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Author Topic: Creating A strong RP Player base  (Read 1339 times)


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    RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
    « Reply #20 on: April 11, 2005, 04:06:00 am »

    1. I dunno what would make a nearly perfect online roleplaying server better...
    Maybe the fact that when doing quests and going trough events the "big people" could maybe listen
    what the "little people" have to say a bit more....from time to time I've seen such neglance from the higher
    people that it almost made me sick...

    2. The time when I came to layonara with my first character Leanthar ran a quest about the lost elven library... Even tho I was very little sorcerer at the time the event was really memorable and very much fun and good RP'ing.....

    3. My favorite moment was with Malakai...we were chatting in Hlint when dark elves started attacking us...and we finally tracked the dark elves to their source and we defeated the mage that was summoning troops trough
    the mirror in the red light caves...The quest involved only Malakai and me but it was the best time I've ever had in Layo =)

    Jonzer Hexblade

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      RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
      « Reply #21 on: April 14, 2005, 12:18:00 pm »
      I think some of us lower level character need quests to do, especially us wizards and sorcerers. It is hard for wizards and sorcerers to get started so we can get in groups with bigger players to get a chance to RP. We are extremely weak at low levels and cannot do some of the early quests ourselves. So I think it would be cool if there were more 1-7 level quests. :)


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        RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
        « Reply #22 on: May 15, 2005, 08:15:00 am »
        I think this is the case for any server:

        RPing shouldn't be a way to level up. Rewarding role play with exp is like creating a second form of powergaming to some and a meaningless figure to others.

        If you really want to reward those that RP well, you'll give them access to special areas, items, abilities (scrying, tracking and divining for example) and anything else that will add immersion into the world. I'm not sure if you do this kind of thing already, in fact you probably do, but if you do then I'm agreeing that it's a better reward than exp.

        As an example, a wizard who has taken the school of magic 'divination' should be able to find something like a hag's crystal ball, which would allow them to view others via scrying (don't know if you have scrying or not on Layonara). If you already have the option to scry, the ball could perhaps penetrate some weaker protections against scrying. A more simple example would be a paladin going on a holy quest for their god and recieving a special, holy sword at the end of it instead of 500 exp.


        RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
        « Reply #23 on: May 15, 2005, 10:22:00 am »
          I do remember someone who once had a crystal ball, however I don't think you can make items so they can actually "scry" to find someone. Usually you just RP with the help of a DM doing the behind the scenes work. Example: Look at this Crystal ball I found. I wonder if I can scry to find it's owner... blah blah blah *motions arcane passes n' stuff* (Then send a message to a DM asking for a spellcraft check and see if you can get a name, place, race anything outta him/her, usually works) ;)


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          RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
          « Reply #24 on: May 15, 2005, 10:43:00 am »
          You can script it to hover over another player when used. Scrying is possible, but I'll have to look up / create the script if you really want it.


          RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
          « Reply #25 on: May 15, 2005, 11:10:00 am »
            Wait until you get in game and see how many scripts, timmed, on hit, on activation ect... we have. Man I still can't figure everything out. Though it would be interesting.


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            RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
            « Reply #26 on: May 19, 2005, 09:34:00 pm »
            I haven't been online at Layo (or any NWN server) for awhile now but the points I see being made by everyone all are good suggestions.  I especially like the suggestion for spontaneous gm situations.  Everyone eventually knows what spawns where and they are prepared for it.  Throw a curve ball now and again really does add some spice and gets new players thinking there are dms watching all the time.  Just throwing out a single random encounter (a "fire and forget" monster) perks everyone up.  It doesn't have to be an actual quest per se.  A little variety in the "expected" monster diet goes a long way.  Just my 2 coppers.


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            RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
            « Reply #27 on: June 24, 2005, 05:23:00 pm »
            I know this thread is somewhat old, but being a relative newbie, I just ran across it, thought it was a great idea and wanted to give my two cents worth because I’ve found Layo to be a great experience.

            First and foremost, I think it would be great to have more spontaneous DM-run quests. With a job, kids, and other stuff, it’s difficult for me to be online a huge amount of time to take in some of the larger and longer quests.  I realize that’s my issue, but I do like the idea of having a DM occasionally change things around, bring a maiden (or gent) in distress for a short mission, etc.

