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Author Topic: Dey Colors  (Read 54 times)


Dey Colors
« on: May 13, 2006, 07:36:56 am »
I was changing the clothing of my character Sonya DarkAngel, when I found some colors that liked.
I don't know there names because I couldn't see them in the menu. I know one of the colors is named Cloth "dye C91"
I liked those colors alot But can't seem to find them in Hlint.
Can anyone tell me where I can buy those colors?

Thanks for your help.


RE: Dey Colors
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2006, 08:43:18 am »
There are many new colors that are part of Bioware's 1.67 path for which we do not yet have support in-game. There are some technical issues to address first, but in time we should have something worked out.

