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Author Topic: Layonara PrC's, but offline?  (Read 38 times)


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    Layonara PrC's, but offline?
    « on: August 04, 2005, 05:55:00 pm »
    Hi.  I wanted to make a Wizard/Fighter/Duelist character, but caution has me wanting to test out the class combination offline before I commit to it.

    I tried adding the Layonara hack files to a custom module, but I noticed the Duelist PrC didn't get a lot of its effects, like the INT-AC bonus or the piercing damage.  Is there any way I could get the Duelist to function the way it's meant to?  (Subraces don't seem to work either, but I assume that's b/c of me lacking a script.)


    RE: Layonara PrC's, but offline?
    « Reply #1 on: August 04, 2005, 08:10:00 pm »
    Probally to do woth the skins being server side. Kept in Layo's databases. I am not sure but you might want to ask them if they don't mind doing that. Might be no big deal, not sure.



    RE: Layonara PrC's, but offline?
    « Reply #2 on: August 04, 2005, 08:29:00 pm »
    Pah, where's the fun in THAT? Making a character randomly makes the most diverse, awful character there is. Thus, the most fun to RP.

    If you can't RP and laugh yourself to heck at Acacea's child-like pension for mischief, or if you can't RP and find yourself somewhat sorrowful for... I dunno, somebody who's entire homeland was burnt to the ground by Blood... If you can't RP a character training to one day become good at something and have him fail utterly and take a whole knew track in life as is constantly the case, well then, my friends, you aren't doing it right!


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      RE: Layonara PrC's, but offline?
      « Reply #3 on: August 04, 2005, 09:04:00 pm »
      There's nothing wrong with carefully planning your character's progression. Having a well-built character and roleplaying are not mutually exclusive :)

      Back to the topic at hand, I'm not sure how Layonara handles custom PrCs, but I do know that there are other custom PrC add-ons available at places like Neverwinter Vault. As long as they don't require the actual Layonara module, you may be able to use them offline.

      If not, you can always grab some paper and a pencil and do it by hand :)