            This is especially important for new characters. One of the things I’ve found as I’ve tried other PWs before getting hooked on Layonara is that it can be difficult to feel like part of the world…there’s a sense that you’re not really part of any group, side, etc. and not up to speed on anything. Admittedly, that’s an integral part of any PW as opposed to say the official NWN campaign…the universe doesn’t center around us, and that can take some getting used to.  But given the great opportunities that the DM run quests offer, and especially spontaneous missions, it would be great to give those new to the world just a taste of the various factions, evils, etc. For example, other than what I’ve read OOC, my character has little to no knowledge of the whole war going on, the hunt for dragons, etc. It would be nice to have just a taste – a smidgeon – of that in some fashion (or some other conflict) at the very beginning…if other PWs had done that, I might not be at Layo.

            But I am, and the reason, frankly, is the number, quality and kindness of players. I’m not sure if Layo has just done a great job of p.r, marketing or what, but I’m continually astounded at the number of players on at any one time.  Combine that with the quality of the world and story, and it’s a great experience.

            I am especially impressed at the willingness of more experienced (or at least higher-level) characters to help out in any way, shape or fashion.  In fact, sometimes, I feel like I need to shoo everyone away!! ;)  

            Luna, Klugger, Geir, Jacchri, Drake, and …..oh, that very nice couple who got engaged at the inn my very first time in Layo, what were their names?…They have all made me feel quite welcome (and everyone else, for that matter, in case I forgot somebody), and in the interest of complimenting others both on their rp and generosity, thank you. In fact, it’s when I hear some of the high level characters say stuff like “you know, this reminds of the time when we met at so-and-so and fought so-and-so” that I really love Layo.  Because (a) I find out more about the world (e.g., High Moors, hags, etc.) and (b) it makes me want to be able to say that stuff too (“Sure, I remember the time we killed that balor and ya da ya da ya da”) …to have that connection, memory, etc with other characters…

            Ah, well….I’ve rambled…thanks for listening

            Imperious aka Ketzia


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              RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
              « Reply #28 on: August 24, 2005, 09:27:00 pm »
              I look at these things simply. ;) (I'm a simple sort of guy) I'll answer the questions at the end ;) skip the guff in the middle if you are pressed for time and would rather get back to playing.

              The World

              The world is large play, performed in many different halls of a large theatre all rooms interconnected in some fashion.

              The plot is free form on the small scale but there is an injection of story line from the directors as needed.

              The players are the actors, the characters their parts.

              The GM's are both the audience and the directors, stage hands, lighting, sound, behind the scenes people. These roles are taken on by the keener actors to some degree.

              The players are also the audience to some extent.

              Quests are scenes of a play where a directory pays more attention than usual.

              As the play is mostly free form it is the characters and actors of them that have the most influence on the stories, only involving a director when needed or available as the theatre is very large and time is necessarily finite.

              The actors (or players as they are sometimes called) will have a large influence in the level and quality of acting in the theatre in general, through their interactions with each other and with the directors.

              The actors are paid in roleplay, items, gold, XP, lots of different things, this leads me to think about theatre balance...

              The Actors

              The theatre of Layonara is closed to the public, a small donation (a bio) is required at the door before a prospective actor is allowed access to the theatre. They are welcomed, depending on their time zone, by a variety of other actors through their parts in the grand play.

              The actors do not know each others parts initially and in time, as the scenes allow, more and more information is relayed to the other actors (some of which may never meet the actor in charge of a part) as to the exploits of a particular character in the play are retold for the amusement of others.

              Without the actors there is no play.

              The Parts (characters)

              Some parts are writ large upon the canvas that is Layonara, epic battles, world shattering quests, daring deeds. Others are but the smallest bit part with the chance to grow into much more with time and attention. As the story unfolds those parts interact sometimes subtly, sometimes overtly.

              There are no great injustices in pay scales for the actors of Layonara, there are no overnight stars who suddenly have the funds, equipment and power to battle the demonic hoards despite being a terrible actor and only being around for a short time (power levellers). Things must be earned and developed here.

              With merit based pay for the actors, the inequities of hollywood are, on the whole, absent.

              Layonara features crafting as a dominant force in it's economy. You too can make a better future for everyone, literally. The need for props is important in a play, in the case of Layonara the actors can use their parts/characters to work together for the natural resources available in the theatre in order to make their props. Along the way there will be extra props but of course they can be exchanged with others in the theatre and the actor's part is rewarded handsomely for their time and effort.

