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Author Topic: Character attitudes towards each other  (Read 949 times)


Re: Character attitudes towards each other
« Reply #40 on: November 02, 2006, 02:17:12 pm »
((The best evil people in Layo are the ones that don't do stupid things in public. The ones that are smart about it.

The ones that complain all the time here on the forums are the ones that are...

Casting undead around others.

Prasing an Evil gods in public

Wearing all black, and hooded (say! that must be an Aeridinite!!!)

Being an a$$ to everyone (though for some that's more a personal problem than their character I think)

Then ya cry foul when people put 2 and 2 together?))

I'm extremely proud of all the corathites I've RPed with except one.  I believe we are descrete and the only time we tend to summon ugly things is when we feel relatively confident with our party or wish to announce our allegience.

Don't get me wrong, eventually our aim is to proclaim our dark path and live a life of seclusion.  But back to my original post I'm talking about people's reaction before they've seen/know a thing.  If they can put 2 & 2 together at that time, then they've got flawless die rolls of 20's on all their skill checks.  

Anyway I truly believe we all metagame to an extent.  We all know where mini-quests are, points of interest, CNR's, monsters, etc.  We may RP some of them but generally I've never met a person that RP's it all from the word go, unless they're brand new to the world.  I'll freely admit that at times I'm a culprit to this type of metagaming but I find it generally harmless and not overpowering.
Metaqgamin only becomes a problem when you work hard to achieve something in the game, and people use OOC methods to thwart or ruin many hours of hard work with a stupid comment or action.  It only takes an OOC comment to start a snow ball effect and it's all too late.  You can't really say to everyone, "Ahh, please ignore his/her comment, it was made OOC///", I know cause I've had to do that in the past.

So exactly what Vyris stated, there is a fine line here and we need to try and balance it as best as possible.



Re: Character attitudes towards each other
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2006, 03:14:41 pm »
Alright, alright! I'll admit it! I am a metagamer!

Yes, indeed. I stumble around with new characters when walking through Hlint and pretend to be "lost" in the town, but my characters all conveniently make their way to the quest NPCs.

I tend to agree with Polak most of the way. The looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has the word duck written all over it thin, would definatly work if these were ducks. As it is, Nethro was not the best RPed Corathite. Even Chanda and Tath slipped up at times (I will no longer be playing him so I have no fear of saying that). We did silly things like summoning a ten foot demon in Hlint or taunting a dwarf in town (one of my stupider moments early in Tath's career). Both of those instances were metagaming on our part (because no one could do anything about it) and we deserved whatever backlash we got from the players (be it OOC or IC).

In the world of Layonara, suspicions run especially high right now. The world is in disarray after all these evil guys did their doo doo in on our land. So yeah, guy summons undead, go ahead - can him. Proclaims his alleigence to the dark lord - can him. Talks about relishing the death of others and harvesting their souls. Back away slowly, set phaser for stun, and take him down. But people go around looking creepy in black, keep suspicions to yourself unless your character is just that paranoid. No one begins a sentence with Ozy (and glowy red staff) by saying, "EVIL!" (Not that I know of anyway.)

Be kind, please rewind. And look over what you've done and said in the past. If you're "evil" and you had the acusation that you are coming for a while, accept it when it comes. If you unjustly accused someone, apologise, move on, and learn from it.

Cheers and hugs all around!


Re: Character attitudes towards each other
« Reply #42 on: November 02, 2006, 04:01:09 pm »
Heh well saying "the only ones that complain on the forums do x" is kind of a blanket generalization in the same not quite accurate sense that "us Corathites are never obvious!" Both are not really true, you see exceptions both good and bad either way even from the loudest on either side. I only brought up the examples of my encounters with the same Corathites that have the Corath emblem on the shield and wish the dark lord to take my soul then complaining of metagaming, to say "easy on the blanket accusations" because it happens to everybody, no matter what side your character is on, they're going to do something to get caught and it might not be just a slipup.

It's just much more devastating when you are an evil character or one in involved with very sensitive and shady information. Then it's not just some minor irritation that you whine about on IRC or something, but something that is essentially ruining a HUGE amount of time and love put into crafting something. When it's something that "never should have happened," it just puts a really bitter taste in your mouth because as mentioned, you can't really "undo" it.

So yeah I think saying basically that "All the whiners are responsible anyway" is a little harsh because people do metagame it all the time. Just make sure that's really what it is. It's also not as fun for the people MAKING an honest discovery, when it's already been metagamed to pieces. :) Acacea discovered several things about the temple, but it wasn't really as fun as it might have been if anyone had bothered pretending it were a secret in the first place. What's the fun in unveiling something no one let be hidden? hehe


Re: Character attitudes towards each other
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2006, 04:37:36 pm »
((Heh well saying "the only ones that complain on the forums do x" is kind of a blanket generalization in the same not quite accurate sense that "us Corathites are never obvious!" Both are not really true, you see exceptions both good and bad either way even from the loudest on either side. I only brought up the examples of my encounters with the same Corathites that have the Corath emblem on the shield and wish the dark lord to take my soul then complaining of metagaming, to say "easy on the blanket accusations" because it happens to everybody, no matter what side your character is on, they're going to do something to get caught and it might not be just a slipup. ))  

hehe..I was about to ask you which corathites walked around with the emblem displayed on their shields so i could have a word to them but that would be metagaming!  Bugger, i can be a hard thing to ignore but thats whats gotta be done.  ANyway if these Corathites (none that I've seen) are doing this and complaining then they are definately in the wrong and confirm G452's comment prior.

We had a rule in the temple that if youre caught out you are punished.  Discretion was the key to success.  I guess we're not around much these days to keep an eye on things.  
Oh well on the other hand thats what it's like to be a Corathite.  It's corrupt enough within ranks as well as outside.  Quite volatile but exciting.