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Author Topic: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts  (Read 2315 times)


Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
« Reply #80 on: July 21, 2006, 10:50:17 am »



Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
« Reply #81 on: July 21, 2006, 11:57:22 am »
1 - Complete Wipe
2 - Next "age" - 1000 years or so after NWN1 version
3 - All characters allowed to play decendents of their or another's prev. characters except WLDQ PCs
4 - To play decendents of WLDQ will require a special layer to bio of character submission
5 - #4 so that no character will start off with "exceptional status" via name
6 - WLDQ elves like Rev and Ozy and long-lived dwarves (Kobal) get to be NPCS if they live past NWN1
7 - Cities/towns/trees/etc... in name of WLDQ characters where appropriate



Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
« Reply #82 on: July 21, 2006, 12:50:21 pm »
**glances up at Shadowblade's post**  I'm down with that.


Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
« Reply #83 on: July 21, 2006, 12:53:39 pm »
Layonara is a wonderful invention. I'm sure all of you can pretty well agree with that. The characters you have developed have blossomed and come quite far. Remember all the fun you had, though, in developing them? The emotions you ran them through, the mindsets you gave them? Remember how, at level eight, your character first began to learn a craft, first felled a group of giants, first travelled into the dungeon in the hills, etc? Good. You shouldn't forget about that. Those were some good times.

Why let that character's memory die off? Those epic characters, or those characters who have influenced the world around them greatly with outrageous acts of heroism or intellectualism will be remembered, even if the campaign begins five hundred or six hundred years into the future. Bloodstone might be a vague memory of the past, as is so often the case in the ways of humans, or perhaps the idea of such a terrible power becoming true is very evident in the minds of everyone these days. Whether or not Bloodstone is still almighty and wonderful, the fact remains that the epic characters who fought him will still probably be remembered for all those daring feats they performed.

A group of settlements in western Dregar have banded together under a charter of rights and laws known as "The Words of Reventage". A college has been opened four miles out of Hlint, known as "The Royal Llewellyn (Or whatever Ozy's last name is :P) Institution for the Musically Inclined". There is a pie that all halflings seem to learn to make for one reason or another, known as "Triba Gues Pumpkin Blueberry Jamboree Deep Dish Wonderpie". The bows of the Va'lashes are revered artifacts on magical display deep in the woods, in the middle of an unbelievably prosperous elven community, made that way because of the wisdom of the elven couple.

Their descendents may not be granted any special powers, but surely they are at least partly honoured, or mayhaps pitied for the giant roles with which they are expected to live up to. Perhaps there have been other descendants before them, and indeed, there likely are. These descendents have either lived up to the name and made a name for themselves, or they came short. Will the same happen for your characters?

This is just a suggestion. It is pretty much in line with everything Acacea has said thus far.


- Everybody starts at level 1. Nice and fair, there are no special abilities, no wondrous anything.
- The people who have put so much into Layonara are able to brag about their old characters some more while RPing whatever other character they are (The apprentice of the great granddaughter of Ozy, perhaps) and thus have the fun of developing a new character while never forgetting about the old character. "As my ancestor Kobal said, Never trust a beardless dwarf."
- Everybody wins, I think, except for the few people who will want genuine physical reimbursement for all the work they put into their characters, before realizing that this is, in fact, a role-playing server. Your reward should be extra role-play benefits. :)
- Layonara continues to flourish, expand, and become even more wonderous. Huzzah!


- Anyone? :)


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Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
« Reply #84 on: July 24, 2006, 01:57:49 pm »
I'd have to say I like option 1.  The reason for this is that having any characters starting, potentially, well ahead of others creates an immediate status to that character.  This may be wanted or unwanted.  The issue I see is that these upper level characters could immediately, or nearly immediately start flooding the market with items, acquiring wealth beyond that of other characters abilities and thus acquire prime real estate and such which could bring on much frustration to many people.  I know this may sound a bit selfish, but I already have a very strong tailor in Layonara and I would hate to lose all the many hours invested to get where he is, but should that happen, so be it.  As long as it is fair with everyone else.  