              Sometimes a large group of parts are required work together to achieve certain resources for upcoming scenes, this takes time and most importantly cooperation from the actors responsible for those parts. With a common purpose in mind these free form actors are now working together to a common goal, they form social bonds, get used to working together and grow comfortable with one another.

              Working together for a common goal makes for a healthy society.

              The Lounge
              When not actively engaged in the play, the actors get together in the lounge (forums)and swap stories, banter about the theatre, how the current plot lines are going, have a drink and put their feet up. This is important to them, they spend a lot of time in the theatre and really need to wind down or up again before heading back into the fray of acting. It’s a good place for the directors to let people know of what is coming up in the next few scenes in a broad sense and to let people know where certain special scenes are going to be performed.

              Talk to people and they will talk back, that’s how conversations start.

              What does it all mean

              It means that you have what you need for a great RP server, all the ingredients are there for a great experience for all involved. The particular implementation that you have made works well when all the components are added to a sum. There are static quests and crafting to get the characters together. There are GM run quests for more targeted things to do and to develop the story as a whole.

              Now I can’t speak for your GM’s as I’m yet to have any interactions but the level of good feedback on the forums is very encouraging. The players are keen and involved, always a good sign. There is an atmosphere of encouraging roleplay and encouraging partying.

              You are asking for feedback and are genuinely interested in making things the best for everyone; this is also a very good sign.

              1. What would make the world a better RP (roleplaying) place to be?

              More roleplayers and more interesting ways for them to interact. Is there some way to get characters together that has not been done before, that people have to find out in game? Is there a new gem appearing, what is it used for? Has an enemy been spotted where it shouldn’t be, what does it mean?

              2. What experiences have you had in Layonara that have made you want to stay in layo forever?

              The players and the characters, friendly people. High level characters that take the time to talk to low level characters.

              3. What was your favorite Roleplaying Moment in Layo? (if different from question 2)

              Too hard to pin down yet, so much more to do. Needless to say so far my favourite moments have all been character interactions. ;)

              (in no particular order)

              Gloinar catching up with Gloin finally and following him around like a lost puppy dog to buy an iron hammer, eyes bulging at seeing inside his house.

              Culling the lizard men in the swamp with Turor in the most lawfully organised party in history. Six characters formed up in a variety of fighting formations and everyone being berated for not doing it properly.

              Having Araleth scare the bejesus out Gloinar by shape changing into a bear.

              Gloinar stubbing his toe on his armour when he kicked it out of frustration for not being able to find any clay and having Araleth tend a very grumpy and ungrateful dwarf with a broken toe.

              Making iron arrow heads with only a 5% chance of success o.O


              RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
              « Reply #29 on: August 24, 2005, 10:24:00 pm »
              Very very well spoken.



              RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
              « Reply #30 on: August 28, 2005, 09:07:00 am »
              Layo is the first online server i have ever played on. And from what I have heard (from both people on this server and off of it) and experienced in game I could not have started in a better place. The RP here is amazing, and one day I hope to be at least half as good as some of the players out there.

              That being said, I don't think there is too many effeective ways to encourage good rp. People who just want to hit areas up for xp are going to do it no matter what (i do it occasionally myself :( , but ive been getting better at resisting the temptations). I think the only real way we can have good rp is in the players hands. It is up to them to make characters that they can get caught up in and enjoy acting like their character.

              As for experiences that have made me want to stay forever, just the long hours I find myself staying up just to have a good convesation with one of my characters good friends. The gm led events where you can rp you're character with the different NPC's (something I find real enjoyable). I have not yet had my own cdq, but I am looking forward to it immensly, since I have been on other characters cdqs. Above all this has made me want to stay forever, because the chance to have a quest built around your character is too good to pass.

              I have a few favorite roleplaying moments in Layo:

              That time when Jet, Rose and Vivian went up to Jet's place in the mountains. They Rp'd being incredibly cold, and I got to play the big tough guy who has lived in the mountains and is used to the cold. The whole ordeal greatly strengthend jet's relationship with both Vivian and Rose.

              Another favorite of mine was when Ozy came up and licked the people standing next to me. This was fun and easy to RP because both my character and I were thinking "What the hell is he doing?!"

              And the other one would probably be the moment Gloinar described in the swamps. It was awesome. We were like a well-oiled lizard killing machine by the time we got it right (which was just before we left according to Turor). I felt like we were a real adventuring party, because everyone had their roles in the group, and no one questioned them (although if they did I'm sure Turor would have left them in the swamps).


