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Author Topic: Character dev  (Read 280 times)


Character dev
« on: May 05, 2006, 02:51:36 pm »
Just a quick question.  I am falling in love with Layonara and its community, and I recently stumbled along the character development forums. I am assuming after reading a few threads that this is made as a journal of sorts, a place where characters log things they did everyday. With that said I was wondering if it would be opportunistic to post here often for if the need arizes somewhere down the road I can prove something, or if this is more a fun way of a player keeping up with his characters past, or if its a place that GM's etc, often look to see if players are active and RP heavy or whatnot .. anywho thanks for the future replies.


RE: Character dev
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2006, 03:10:10 pm »
Character development threads are for just that... character development. What goes into each varies with the writer and the character. For some it's a laundry list of kills for the day, for others it's a peek into the inner most thoughs of the character, for still others a mix of both.
  A Character Development thread will be a necessity for the movement into several of the prestige classes, as it shows the character's motives for going in that direction (or it should)
  A good Character Development thread, kept updated regularly will also help those thinking of applying for Epic levels, rather than trying to cram one together at the last minute to show your proposed epic character's epicness.
  For those with a creative flair it's a great and fun way to flesh out a character
  Keep in mind though ... do not abuse the fact the this is journalistic. Boasting about exploits not done in game or things that if done in game would have resulted in serious consequences should not be done. GM's simply do not have the time to read everyones journals. As a GM I do read those of characters that catch my eye, or randomly go thru them on a slow day.


RE: Character dev
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2006, 03:14:10 pm »
my character has a book with him all the time i use "extracts" as it were, i have it linked in my sig if you want to look


RE: Character dev
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2006, 11:33:11 pm »
One very important thing to remember about other's character threads is that it is totally OOC knowledge to your own character.
  So while it is fine to read them, you cannot act or RP about knowledge gained by reading a character thread. As you character would actually not know about it.


RE: Character dev
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2006, 12:36:30 am »
As a GM I try (try mind) and take the time to read development threads as and when, but particularly those signed up for games, so if appropriate some of that stuff can be built in to games.


RE: Character dev
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2006, 03:38:42 am »
Roger guys, and thanks for the replies, I now know this is something I must pursue, and will. Anyway ....peace!

