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Author Topic: Paladins (again)  (Read 398 times)


RE: Paladins (again)
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2005, 08:38:00 am »
Espen777 - 11/26/2005 10:09 AM So the complex system of Crime & Punishment is reserved for Toran and Rofirein? Is there anyone actually using, playing, or in any other way giving life to this system?

  Yes, my Toranite paladin recently recieved approval to build a courthouse in Pranzis dedicated to all lawful dieties, particularly Toran and Rofirein.  The addition is built and the funds just need to be raised.  The building would serve as a house for the Justiceers, which one or two have expressed interest in becoming - at least to me. 
  Edit: PM me if your interested in getting involved with raising funds.


RE: Paladins (again)
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2005, 09:44:00 am »
Espen777 - 11/26/2005 4:09 PM So the complex system of Crime & Punishment is reserved for Toran and Rofirein? Is there anyone actually using, playing, or in any other way giving life to this system? Could this explain Filatus' observation: "I think most players choose Toran because it's the god of paladins. I'm sure there are almost a handful of paladins of Rorifien around and as far as I know one of Lucinda. And as far as I could see, none for Aeridin."? Love & light, Tatchien

  If you read the Crime&Punishment section it starts with:
  Law on Layonara is primarily governed by a union of Good between the Churches of Toran and Rofirein.
  This system is mostly used by GMs, but of course, players can charge others with crimes which will then be handled through GMs.


RE: Paladins (again)
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2005, 03:25:00 pm »
EdTheKet - 11/27/2005  12:45 AM  

  We don't have a way to check I think, unless you want to search the forums for "paladin Rofirein" and "paladin Aeridin" and count. However, I think you can count them on two hands.
[/QUOTE]  Considering a Paladin's calling and status this is as it should be, not many people like this exist at any one time!

tom bombadill

RE: Paladins (again)
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2005, 09:05:00 pm »
once amalric was hanging out woth a group that was trying to figure out what to go slay inquantity when a spur of the moment quest sprang up. somebody lost there special dress it was red. we headed out into the swamp near karthy. the gruop found a blue dress and tried to pawn it off to the color blind damsell. as i sat on the side and watched the lies and deciet the group attempted to offer i recieved 2 or 3 pionts to choatic and a chastisment for my inactivty. needless to say i quickly spoke up and blew the whole sharade. paladins often have to deal with other PC's rolling there eyes and dreading the company of such high moral standards. i find that amalric has trouble finding companions of virtue. however the friends he does make are stand up characters. paladins are not easy to play because they do have standards that are above the norm as far as who they group with and why. there are dieties that a rofireinite can't rightly group with and that makes RP a little harder as noone likes to be questioned or looked down on, but it goes both ways. i've actually had a  PC *spits on shield* of the symbol of rofirein. i thought it was good RP and just ignored it. but don't try and use necromancy around him because that is against the kings law and you will hear about it.


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RE: Paladins (again)
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2005, 12:08:00 pm »
Paladin of Rofirein here.  

Lyons is quietly trying to make sense of the events that brought him to Hlint through meditation and prayer.  

Meanwhile he is exploring the area, talking to the townsfolk (well most of them... no reason to set foot near the temple of Ilsare or address the cleric there) and helping those that need it, providing their reasoning seems just and it is within his ability.




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RE: Paladins (again)
« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2005, 06:48:00 am »
Espen777 - 11/26/2005  3:55 PM
 I would also like to invite Paladins and devotees of Aeridin on my CDQ, provided mixafix is completely OK with this, hoping to tighten the bonds among us protectors and preservers of life.

May the blessings of Aeridin be with you always!
Tatchien The Righteous

Mixafix is OK with this, and I herby invite Paladins and followers of Aeridin level 4 to 9 to participate in "Tatchien cdq: Brainstorming - Paladin style", Sunday 11th Dec., 11.30am PST 7.30pm GMT (See GM Led events).