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              RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
              « Reply #31 on: September 07, 2005, 06:50:00 pm »
              Good role play will encourage good role play. The only hard thing is starting good role play.

              I think the important thing is to build strong character ties, though, this is a double edged sword. Good friends in character make a character alot more fun to play, but if the other player dissapears or something and the character is gone, it can leave a void.

              This happened to Quin alot, luckily, not so much for Viv. I guess you just have to try and make friends, like in real life. That is what leads to good RP.

              White Arrow

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                RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
                « Reply #32 on: December 04, 2005, 11:03:00 pm »
                While Im new to this server, and havent been on long enought to really know what kind of RP happens here,or even if the dm's do anything here, (i haveent seen any yet but havent been on long) or how much and such, I will give some advice on how to foster RP.

                First, is DM's. Dm's need to do few things, Initiate story that involve everyone, even if they are not directly involved in the story. How? first of all by use of the shout channel.  People like to know what is happening even if they cant be involved. Shouts from dm's related to storylines give the server life. How to do this? grab a NPC or Boss type monster and have it say something, maybe something its just thinking to its self, maybe something its saying to one of its own minions. Anyway, moderate use of the shout channel by dm's will will get all the players on the server coming together trying to figure out whats happening. For instance: Dm grabs a orc cheif and says over the shout channel that they are ready to attack and destroy town X,  lots of players hurry to that town, and start talking about how to properly defend the town from the immenent invasion. even if for some reason the attack doesnt happen, its brought everyone together in a common cause. Any way, DM's SHOUT A FEW THING, most players will love it :)

                Another way dm's can foster a lot of RP is to have the dm controled npc feed the information to a lots of people, just jump around and tell a everyone the same thing, something to feed a storyline, then people will get to gether and start talking about it. Everyone may not be able to actually participate in "killing the Monster" but they will at least know there is a story happening, and come away with the fealing they were part of it. (note see above about the DM shout also).  

                Have both long term as well as short term stories, using the above. especially long term stories. Gear as much as possible toward the entire server, not just a few handselected indiviuals.

                Ok, Now I know im gona get flamed on this one, but here goes.  EVIL PC. The No EVIL PC,(and to a lesser extent No PVP) really stifles RP on a server. On other servers almost all, well Maybe ALL of the Really good RP stems from What EVIL PC's have done or do. Now, 99.9 percent of all my NWN characters have been Good, all of the meaningful RP has been generated by people playing Evil PC. With out the evil pc's everything seems to be along the lines of:  How's it going Bob? Fine, and your self? Oh quite well. Nice day outside isnt it. yep is sure is. : and on and on with basicly meaning less dribble.   Now with evil pc's creating stories for the good pc, and vice a versa, its essentually creates a entire server of people generating stories for everyone. Now I may have to start another thread on this with greater detail, and im sure im going to get flamed by some, but if you really want to have a roleplay server evil pc should be allowed. The other alternative is to have a large quantity of DM's all playing Evil Characters incognito, all out there stirring up trouble of the RP kind. Now even better yet, is to have both Evil PC working in concert with DM's controlling evil NPC. (note: I am not suggesting mindless PKing here,  never really seen it on any NWN's servers anyway, yes, ive seen the occasional jerk, and even the occasional jerk be killed by someone but thats not what im talking about here. Anyway, ill have to post more on this as im sure its im gona get the "We dont allow Evil PC's and so on. With the PC screening application process, I really doubt there would be much of a problem anyway, but Flame away. I dont want to be a Evil PC, i just want to beable to RP with some  :)

                Well, anyway, on so many servers, if the dm's are on, most players have no idea that they are there.  Quite frequently they are just shadowing their favorite players around, and as such most of the Rp is generated between PC's.  Just give the PC's something to talk about, where its DM created or PC generated.

