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Author Topic: Crafting Woes  (Read 150 times)


Crafting Woes
« on: March 12, 2006, 07:38:27 am »
i reckon i have to of tried to smelted atleast 10 copper sheilds each with 50% chance and getting 1 made ARGH thats frustrateing and when digging up earthworms i broke my spade!. Anyone else have any bad moments with it hehehe


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Re: Crafting Woes
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2006, 07:40:39 am »
lol, it happens, someone else was likly getting alot of good rolls as you got the bad ones.


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    Re: Crafting Woes
    « Reply #2 on: March 12, 2006, 07:58:14 am »
    happens all the time .. my usual experience is...

    25% = make first time or 1 in 2
    45% = make 1 in 3
    65% = make 1 in 4
    75% = make 6 in 10

    the other day i was smelting some platinum with 70-80% and i failed about 10-11 times in a row and today making silver arrows with 50% i failed 3 in a row .. gah! sometimes it is sooo annoying

    but, then you have those sweet days ... like when i made my iron fullplate, with 10% and made it on my second attempt and made a plat chainmail on my first attempt.

    hehe .. i am sure it is GM driven and they watch us suffer for fun!!!!


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      RE: Crafting Woes
      « Reply #3 on: March 12, 2006, 08:02:59 am »
      YES! I have


      Went to go and make a fire enhancement 1,

      so got the opals,
      got the angelica leaf,
      got the flour,
      got the rod

      forgot the enchanting gem... ran all the way back to Pranzis to get that,

      went back to the tower with 2 enchanting gems, then realised i had no enchanting oil,

      so again ran all the way back to Pranzis to get the oil

      crafted it with a little help from a few spells

      and failed miserably.... just my luck


      Re: Crafting Woes
      « Reply #4 on: March 12, 2006, 08:59:09 am »
      I dont craft any more its just to painfull


      RE: Crafting Woes
      « Reply #5 on: March 12, 2006, 09:55:06 am »
      ever tried making a HUGE trip for components, and then the server crashed, loosing all the components  :p ?


      RE: Crafting Woes
      « Reply #6 on: March 12, 2006, 02:27:25 pm »
      after posting this later i promtly broke 3 pics and 2 smiths hammers lol.


      Re: Crafting Woes
      « Reply #7 on: March 12, 2006, 03:10:36 pm »
      The key is to not want to make it.  If you really want to make it the inverse desirability script kicks in and then you roll 1's with a 95% chance.  If it really doesn't matter you'll make it nearly every time.  Don't even get me talking about the close to level script that rolls 1's the closer you get to level.....  ;)

      Yosemite Sam

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        Re: Crafting Woes
        « Reply #8 on: March 12, 2006, 05:00:49 pm »
        Hey, that ones been hitting me this weekend.


        RE: Crafting Woes
        « Reply #9 on: March 13, 2006, 04:05:13 am »
        ye lol


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          Re: Crafting Woes
          « Reply #10 on: March 13, 2006, 05:50:45 am »
          this sort of haunted rolling has been present in all of my PnP campaigns ever since I started gaming.  My gaming group for decades have felt that the best that we can hope for in dice is randomness.  Few of us believe and so before many critical die rolls you hear cries "spirits leave these dice alone, allow them to be random".  some of us even have favorite die that we feel are least influenced by gaming spirits. all of this from a group of professionals over forty.


          RE: Crafting Woes
          « Reply #11 on: March 13, 2006, 05:51:39 am »
          Zug has had some bad luck along those lines, not to mention visiting two different crafting tables in one visit, and breaking the relevant tool on the first use of each table.

          On the other hand, Zug had a great run at getting cut greenstone from raw greenstones, only to lose the whole pile of them on a server crash while trying to polish them.  Oh well, they weren't worth enough to bother filing a grievance for.