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Author Topic: Can this fit in Layo..  (Read 56 times)


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Can this fit in Layo..
« on: October 17, 2005, 11:58:00 am »
Can we have a Tarrasque? Is there anyway to make it work on nwn? Could so happen that mithril can be found, but it happens to be in the lair of the Tarrasque. If you took it from the book then a few of the epics with a little luck and alot of preperation might be able to take it... so you can boost it up from the challenge level 20 to like that of a 30 or 40. but sence there is effectivly no way to kill it and keep it dead in layo, it would make mining in its lair very hard, would have to keep hitting it and keep it down whill someone else mined the ore, and that would make the turn out very low. Just an idea that i thought would be very fun.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Can this fit in Layo..
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 12:03:00 pm »
LoganGrimnar - 10/17/2005  12:58 PM

Could so happen that mithril can be found, but it happens to be in the lair of the Tarrasque.

I think where it is now is worse.....



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RE: Can this fit in Layo..
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2005, 11:18:00 pm »
but... but i want to see a tarrasque...  and i think the only plce mitril is now is the underdark, and from what im told you cant even get in there without a GM. If my buddy the Tarrasqu eas added... then we could open a part of the underdar.. and make it the lair, and in that lair is mithril, the point is not to get the mithril, but to see peopl try and fail. I think i might just be happy if i was told it exsisted in Layo... actually placing it wouldent need to happen. it could make for a heck of a quest series... for that 1d3 days ti comes up to feed... there heros of Layonara must chouse to run... or get in its path... i think getting eathen by a tarrasque is an honerarable way to go..


RE: Can this fit in Layo..
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
A Tarrasque...  wakes up and eats Port Hampshire and surrounding areas. . .  ugh