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Author Topic: Would like to setup a quick DM appointment  (Read 49 times)


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    Would like to setup a quick DM appointment
    « on: August 14, 2005, 09:25:00 am »
    Ive been asking in DM channel for a little bit now.  I want to go inside a few houses for sale before i choose which one I want to buy.  I could never catch a free DM which is no big deal but id like to set up an appointment to do this quickly with one of you if I could.

    I play on EST time zone and I cant see myself taking up more than 15 mins time.  Please just let me know when your available soon and ill get back to you.  Thank you in advance!



    RE: Would like to setup a quick DM appointment
    « Reply #1 on: August 14, 2005, 09:35:00 am »
    I'll be on in an hour or a few... still on a quest now but I think I'll have to check some things as a DM after that... So if you're on then, I'll help you.

