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Author Topic: A question on deities  (Read 43 times)


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    A question on deities
    « on: December 16, 2005, 05:15:00 pm »
    Hey, I was wondering if maybe I could use a different deity or two for my character.  There seems to be no appropriate deity for someone who worships battle rage.  I understand this would be against the rules, but luckily I have a decent reason.  My character was brought up in the wilderness around Krashin, never seeing anyone except for his father until going to wherever the starting location is.  His father taught him of the gods Magni and Modi, who are worshipped for strength and battle rage.  It would be okay, in my opinion, for no one to be familiar with his gods because he was separate from society and does not understand any of their ways either.  His father worships these gods due to long-standing family tradition.  If this isn't okay then please suggest an appropriate deity for this type of character, as I saw none.


    RE: A question on deities
    « Reply #1 on: December 16, 2005, 05:20:00 pm »
    I likely wouldn't approve a character that worshiped a deity that didn't exist in Layonara. There are a great many deities from all races adn walks of life. Vorax being the father of battle is the first that comes to mind.

    You don't HAVE to worship a deity unless you a cleric. There are extensive write ups for each in the deities section and in the handbook.


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    RE: A question on deities
    « Reply #2 on: December 16, 2005, 08:33:00 pm »
    not sure if it would be approved, but you could just put Vorax into your diety slot, but call him by a different name, in essence your warshiping the same god, but with a slightly different image sence you were not brought up with the information and teachings that others might have picked up from clerics of Vorax. You could call him the "Great rager" if you wished.. the warship would still go to Vorax.. and any such gifts or what not (cleric spells ect) would be grated from Vorax, but being unedicated, or simply prefering your own image of the god i would think is exceptable.


    RE: A question on deities
    « Reply #3 on: December 17, 2005, 01:30:00 am »
    Duckman - 12/17/2005 2:15 AM Hey, I was wondering if maybe I could use a different deity or two for my character. There seems to be no appropriate deity for someone who worships battle rage.
    As Ice mentioned, try Vorax.
    I understand this would be against the rules, but luckily I have a decent reason. My character was brought up in the wilderness around Krashin, never seeing anyone except for his father until going to wherever the starting location is. His father taught him of the gods Magni and Modi, who are worshipped for strength and battle rage.
    They don't exist in Layonara so would never show any miracles/provide power to clerics etcetera, so that won't work.
    It would be okay, in my opinion, for no one to be familiar with his gods because he was separate from society and does not understand any of their ways either.
    But the gods would then need incorporation into the world because the GMs need to know. At the moment, we have 28 deities already, covering everything you need, including battle and we're not incorporating new gods. So this wouldn't be approved.
    His father worships these gods due to long-standing family tradition. If this isn't okay then please suggest an appropriate deity for this type of character, as I saw none.
    As mentioned above, try Vorax. Or no deity at all and worship your ancestors, because if you're not a cleric, a deity is not mandatory.


    RE: A question on deities
    « Reply #4 on: December 17, 2005, 11:27:00 am »
    I would assume that if you're a paladin a diety would also be mandatory...correct?


    RE: A question on deities
    « Reply #5 on: December 17, 2005, 11:30:00 am »
    Shadowblade225 - 12/17/2005 8:27 PM I would assume that if you're a paladin a diety would also be mandatory...correct?

      Of course, else you'd have nobody to grant you your powers.


    RE: A question on deities
    « Reply #6 on: December 17, 2005, 11:46:00 am »
    Heh, I think referring to Vorax under a different name would be great *is thinking of Greek and Roman mythology*.  All the arguments you could get into with those ultra reasonable battle rager shortie dwarves about the true nature of god.  I think it'd make for some excellent RP and maybe even a way to help develop your character.