Yours Sincerely,
Tatchien The Righteous

"Pay homage to life by living freely and allowing others the same"


RE: Paladins (again)
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2005, 07:12:00 am »
tom bombadill - 11/28/2005 11:05 PM  once amalric was hanging out woth a group that was trying to figure out what to go slay inquantity when a spur of the moment quest sprang up. somebody lost there special dress it was red. we headed out into the swamp near karthy. the gruop found a blue dress and tried to pawn it off to the color blind damsell. as i sat on the side and watched the lies and deciet the group attempted to offer i recieved 2 or 3 pionts to choatic and a chastisment for my inactivty. needless to say i quickly spoke up and blew the whole sharade. paladins often have to deal with other PC's rolling there eyes and dreading the company of such high moral standards. i find that amalric has trouble finding companions of virtue. however the friends he does make are stand up characters. paladins are not easy to play because they do have standards that are above the norm as far as who they group with and why. there are dieties that a rofireinite can't rightly group with and that makes RP a little harder as noone likes to be questioned or looked down on, but it goes both ways. i've actually had a PC *spits on shield* of the symbol of rofirein. i thought it was good RP and just ignored it. but don't try and use necromancy around him because that is against the kings law and you will hear about it.

  Heh...I remember this one...loooong time ago. The dress in question was actually beige not blue, and yeah, I remember how the GM (Milo, I think) took the quest OOC at the end and explained to those who were trying to pawn the dress off as red why what they did was contrary to most of their alignments.  My own character (not a paladin, just a painfully honest individual at the time) also did not join in the "oh, it's red" deception.
  I think Leanthar showed up too to explain how most of the party acted contrary to their alignments. 


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RE: Paladins (again)
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2005, 07:42:00 am »
tom bombadill - 11/28/2005  9:05 PM

once amalric was hanging out woth a group that was trying to figure out what to go slay inquantity when a spur of the moment quest sprang up. somebody lost there special dress it was red. we headed out into the swamp near karthy. the gruop found a blue dress and tried to pawn it off to the color blind damsell. as i sat on the side and watched the lies and deciet the group attempted to offer i recieved 2 or 3 pionts to choatic and a chastisment for my inactivty. needless to say i quickly spoke up and blew the whole sharade. paladins often have to deal with other PC's rolling there eyes and dreading the company of such high moral standards. i find that amalric has trouble finding companions of virtue. however the friends he does make are stand up characters. paladins are not easy to play because they do have standards that are above the norm as far as who they group with and why. there are dieties that a rofireinite can't rightly group with and that makes RP a little harder as noone likes to be questioned or looked down on, but it goes both ways. i've actually had a  PC *spits on shield* of the symbol of rofirein. i thought it was good RP and just ignored it. but don't try and use necromancy around him because that is against the kings law and you will hear about it.

HAHA.. i was there on that... my Paladin of Vorax, Kinson. wow.. that was ages ago.


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RE: Paladins (again)
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2005, 02:33:00 am »
Espen777 - 12/8/2005  3:48 PM

Espen777 - 11/26/2005  3:55 PM
 I would also like to invite Paladins and devotees of Aeridin on my CDQ, provided mixafix is completely OK with this, hoping to tighten the bonds among us protectors and preservers of life.

May the blessings of Aeridin be with you always!
Tatchien The Righteous

Mixafix is OK with this, and I herby invite Paladins and followers of Aeridin level 4 to 9 to participate in "Tatchien cdq: Brainstorming - Paladin style", Sunday 11th Dec., 11.30am PST 7.30pm GMT (See GM Led events).

Yours Sincerely,
Tatchien The Righteous

"Pay homage to life by living freely and allowing others the same"

This CDQ is tonight, and we still have a few flee slots if any brave:
a) Paladin, or
b) follower of Aeridin
at any level would like to help a fellow brother in saving the world once again. Interested?
Sign up at the GM - Led events "Tatchien cdq: Brainstorming - Paladin style", Sunday 11th Dec., 11.30am PST 7.30pm GMT.

Honor your words and live by them. Your oath is as true as these laws.
Tatchien The Righteous


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    RE: Paladins (again)
    « Reply #29 on: December 11, 2005, 05:28:00 am »
    In my humble oppinion a Paladin of any order should be difficult for anyone to get on with unless they happen to be the same alignment and therefore share a similar philosophical and moral outlook on life, or happen to be a follower of the same god. They see the world as black or white and have no room for compromise because they rigidly adhere to the doctrine of their faith. Whilst most beleive they fight on the side of good, it is only good from the perspective of their religion. A paladin who leads a column of mounted Knights into an orc settlement and massacres them all, women and whelps included may be seen as good by his fellow knights and the people whom he is trying to "save" from the orc menace, but to those poor whelps and unarmed female orcs, he is a demon. Paladins will perpetrate the wost kinds of evil against those who do not adhere to the laws their religious leaders make, in the name of their gods, and still believe they are good. Maybe Im wrong, but eventually the lines between good and evil become blurred, only the noble paladin cant see this.


