Completely agree on this point.

Casting fireballs in Hlint is definitively a no-no!

Maybe a (IC) punichable offense (trial)?

And, as for healing everyone that's bleeding... Well, my character does that a lot, but if asked to stop, she stops. So, the ones who want it, get it and the ones who don't want it, don't get it. Simple solution! ;)


Re: Casting against one's will.
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2006, 05:16:24 am »
If only you could pull out a dagger and re-stab the areas on yourself that they just healed.  That'd teach em!


Re: Casting against one's will.
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2006, 06:19:27 am »
lonnarin, a new item, The Dagger of Self-hurting...  :)

Use it to deal 1d4 damage to yourself.

It would be a great little piece for the samurais and honorable folk - commit a dishonor, get caught, commit seppuko.

Wait... even better, The Crack Suicide Squad of the Mistonian People's Front!


Re: Casting against one's will.
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2006, 06:25:03 am »
Suicide squads!!!  Sweet!  Can Cole join?  *snickers*


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Re: Casting against one's will.
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2006, 08:31:34 am »
I should make it clear that I did use a Dicebag...thus I typed in after rolling a 6, "plink, as the rock hits wood." My first roll was really a 15 but for some reason my Dicebag keeps reverting back to Private mode for which I then have to change the setting again, but I went with the roll that was broadcasted.  Now, I probably didn't specify the size of rock after the first time but Grympint was pulling them off the road and, common sense says, you don't throw a huge rock to get somebodies' attention. Well, unless you aim to really get their attention.  Anyway, just to make this clear, I'm not upset...Grympint would be. I wrote this topic not just into the insight of what may have happened with Grympint but the reason I wanted DM's to respond is because I was wondering if they would think it were above them or just too much to play the law during disputes? Would they rather not deal with such issues in a RP game? (I.E.: Do I even want to bother with them) As for dueling and this issue, I recall that Mith asked Grympint out of Hlint, however, Vorax didn't raise stupid followers and Grympint, if he felt he had to deal with this issue, would fight his own war...hopefully with lots of Vorax followers at his back.   :)
  Freldo, what the heck is it that you're smoking? Heeh.


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    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #26 on: April 12, 2006, 08:36:46 am »
    miltonyorkcastle - 4/12/2006  3:25 PM

    Suicide squads!!!  Sweet!  Can Cole join?  *snickers*

    *snickers* you will have to ask Storold - he is in charge of training *grins and hides*


    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #27 on: April 12, 2006, 08:41:10 am »
    "....I wrote this topic not just into the insight of what may have happened with Grympint but the reason I wanted DM's to respond is because I was wondering if they would think it were above them or just too much to play the law during disputes? Would they rather not deal with such issues in a RP game?...."

    First off let me give you a suggestion. :) Don't type in argumentive or flaming comments in a response if you want a topic to stay civlized and on topic "above them" is quite offensive on many levels.


    No, it is not 'above' us. But we do have RL and we are not in the game all of the time. I am disappointed that you want to frame this as an attack like that. Perhaps that is why the DM's are staying away from this topic, as in--it can't go anywhere good?

    And if somebody is griefing you then report the incident to a GM or in the disputes forum, but don't come up here with a fishline and hook trying to reel people in like that comment is doing.

    With all of that said, we can't be everywhere at every time that somebody needs/wants us--it is impossible. Two, players need to be responsible as well (and as above griefing is not acceptable). Three, this to me sounds like an RP thing and not necisarrily a problem at all--but it is something you need to decide on since it is your character.


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    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #28 on: April 12, 2006, 08:54:08 am »
    SuperMunch - 4/12/2006  6:19 AM

    lonnarin, a new item, The Dagger of Self-hurting...  :)

    Use it to deal 1d4 damage to yourself.

    It would be a great little piece for the samurais and honorable folk - commit a dishonor, get caught, commit seppuko.

    Wait... even better, The Crack Suicide Squad of the Mistonian People's Front!

    Lol... we actually have something like this..


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    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #29 on: April 12, 2006, 09:32:35 am »
    Didn't mean the wording as an attack, hook, or flame.

    When I said, if it's above them, I'm thinking that maybe they don't have time for dealing with these issues. Then again there are more then one DM, and yeah, maybe some think it's above them and have other things they need to deal with (you never know...but I wouldn't blame them and I wish people wouldn't read or pick into what I'm saying and make accusations for which I had no intentions...there is more written then just that ---and I'm not trying to be rude about it but explain myself). I don't want to bother DMs, as I've stated, if they rather have players solve these issues. I thought this, the Forum, was where you asked these sorts of questions.

    If there is a question as to why I made the statements in Bold, it's because I thought it was important and the main thought to why I posted in the first place. This wasn't about my character only, but I was hoping it would give answers to any disputes and how to deal with them.

    This is the second time I tried to post something without the intent of be rude and meaning to be innocuous, but it seems I just can't get away from being accused of such.

