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Author Topic: Just a couple of questions ?  (Read 100 times)


Just a couple of questions ?
« on: April 06, 2007, 10:36:43 am »
ok  I have three questions. The first is about the weaponmater PC. I was reading though and It says only melee weapons, so I'm thinking that means not a ranged weapon like a bow or sling. Second I was wondering then If the arcane archer is the only real way to make a user of a bow extra powerful ? and third is the size requirments for certain weapons. Like can a brownie use a longbow or a double bladed axe ?

P.S. thanks for the help


Re: Just a couple of questions ?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2007, 10:46:15 am »
I can only help you with the last question. Brownies have the Small Stature feat, that aids combat versus larger opponents, but prevents them from using weapons of the size Large (this includes Longbow and Double-Bladed Axe), just like the Halfling race. Logically, Brownies should be unable to use even Medium-sized weaponry, seeing how they are half the size of a Halfling, but I think that's not implemented, seeing how you'd have to deal with some near-impossible hard-coding. Feel free to correct me on this one, however.


Re: Just a couple of questions ?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2007, 10:49:49 am »
  • Yes.  Melee == not ranged.
  • No, not really.  A rogue with a bow can do ridiculous amounts of damage, as can a fighter with the appropriate feats.  Arcane archer is just one way to do lots of damage with a bow.
  • Brownies are based on the halfling class, which is already small, which in turn means they cannot use large weapons (as indicated in the NWN handbook).  So the longbow and the double-headed axe are both verboten to the brownie.
Edit:  And Kindo beat me to it.  Ah well.  I still got the first two points.


Re: Just a couple of questions ?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2007, 10:52:49 am »
Weapon master bonusses are only applicable to melee weapons.
 Depends on what you mean with powerful. Arcane Archer is not necesary powerful, he just rarely miss, but the damage he does is still not very high. If you want high damage with a bow, sadly the only way to get it is with sneak attack (which in my personal opinion should not be allowed, but that is another topic).
 And what Kindo said about brownies are right.