I also think that it could potentially create better relationships by starting out as equals and not have immediate "leaders" based on sheer power that comes inherent with levels.  

Regardless of what happens, I do look forward to being a part of the community.

**After reading the last several posts, I have to agree with all of the comments.  The ideas of implementing monuments, buildings, something after the world leaders would be awesome.  And they do well deserve that.


RE: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
« Reply #85 on: September 11, 2006, 10:29:30 am »
the whole future idea sounds good, because we can speed up the "dark ages".
maybe we could put in a bit of history inbetween, have a new arch-villain, make a piece of the story that couldn't be played for practical reasons.


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    Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
    « Reply #86 on: September 12, 2006, 02:58:23 am »
    Shadowblade225 - 7/21/2006  8:57 AM

    1 - Complete Wipe
    2 - Next "age" - 1000 years or so after NWN1 version
    3 - All characters allowed to play decendents of their or another's prev. characters except WLDQ PCs
    4 - To play decendents of WLDQ will require a special layer to bio of character submission
    5 - #4 so that no character will start off with "exceptional status" via name
    6 - WLDQ elves like Rev and Ozy and long-lived dwarves (Kobal) get to be NPCS if they live past NWN1
    7 - Cities/towns/trees/etc... in name of WLDQ characters where appropriate

    Now I have been away along time and just peeked by at times.. Though I am very eager to see layonara in NWN 2 nad trust me I'll be here.. And reading the suggestions in this post, there is alot of nice ideas going, but what shadowblade said here is my "vote" ;)


    Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
    « Reply #87 on: September 12, 2006, 04:21:27 am »
    Im for 4 and then 1 thats it for me (nice and short)


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      Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
      « Reply #88 on: September 14, 2006, 11:30:11 am »
      yeah definitely option 4.  set things far enough into the future to enable the option of drastic changes to politics, geography, economics, etc. and allow individuals with influential characters the option of being involved at some level to any changes in timeline/geopolitics that their characters would have affected.


      Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
      « Reply #89 on: September 14, 2006, 01:56:36 pm »
      I still say mix three and four.
      Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


      Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
      « Reply #90 on: September 14, 2006, 02:02:12 pm »
      Mix of 1, 3 and 4 (like Marswipp). Full wipe where players will be allowed to either play decendants of their old characters or new ones and have WL PC decendants require a special layer to their bio. (Sort of like a Paladin. Acknowledging that their characters won't have a ton of special knowledge or "connections" or powers or anything like that.) Still, it has yet to be decided whether we'll go to NwN2 or simply start a new Campaign with NwN, and if we go the route of the latter, will there still be a wipe. Meh, let's get the first figured out... umm... first.  :)


      Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
      « Reply #91 on: September 15, 2006, 05:46:36 am »
      Can I ask as Ozy, is 1000s of years old and has been around for ever, could he not live throw the 1000 years and be in Layo NWN2 just as he is now but older a even more crochaty and grumpy.

      You know he reminds me of Marvin the Andarod out of The hich Hickers giuld to the galixy

      "Life! dont talk to me about life"


      Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
      « Reply #92 on: September 17, 2006, 09:21:16 am »
      I don't play on layonara to be an all mighty powerful character. I play here because of Layonara and the people I have met. I keep coming back because of the Layonara community, the RP, and the DM dedication to the community. I am all for a character wipe. I don't care if I have a level 15-20 pc right now.

      I might be for keeping your back ground and history of a PC, or even the name with a new background and history. However we all need to start fresh and at level 1.


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        RE: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
        « Reply #93 on: September 19, 2006, 12:53:46 pm »
        Lalaith Va'lash - 7/8/2006  8:20 PM    And do we know anything about its capabilities with Mac and Linux yet?  I for one am all for Layo one lasting a bit longer- before Layo2 and NwN2 come along.
         NwN2 won't be available for either (though the server may be available for Linux, I didn't check on that).  The only way to play it on a Mac will be to Boot Camp into Windows, if you have an Intel.  And even then it won't run on a Mac Mini, MacBook or low end iMac-- you will need at least a 128mb video card, not shared video memory.  It's too bad because a lot of us OSX users are going to be left in the cold when all the servers and players switch over...


        Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
        « Reply #94 on: September 19, 2006, 01:56:38 pm »
        I play half my time on a mac. it is too bad that it wont be supported in NWN2. even running boot camp or paralles there will be a performance hit :(

        As for how it should go I am with shadowblade225 all the way. that list seems like the way to go, clean start for all.


        Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
        « Reply #95 on: September 19, 2006, 02:05:25 pm »
        Shadowblade225 - 7/21/2006  8:57 PM  
        1 - Complete Wipe
        2 - Next "age" - 1000 years or so after NWN1 version
        3 - All characters allowed to play decendents of their or another's prev. characters except WLDQ PCs
        4 - To play decendents of WLDQ will require a special layer to bio of character submission  
        5 - #4 so that no character will start off with "exceptional status" via name
        6 - WLDQ elves like Rev and Ozy and long-lived dwarves (Kobal) get to be NPCS if they live past NWN1 7 - Cities/towns/trees/etc... in name of WLDQ characters where appropriate  

        sounds good to me to.



        Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
        « Reply #96 on: September 19, 2006, 04:27:44 pm »
        I know that we're all excited about the imminate release of NWN2 but you know to be honest I have mixed thoughts about the possibility of changing over to NWN2.  

        On the one hand there has been so much customisation done in Layo, that will have to be redone if it can be redone at all.  I keep hearing rumours that NWN2 will not be able to handle as much as the original but whether that is true or not, I just don't know.  Even if we do change it will probably be a long time until we get back to the level we're at now.  It doesn't seem that it will support MAC or Linux, something which will affect a significant proportion of the NWN communty as well as certain people in Layonara as well.

        On the other hand there will be better graphics, although that doesn't really concern me as much and in fact it may cause a problem with people who don't have good graphics cards or less powerful systems.  However one thing that does excite me about the new game is the changes to skills, feats and classes, I'm not talking about PRC classes but the orginal core classes.  For example the changes to the bard song and the change that allows druids to sacrifice spells for summons in the same way that clerics can for healing, as well as many other probable changes.  I still wonder how they are going to implement 'tumble' for instance will it be automatic as it is now, or will you actually be able to tumble?  Have to wait and see I suppose.  I expect that there will be new crafting skills as well, how will we intergrate these into Layonara's crafting system if in fact we do.  

        There are lots of questions and very few answers and to be honest given the downsides as well as the benefits of the new game, will it add to Layonara or diminish it?  Although unfortunately I'm sure that one of the things that future players will take into consideration  when thinking of joining Layonara will be whether it runs NWN2 or not.


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          Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
          « Reply #97 on: September 19, 2006, 07:00:03 pm »
          is there any way we could make this a poll?

          If so my vote is option 3


          Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
          « Reply #98 on: September 20, 2006, 01:43:20 pm »
          With regards to making this a poll, I'll quote myself in the post that started this:
          So here’s a list of options, note that there might be more, but it’s the ones that are most obvious.

          Feel free to share your insights, but please do take into account the points already raised above, and think of any advantages, disadvantages and potential problems with your suggestion.

          So no, no poll, I was looking for suggestions :)


          Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
          « Reply #99 on: September 21, 2006, 12:16:55 am »
          Option 1 for me.

          As a newish (is that a word?) player, one of the things I found off-putting about layo generally was that so many friendships/guilds/alliances/associations had already been formed that I felt a little outside the 'boys club' (generic expression!) as it was.
          A glance at the calendar confirms this, for me anyway, as so many of the quests are 'by invite only', 'friends of character X only', 'returning players only please', 'restricted to levels 20+', whatever...

          Option 1 would certainly address this! My fear would be that other options might see quests of 'descendants of character x only' from day 1...

          PS. I'm also on a mac so it's probably irrelevant anyway!