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                RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
                « Reply #33 on: December 05, 2005, 09:23:00 pm »
                In all, rp for characters has very much rewarding, in that each character adds depth to the other characters around them. When starting out a great many are two dimensional, but in time I have seen a good many become three dimensional and even to the point of becoming real.
                Perhaps getting to involved into the mindest of a character, but in some cases the consistency and depth that some players put into their characters has been convincing and even moving. Like a good fiction novel, sometime you want to stay online that extra hour just to see where the rp is going, like turing the page in your favourite novel.
                There is but one aspect of rp I have seen that is so often overlooked. The quality of rp of your chosen race. The aspect of the feminine and the masculine of each race. An example, a dwarven male would be more enthralled in taking his battle axe in a fit of fury against a foe, while a dwarven female would be more than likely to hit the dwarven male with the flat of her axe atop the head for not getting a move on or she will do it herself.
                Long-lived races behave too much like short-lived races to be believable.
                There should be an incentive to rping your race more appropriately, not just towards a specific class or faith.

                More development of the character races. Or, race specific quests. Each race has their own specific view on the threat of evil. In my opinion should not be the same as the human view of the threat. One aspect I think that should be explored.


                RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
                « Reply #34 on: December 10, 2005, 09:59:00 am »
                hello!!!  I'm very new here, to NWN in general, and of course have things I can say.. hehe!!!
                1. What would make the world a better RP (roleplaying) place to be?

                I came on knowing noone. There are cliques within Layonara that are hard to meet, even if they just started with you.  Yes, I understand that people are friends, and are in RL. But, they start out again (ie: they decided to start a new character) and they are automatically friends in game with people that they knew before.  Its hard to RP around that, since I haven't beem here long.  Yes, I've been welcomed, and friendships are hard to earn. But a level one character being best friends with a level 10+ character that they met the night before is hard to swollow when you start out somewhere.
                Oh, and as previously stated... It stinks leveling!!!  just needed to complain about that one thing.  I've been at the same level for 2 weeks now, and its difficult to find others my level to wander around with since they are all wandering around in thier previously made cliques (see above paragraph!!!)
                And when it comes to doing a CDQ, I have NO idea who to ask for being the GM (DM... whatever) since I don't look it up to see who they are in game, and when they are on, or how to figure all of that out!!!
                And since I don't know too many people on Layonara yet, its hard as heck to level!!!

                2. What experiences have you had in Layonara that have made you want to stay in layo forever?

                Honestly, I don't know yet.  I love some of the people here, and its fun to RP (although I do forget sometimes, sorry everyone for putting up with it!!)  The places that I HAVE been are interesting, but its hard to move around by yourself.  And since I have not met many people at my playing ability, I have found death many a time!  But, the amount of time put into the characters depth is awe inspiring, and I can't wait for a CDQ or even my Epic to come, since I feel that it will change my character for better.

                3. What was your favorite Roleplaying Moment in Layo? (if different from question 2)
                A group of us (all under level 9 or so) decided to travel to the greypeak mountains.  We got slaughtered, but it was lots of fun, since I was actually in a large group of people and was able to interact. I find many RPing moments, but I'm a loner (good thing I'm a ranger) because of not knowing anyone, so most of my time is spent alone trying to find someone or something to do.  But, there are so many people here that will help when you need it (finding your tombstone, for example!!!) that it seems is all the RPing I need
                oh, and I was there when someone was a dog, and sniffed everyone...  From previous posts it was Ozy, but I could be wrong, since it was like, my second time on and I hadn't started a journal (where I need to write everyone down, since I tend to forget names and faces!!!)


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                RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
                « Reply #35 on: March 23, 2006, 01:18:07 am »
                The one thing I hope we never see is a RPer of the Month Contest because this is too judgemental and could lead to lots of repeat favoritism amongst people/friends/older players/etc. As well, not everybody has a ton of time to play, so would you be looking of quality over quantity and just how much over another?

                I think the set up is great...maybe some improvement over time but it seems good enough that there isn't and shouldn't be any great hurry. I think everybody RPs well.

                The thing about stupid names, I agree about curbing them; however, it could be quite a judgemental and unfair process. One persons good name is another's nightmare or several people have horrible names but your is the tenth this week and so you can't have it.

                Anyhow, did you know there is a character called, Giveme sum Moregems, or something similar? Give me a Break, is going to be my antitheses to him. I couldn't possibly take this guy seriously. Was the person who authorize smoking crack (I kid)? At least the name was good enough for a laugh amongst a few players.


                Re: Creating A strong RP Player base
                « Reply #36 on: March 24, 2006, 02:42:02 am »
                I'm pretty new here, but i wanted to share my thoughts.

