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Author Topic: IC and OOC  (Read 299 times)


IC and OOC
« on: June 21, 2007, 06:31:35 pm »
IC and OOC. There's no blurry line, but a thick black and white difference. A difference every roleplayer is familiar with. Yet as much as there's a difference between IC and OOC, at times, negative emotions from the character can travel into OOC. Whether it'd be a misunderstanding, something not quite clarified, or an argument leaving a few things left untraded etc, sometimes even the best roleplayers can find themselves irritated at another in the real sense.

But we are human, we all make mistakes. It's not about making the mistake, but moreso learning from it and becoming a better roleplaying individual through it.

I've been playing the less getting along side and more conflict seeking individual as Kinai lately, and the responses have left a rather bittersweet conclusion. The roleplay is fine, the reactions in character, yet I've seen nothing exchanged OOC.

Now, I usually do this myself, but there are times I don't, for example, when I notice my real life mood gets a bit sour. I usually refrain from IC and OOC conversations when I'm not at a decent or my best because I've always focused on being a good person to discuss with.

This is a reminder to those who roleplay conflict to keep a VERY clear connection OOC. It's fine to have conflict and the reactions, but you realize that by playing conflict you can just as easily tread on the fun factor of the players.

For both sides, be it the action or reaction, my request is that both parties send the occasional tell inbetween with a smile or a "good roleplay" or anything, and then make sure both have no questions about the outcome and the further actions that will be taken when all is said and done. You don't need to ask the other player's permission about "Hey, can I go to the law about so and so you did?" No...Just tell them hey, this is OOC knowledge, but my character is going to be "action here" to your character, so just a head's up!

You'd be surprised over how much happier some people will be.


Re: IC and OOC
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2007, 07:22:18 pm »
I agree mostly but I guess I would offer a bit of an alternate perspective.  As far as making sure things are ok with other players OOC I am right with you.  We are playing a game and we should not be trying to offend people OOC.  As far as making sure that you tell the person what your character is planning in the futrure I personally would rather not know.  There is always a temptation to meta-game and no matter how hard you try it's always easier for me to just avoid knowing things OOC that my character wouldn't know IC.  That's why I don't read any of the CDTs because I might accidentaly use information that I got out of them.  So if someone is planning to take IC action against one of my PCs and the PC wouldn't know it then I would rather someone not tell me just to make the situation happen spontaneously and maintain the surprise.  So I guess this is something else that should be discussed with the player before you start sharing OOC to make sure you don't tell them something they would rather not have known.  This has happened a couple of times to me and I just tell the person I would rather not have known the info they told me.  So I am not disagreeing totally with you just on this one fine point of sharing planned future IC actions.  :)

darby snails

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    Re: IC and OOC
    « Reply #2 on: June 21, 2007, 08:27:59 pm »
    I'll add one more thing;

    As a player I'm not always or even often in the mood for conflict, especially when it's just for conflict's sake.   Meaning not over any matters at hand or over the relationship our characters have but simply because your character is out looking to pick a fight.

    I'm not saying you do this (I barely know you) but it's not an uncommon occurance.  I think "good role playing" doesn't have to mean starting arguments over nothing.  And if I'm going to get dragged into an argument I'd rather it be for a good reason (as it fitting the situation) rather than because another player wants to demonstrate how brooding and antisocial they are.  Again this isn't directed at you, but I've often found myself in little verbal battles with absolutely zero cause.  Then again I played a lot of druids, and they seem to be a target for that (or at least used to be when the server was more populated)

    If you are going to play a conflict seeking character, be aware that other characters have every right to avoid you if they wish, or if they're just not in the mood for that play style at the moment.   Does this bleed into OOC?  Yes, but I as a player am not obligated to make my character interact with another player if I know he is the type to cause conflict for little reason.

    I'll close this out with-- my best role playing memories have not been arbitrary fights, but rather when people actually got along and had deep conversations or experiences that could only happen here.  My worst have been the people who started unnecessary fights with me just so they could justify their application for Chaotic Neutral.


    Re: IC and OOC
    « Reply #3 on: June 21, 2007, 08:44:29 pm »
    Of course, Darby :) I was really vague in any actual situations because I didn't want to offend anyone. Just had to give it a light title and hope it would work.

    Thanks for your inputs though. It totally makes sense to not want conflict at times. It is pretty comfortable getting along with everyone, and honestly, I do prefer than a lot myself. Just fun to get along and run around and be silly *shrug*

    But that's just me :)


    Re: IC and OOC
    « Reply #4 on: June 21, 2007, 08:52:52 pm »
    Well stated Darby!!


    Re: IC and OOC
    « Reply #5 on: June 22, 2007, 02:25:57 am »
    I'll add that even though OOC and IC are two very different sides, it's the human mentality that has trouble separating the two at already the most basic level. Since ingame we are in contact with the IC side and get the occasional OOC comment thrown in there.

    This is where it starts, even though we play a game, in the long run, there are many players playing and it all comes down to OOC feelings about the world. Conflicting situations and characters increase tensions, relaxing and enjoyable RP does the opposite.

    I guess what I'm trying to say, is that everyone has to put in a little extra effort and try and force through the stubborn thing that is our mentality, that what happens in game between characters stays in game between characters.