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Author Topic: New wave of monster-races  (Read 528 times)


Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2007, 05:14:37 pm »
Haha well Ariel (and I) love 'em!

Anyways, I agree that people should really think if they have any racial reasons behind creating a character of a monstrous race, or even a special subrace. I think, if your drow could just as well be a moon elf, why isn't s/he a moon elf? I have to say, the tiefling, half-ogre, half-giant, and half-orc characters I've come across have been extremely well RPed and I absolutely enjoyed being around them. But I really can't say the same about all the dark elves (especially those who walk through crowds in the cities with no hoods or helmets like nothing was out of the ordinary). But I have complete faith in the character approvers, and well, the world would be a dull place without those special subraces and monstrous ones!