    RE: Paladins (again)
    « Reply #30 on: December 11, 2005, 06:22:00 am »
    Whilst most beleive they fight on the side of good, it is only good from the perspective of their religion.
    Paladins will perpetrate the wost kinds of evil against those who do not adhere to the laws their religious leaders make, in the name of their gods, and still believe they are good.
     Yep, they sure do :)
    only the noble paladin cant see this.
    The tragedy of the paladin :)


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    RE: Paladins (again)
    « Reply #31 on: December 11, 2005, 04:01:00 pm »
    A big hand to Mixafix, and the CDQ he threw at me and my merry crowd of allies!
    My ability as a leader was tested to the limit, and without delegating the overflow of challenges to players doing an excellent job I would have failed utterly.

    I have given a report to Queen Allurial, that undoubtedly will be handed to the more senior and *cough* plump Paladins in her service. I have specified the deeds of:
    Nim’Sy Amar
    Elledan Peters
    Shard, and

    These good men, and women, saved a village and risking their life on regular basis they helped undeads, a lich included, back into the cycle of life & death. The Queen Allurial of Blackford castle has given word of pleasure, and forwards an open invitation for one of the spare rooms provided you abide to the rules of the castle.

    Personally, I have been received in the brotherhood of the lightbringers, completing one cycle, and starting a bigger, more challenging one. I will do my uttermost.


    Tatchien the Righteous
    Devoted follower of Aeridin, Paladin of the lightbringer.


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    RE: Paladins (again)
    « Reply #32 on: December 12, 2005, 09:20:00 am »
    Glassman - 12/11/2005  8:28 AM

    In my humble oppinion a Paladin of any order should be difficult for anyone to get on with unless they happen to be the same alignment and therefore share a similar philosophical and moral outlook on life, or happen to be a follower of the same god. They see the world as black or white and have no room for compromise because they rigidly adhere to the doctrine of their faith. Whilst most beleive they fight on the side of good, it is only good from the perspective of their religion. A paladin who leads a column of mounted Knights into an orc settlement and massacres them all, women and whelps included may be seen as good by his fellow knights and the people whom he is trying to "save" from the orc menace, but to those poor whelps and unarmed female orcs, he is a demon. Paladins will perpetrate the wost kinds of evil against those who do not adhere to the laws their religious leaders make, in the name of their gods, and still believe they are good. Maybe Im wrong, but eventually the lines between good and evil become blurred, only the noble paladin cant see this.

    I am new to Layonara, picking to play a paladin that reflects an AD&D paladin I played over a few years with a steady group.

    I agree in part with your opinion about paladin's being difficult to get along with, however I have seen too many paladins play "lawful stupid" instead of "lawful good". (not here in Layo, but in previous RP games).

    A paladin has an unwavering faith and belief system yes.  He is also a learned individual and in the Layo pantheon has a number of gods whose followers are allied and friendly with his. Particularly against a serious evil threat he would join them for a just cause.

    In addition, a paladin has a high charisma for a reason.  They should be adept at relating to others, and to those they feel aligned with (the allies and friendly followers previously mentioned), I can see engaging in philosophical and dogmatic discussions helping to correct misconceptions and simultaneously showing how other's personal views and dogma actually align with the paladin's god (always trying to get more followers from this pool).

    The example of the orc village has a few caveats.  I have faced this in the past and enjoyed the impact on my character immensely.  In the interest of not providing too much in a non-roleplay format, a paladin's code of chilvary in generally is opposed to the killing of innocents, and that situation is one of great contemplation.

    If you wish to discuss this in game, seek out Lyons and engage in a conversation.  Through weeks of prayer, he is beginning to understand why the Lord Protector placed him where he is and how best he should serve.


    Edit:  spelling is my bane!


    RE: Paladins (again)
    « Reply #33 on: December 12, 2005, 09:40:00 am »
    Lawful Stupid! Ah, the ressurection of my least favorite alignment!  A Paladin is simply a Fighter with a Smite, who happens to be LG. That's the way I've always played them... Keeps away the temptation of trying to order everyone around, just because he's a Paladin.  Chaotic (Anti)Good's another one... A Good character does not kill a random farmer because he likes the man's coat.


    RE: Paladins (again)
    « Reply #34 on: December 13, 2005, 04:34:00 am »
    Leeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnkkkkkkkkkiiinnnnns!!!!!!!111

    As for paladins I have seen 5 or 6 paladins for lucinda... Arm loads for toran, and one I really know is a great paldin of Rolfiren