                1. What would make the world a better RP (roleplaying) place to be?
                the very first levels are very very hard, in both crafting and in adventuring. in away that's nice because i am sure that weeds out some of the folks who aren't willing to make that commitment to *a game* but it does make it very hard for those who are serious about sticking around long term.crafting is an essential part of this particular world. it's also the hardest part of the game to learn and advance. i've had the incredible pleasure of being able to bump into all sorts of personalities and events in the last two weeks.. weell in the last 4 days or so. it's enriched my RP experience greatly. unfortunatly do the abstract economy it's hard for the new and inexperienced Layo RPer to get started. we keep trying, but it can be like leaping a very tall brick wall... more contact then clearance. again i've been pretty lucky with players helping me out. i've seen others who weren't so lucky, who were litterally standing next to me. the brunt of the cure i think falls on your vary own RPers. When your goddesses' avatar shows up and says, "hey how are ya?" and later leads you to an event you have the option of jumping into with both feet? even if it's a good 10 levels above you? WOW. i suspect that was pure dumb luck. but just for clearance sake-- WOW. if i were to pick *any* thing to add... (Forgive if there are these set on the calander) more quests that are maybe short and geared towards the new guys. helping them progress their story lines and make connections is the best way to build a healthy enviroment. i co-lead a guild in another MMO, and this is a major part of our togetherness, by fostering a sence of communal need, and helping connections to form between players.

                i just want to add that it was awesome that even tho i was obviously more of a tag-a-long then a helper in the afore mentioned event-quest, not a peep was made by a singer soul there, and they were quite friendly and made sure i had some RP part in the whole experience (sine my weapons and spells couldn't go very far)

                2. What experiences have you had in Layonara that have made you want to stay in layo forever?
                i *LOVE* the people here. they are helpful in as much as they can be. they do it realistically for their characters, rather then just giving everything away for free, or any other action that might be against the grain of their RP story. I've met some folks on this server whom have made me want to stick around for a long time. between their RP ability, strength of character (i.e. not cheating etc), and willingness to go the extra mile. i've already mentioned to a few of my folks what i've been doing in my off time and encouraging them to come check you guys out!

                3. What was your favorite Roleplaying Moment in Layo? (if different from question 2)
                my favorite? that's gonna be a toss up. 1) realizing the regulars in my character's sphere of influance were taking her seriously when i RP'd her with my story in mind 2) the most beautiful Heirophant change over ceremony Layonara will (hopefully) see in a very long time. there were peices that were so touching, from general player and epic player a like. i won't soon forget that event.

                Gemme Moregems

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                RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
                « Reply #37 on: March 24, 2006, 05:07:49 pm »
                *clears his throat*

                It is Gemme Sum Moregems!

                Have you met this character in person? (Let’s not get too wrapped up in meta gaming) Have you read his bio? Are you familiar with the Deities of Layonara? Do you realize how people in the medieval times were named?

                Don’t take him serious! He is not there to be taken seriously.

                By the way, he is not there for YOU. He is there for ME. This is a game. I know some people get really involved and the ‘little’ things irritate them. This is a place to have fun.

                And no, I don’t think that L, “The Man”, "The World Creator", this character's approver, smokes crack.

                “Give me a Break” would be a good name for a Dwarven Barbarian. Maybe you should submit a bio.



                Re: Creating A strong RP Player base
                « Reply #38 on: March 24, 2006, 06:12:49 pm »
                I agree the comment you replied to was a little on the rough side Gemme.  Character Approvers take into account the names and we saw no reason this would be out of sorts, and yes, play for your enjoyment above all, or else you shouldn't be playing.

                Icurus, I've sensed your tone a little harsh in a couple of posts, it could be the internet barrier, however, dropping to references of narcotic usage are never productive.

                I'm not one to censor, this is a good thread, keep it this way please.


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                Re: Creating A strong RP Player base
                « Reply #39 on: March 25, 2006, 02:41:01 am »
                I agree Orth. Gemme sum moregems could be the translation into common of the name from Gnomish or Svirfnebli or whatever the charachters race is. His name could actually be one of great prestiege amongst his tribe/community. To his people Grympint Bloodbeard could actually be the name they give the tribes/communities Fool or to them a name like Plenarius Ashley or Geddrin Swifthammer might seem like really pointless names. To me the only idiotic names would be ones like 'I R0x0rs' or '1337 0n3' etc etc, the rest like dumb as a stump or gemme sum moregems etc , no matter how wierd they seem, if done tastefully and rp'ed decently I say go for it.