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Author Topic: Dice Bag Etiquette  (Read 611 times)


RE: Dice Bag Etiquette
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2007, 09:37:32 am »
Just to clarify, self-tells don't produce silent results by themselves.


Re: Dice Bag Etiquette
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2007, 11:12:49 am »
If somebody is investigating some phenomenon or book or whatever, and that person is asked to roll (as that person has probably specifically stated what he/she is looking for already) and then all of a sudden other characters are also rolling the thing I ask the investigating character to roll, then I generally don't give them any information at all, or I give something like Ice states 'Your shoelace is untied' or something along those lines :)

@ miasma hemlock: I always recommend the Role-player's Guide to Neverwinter Nights, when I joined here I knew nothing, but this guide helped me a lot and now look what I do :) Get it here:



Re: Dice Bag Etiquette
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2007, 02:15:22 pm »
see, I would have rolled if a GM told me to, or said it out to the group: SC check or lore, search, etc.

now, if I see someone else doing something, I usually hold myself back... I think, I haven't really thought of it.  I mean, once its pointed out, I'll watch for it, but before now, I wouldn't have and if I see half the group rolling willsaves, guess what I'll be doing?