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Author Topic: Cleric help and suggestions  (Read 73 times)


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    Cleric help and suggestions
    « on: May 27, 2005, 08:02:00 am »
    I have recently started playing a WildElf cleric who is a follower of Lucinda taking the domains of Healing and Magic.  I was wondering when I level up which things do I need to be most conscious of in order to make her the best she can be while still staying true to the healing and magic domains?  This is my first cleric, I'm a little lost even after reading the manual about them.


    RE: Cleric help and suggestions
    « Reply #1 on: May 27, 2005, 09:10:00 am »
    One thing I've noticed about clerics is that they're probably the least dependant on feat and skill selection.

    Taking the ability points in wisdom makes sense to me with that deity and domains. I imagine you'll be casting spells over bashing stuff with a sword or whatever.

    Doesn't matter that much with skill points. Heal and spellcraft I guess. Both because of the domains and then heal due to being wild elven (I'd see them using that kind of medicine I guess) and then spellcraft because of the deity.

    Feat selection doesn't matter that much. If you want to use ranged weapons and spells and leave the meleeing to the fighters, zen archery is a nice feat for support-type clerics. Can't really say there are any feats for a cleric you'd want to take other than maybe extend spell (nice having twice the durations).

    Anyway, kinda difficult for me to say without knowing the character but what I mentioned is some pretty general stuff.


    RE: Cleric help and suggestions
    « Reply #2 on: May 27, 2005, 09:14:00 am »
    IDii - 5/27/2005  12:10 PM

    Doesn't matter that much with skill points. Heal and spellcraft I guess. Both because of the domains and then heal due to being wild elven (I'd see them using that kind of medicine I guess) and then spellcraft because of the deity.

    One skill that is VERY important ESPECIALLY for a healer is concentration. Things like combat casting and skill focus concentration may be wise for feats... as a cleric of the Lady of Magic and one who will be healing you will want to be able to cast without getting your concentration broken.


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    RE: Cleric help and suggestions
    « Reply #3 on: May 27, 2005, 10:57:00 am »
    If you see me on, and need any help with your character, my character name is Kinjuhouyh, and he is a cleric with domains in healing and magic.  Also a follower of Lucinda.  So we are pretty much identical (to start with at haven't really started developing your character yet).  But, like I said, if you see me in game and have any questions...or you just want help adventuring...give me a call...

    Yours truly,


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      RE: Cleric help and suggestions
      « Reply #4 on: May 27, 2005, 11:28:00 am »
      Concentration above anything else - if you heal in combat you will get hit and it makes the difference between life and death.

      Zen archery is brilliant for those clerics who stay back, also consider "eschew" as it means you don’t have to bring spell ingredients.

      Spellcraft is another personal favourite - especially if you are as curious as me.

      Depending on armour and role I would also take tumble under consideration. If you are not going to be wearing much armour, but still trying to heal in combat, it is very useful.

      Given your character I agree on heal.

      Playing a cleric is often a question of hats. You have personal motivations and you have the duties of a cleric of your faith. Sometimes these two roles conflict, but that can make excellent roleplaying. Just remember to ask yourself the two questions. What will I do as (faithful) priest; and then follow with "what will my character think personally". Also, to question, ponder and doubt are integral parts of faith. I doubt it would be different in a roleplaying world.

      Finally for some reason, I always end up playing clerics and in my experience people have strong views of what clerics should and shouldn’t do - especially if they don’t play clerics themselves. So don’t worry if people disagree with you – as long as you play your character faithfully.