    Everything you stated about RL issues isn't anything new to me. Then I realize there are in game issues like quests and playing their own characters. I don't see how anybody thinks it's a flame to ask if DM's would rather not deal with other people's RP issues when they are dealing with their own. I don't know the level of DM involvement to that issue and simply asked. I also don't know what may be parceled for various DMs to do.

    People keep telling me that this is a heavy RP world and I don't know if they play the law at times; although, I've noticed DMs doing it quite frequently on other sites.

    Well, take it for what you want...I can't make people understand me...I just type and hope I get a positive response without offending peeps.


    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #30 on: April 12, 2006, 09:34:30 am »
    Wintersheart - 4/12/2006  5:36 PM

    miltonyorkcastle - 4/12/2006  3:25 PM

    Suicide squads!!!  Sweet!  Can Cole join?  *snickers*

    *snickers* you will have to ask Storold - he is in charge of training *grins and hides*

    You haven't meet Storold lately. Matilda made him stop dying... ;)


    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #31 on: April 12, 2006, 09:58:44 am »
    the trick, is, Icurus, that if any one DM answers yes to your green text, a stupid long argument/discussion will ensue over why they wouldn't want to/have the time to deal with said RP issues.  If any one DM says no, they don't mind, and do enforce such and such, then another long and painful disertation regarding staying in character, policing, and the list goes on.  And in both situations, the DM's will take the heat.

    So, while your intentions may have been "innocent," you put the DM's in a very sticky situation with that question.  Not saying you did anything "wrong" or anything either, just pointing out that the question you posed was going to cause nothing but a royal pain in the keester should one of the DM's have directly answered it.


    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #32 on: April 12, 2006, 10:11:40 am »
    Icurus, I don't smoke but I am know to overindulge.  Right now I'm in my 20 degree C office thinking that I shouldn't have had a second helping of feijoada...  oooohhhh.... need antacid.

    The suicide squad is from Monty Python's The Life of Brian, one of the greatest comedy ever made along with Monty Python's Holy Grail.  :)


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    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #33 on: April 12, 2006, 10:11:52 am »
    I was just looking for an answer like, "yeah, some of us wouldn't mind," or "we have other issues to deal with and maybe you'll be able to get a DM to help but don't count on it," or even, "no we don't get involved with those issues."

    I've tried getting DM help before (and I'm not saying I was Grieved because frankly I'm pretty relaxed to the idea this is JUST a Game...and I'm an old fart compared to some, maybe another reason I don't get all bent over...though I may play my character as such), but never get responses, so I figured they were just too busy, weren't on, or rather didn't want to get involved.

    They have the right, so I don't blame them if the later was true. Just wondered and maybe trying to simplify the whole issue. Oh well, I suppose I got my answer anyway.

    Doh, Freldo, and I'm even wearing my Monty Python Shirt at the could I not know?


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    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #34 on: April 12, 2006, 04:37:16 pm »
    All this is just valid RP IMO. To Quote from the Voraxian Dogma....

    "They have a great mistrust of arcane magics, and as a result generally do not mix well with wizards and other arcane spell-casters. Above all, the clerics of Vorax abhor dishonorable and deceitful tricksters"

    BUT on the other hand an excert from Lucindas Dogma.....

    "Promote The Weave in all its forms and guises, for those who touch The Weave touch upon me."

    And as for some just healing people willy nilly I supply this reminder .....
    " Preserve and protect life "

    And need I say more as to why DM's wouldn't bother to get involved in this discussion? They are all going yes yes everyone seems to be taking there dogmas seriously and RPing accordingly well done. IMO this topic shouldn't have become an occ debate.


    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #35 on: April 12, 2006, 06:50:39 pm »
    Interesting that offence is taken when a divine spell is cast and not an arcane spell....

    You also have to take into consideration other characters personalities.

    For example, Pendar can rub people up the wrong way (eg when he summoned that skeleton in the party, another divine spell I must add).  He can be a little abrasive (Chr 10) and most people who get to know him over time like him (I hope!).  I hope no-one will ever take his actions too personally!  (New character says "Can I ask you a question?" Pendars Response "Yes", New character asks another question, Pendars response " I have already answered your question, what is this, another one?"  An hour or so later Pender is still helping the new character :p

    In some ways, clerics of most faiths shouldn't run around healing everyone anyway (I must confess to doing this as well…but am trying to kick the habit!) simply because of the “God” relationship discussed in your other post.  Some characters would have the “I must heal the world!” bug but others would think “What is in it for me?” or “Nah, I can’t be bothered”.

    Having so many Gods leads to conflicts, part of the fun really.  Pendar would always argue that it is not who grants what, but the knowledge is the most important element and that it should be preserved (and used!).


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    Re: Casting against one's will.
    « Reply #36 on: April 12, 2006, 10:27:09 pm »
    But that's the interesting and fun thing about running a Cleric, preaching Dogma that puts off others. It happens in RL.

    As for the healing thing, Scotcar, I totally agree; however, I do find myself healing those in town, if they don't mind Vorax blessing, and sometime I would do it because it's undignified to bleed in the streets, unless you're in stocks or something.  :)

