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Author Topic: General Note to the Populace  (Read 391 times)


General Note to the Populace
« on: April 11, 2009, 04:10:26 am »
Hey everyone,

I am posting this here as currently I am running Fenrir's WLQD. This particular one is currently having a significant effect on things in the world and I am posting this to ask you to participate in bringing the full sense of whats happening to life.

I often find that with WLQD's they feel like they are taking place almost in another Layonara to the one everyone else plays in from day to day. This come about because normally it is a select group who deal with the WLQD issues at the times they can get together and thus it does not affect everyone else on the server in their day to day activities. So the general populace goes about doing what they do every day they play on Layonara with more than likely a very minor interest in whats happening out there because they are not a part of it.

In reality this is not the case, and I want to ask you, the typical Layonara players to help me build the atmosphere for those working towards Fenrirs WLQD.

How can you help I hear you ask?

First of all you need to be aware of what currently might be affecting your characters so you can include it in your everyday RP or interactions, so lets start there.

1/ Mithril and titanium have always been hard to obtain, now in the market places both metals have begun to dry up, prices are sky rocketing in mithril (please reflect this in prices etc)

2/ Priests of Beryl, Dorand, Grannoch, Sulterio and Grand all are sensing something wrong with the element of Earth in the world. Spells that rely on earth as a component of base source of power are weaker than normal, stoneskin for example wont last as long, earth elementals weaken and die very quickly etc (All can be Rp'ed)

3/ Giants in the Ulgrids have been hardly seen at all, there have been no attacks between the dwarves of the Ulgrids and the giants there for the past two months.

4/ Market places around the world are getting the jitters as mithril deposits used as securities for banks, mercantile guilds and even nations are disappearing.

5/ There is a general unease amongst druidic circles regarding notification they have received from certain faiths regarding the weakening of Earth, particularly within Layonara itself.

6/ Spellguard are now even investigation what they percieve as a serious threat against Layonara itself based within the field of earthen magics. (Rp for members of the faith)

7/ Tremours have been felt in various places across the world and people are beginning to say these are linked to the missing mithril.

If you know this...then you can employ it in your RP and thus help with the immersion of the WLQD for the people directly involved, the general community (whose world is being affected), and really help bring alive whats happening, for everyone.

Thank you.


Re: General Note to the Populace
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2009, 07:47:43 am »
After much trial and tribulation Fenrir has finally brought down the Balamti threat against Layonara and repaired the decaying state of the earth.

He has successfully completed his WLQD and thanks to those people in the community who helped keep the atmosphere alive while as he did so.


Re: General Note to the Populace
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2009, 12:23:07 pm »
Nice thread Dezza. Great job.


Re: General Note to the Populace
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2009, 09:45:17 pm »
// OOC .... *grumbles about plummeting mithril prices*     :D