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Author Topic: Cleric of Grannoch questions  (Read 68 times)


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    Cleric of Grannoch questions
    « on: January 01, 2007, 08:39:30 pm »
    Even after telling myself repatedly lately that "If I see another new cleric..." I'm thinking of starting my own now. I've read through the LORE and handbook sections on Grannoch [which are exactly the same, go figure :P ] and am left with a few questions before I put any serious thought into this character, and they might be most appropriately answered by a character approver or other team member, but everyone else feel free to answer:

    1 - The favored weapon and armor section only lists the favored weapon, but not armor. Does that mean any armor would be ok?
    2 - With the favored weapon being the maul which is typically for a giant-sized creature, would the warhammer be an acceptable substitute for a human or elf-sized character?
    3 - Worshippers are classified as usually giants, half giants, or humans with giant ancestry. Does this mean that no other race would be considered for a clerical position with the right backstory? It's not important in the end, but I've briefly considered possibly an elf for the job. Just for the sake of an interesting story and RP possibilities.

    I think that's about it, feel free to make any suggestions along with any answers you might have.


    Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
    « Reply #1 on: January 01, 2007, 08:43:09 pm »
    1. I would think the heavier, the better, for the Giantmother... Then again, it would depend on which element you epitomized.

    2. Two words: Big hammer. I think, if you've got a big hammer, you're good.

    3. Write a good enough backstory, and you're in, for just about everything. Now, if you wanted to go Dwarven Defender with that Elf, I think you'd have a bit of trouble... *Grins.* But a cleric of Grannoch? Stranger things have happened.


    Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
    « Reply #2 on: January 01, 2007, 08:48:07 pm »
    Great, another hammer weilding elf. Look out Rev!


    Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
    « Reply #3 on: January 02, 2007, 10:34:37 am »

    1) Good catch. I will need to think on that.
    2) The thing is, the Maul requires you to take the Exotic weapon feat. This is intentional to bring flavor to clerics. The warhammer does not require the taking of this feat. So, technically, you'd have an 'extra' feat.
    3) Why would a deity that has as alias "The Mother of Giants" consider granting some of her power to somebody without a drop of giant blood, like an elf? Backstories are good, but can't explain away everything.


    RE: Cleric of Grannoch questions
    « Reply #4 on: January 02, 2007, 11:25:09 am »
    Clergy Favored Weapons and Clothing:

    Grannoch's followers favor mauls, often enchanted with the elemental power of the domain of the cleric.  

    Clerics are usually dressed in the colors of thier domain, so red for fire, dark blue for water, brown or green for earth, and light-blue to white for air.  The elemental color is possibly combined with another color of their choice, but the other color is never the color of another element.

    As Grannoch represents a time when giants were intelligent with talented artisans, huge, ornate ringmail or chainmail have always been the armor of choice.  The chainmail does not have to be made by the individual giant or half-giant, but it should be of high quality and is often embellished or engraved.  Leather straps holding the paudrons and any other added protection are dyed the elemental color.  It is not unusual for a center chestpiece to be added with Grannoch's symbol engraved on it.  As noted above, clothing under the chain or ringmail will be the elemental color.

    Half plate and full plate are allowed, especially for non-clergy worshippers like warriors; however hide and other more "primitive" armors are discouraged.



    Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
    « Reply #5 on: January 02, 2007, 12:40:42 pm »
    And what Honora just posted will be in the handbook :) Thanks Honora.


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      Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
      « Reply #6 on: January 02, 2007, 03:45:32 pm »
      Ok, to bring all the posts together for another once over:

      1- The armor more or less needs to be chainmail [as per Honora's post] for a cleric, but not required for a warrior type.

      2- As for the maul, I checked in game, and it shows a martial weapon proficiency, not exotic. I'm not opposed to taking the exotic feat if it is infact mislabeled, but at least in Hlint's Melee vendor, it shows as martial.

      3- Got it, no elves [or gnomes] :P It was just a thought anyway, probably not something I would've pursued.


      Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
      « Reply #7 on: January 02, 2007, 03:50:35 pm »
      Remember this about the maul... since it is a layo specific custom weapon:

      Maul - A maul is a heavy, long-handled hammer. Originally used for splitting a piece of wood along its grain, it did not take long for people to determine that it could be equally effective at hurting enemies. Traditionally, mauls have a wedge-shaped head, but some modern versions have conical heads or swiveling sub-wedges. The original maul resembles an axe but with a broader head.

      This weapon is not compatible with the following feats:
      Devastating Critical
      Improved Critical
      Overwhelming Critical
      Weapon Finesse
      Weapon Focus
      Weapon of Choice
      Weapon Specialization


      Guardian 452

      Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
      « Reply #8 on: January 02, 2007, 07:18:36 pm »
      The Maul doesn't require Exotic feat.... (I sure dont recall it needing exotic could be wrong)

      True about the Layo weapons (maul, double scimitar, sai, etc etc...) not working with those feats.... But what clerics take such feats?  Not many

      These dogmas are mostly aimed at those who preach this gods faith, their is no reason a figter who claims to serve Grannoch would "have to" use a maul.



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        Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
        « Reply #9 on: January 02, 2007, 08:24:26 pm »
        Thanks everyone, I'll have to start working on the submission as I have some time!


        Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
        « Reply #10 on: January 02, 2007, 08:34:01 pm »
        Just my two cents, but please stay with the races of choice for the gods, especially as a cleric. People always say they want to add flavor or be different with a race to add RP. Currently the problem is that the norm is rare and in fact what layonara needs more of. If you want flavor to add to RP, just follow the dogmas of your race and their gods. I find myself more shocked when I see an actualy giant worshiping Grannoch, or a drow following a drow god than I ever do when I find a Drow Paladin of Toran.

        One of the reasons the subraces are still not allowed right now, is due to their being too many weird, unique races worshiping crazy gods. There was a long post about drow not following drow gods, especially the drow that were clerics/paladins of good gods.

        My wife plays a half giant that follows a giant god. Look her up once you get in game.

        Talan Va'lash

        Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
        « Reply #11 on: January 03, 2007, 12:07:12 am »
        Drizzlin - 1/2/2007  9:34 PM

        Currently the problem is that the norm is rare and in fact what layonara needs more of. If you want flavor to add to RP, just follow the dogmas of your race and their gods.

        I actually agree with this heh.

        One of the things I find odd about Layonara is that you very rarely see archetypes played. Archetypes are great and from my experience you'll often find several very well played examples on other RP servers, even ones that aren't as strong RP servers as layo and even on servers that are PG servers that want to be RP servers.

        The old bearded terribly forgetful wizard

        The gnomish tinker who's always babbling on about something (nod to lonn here for Briilligimble)

        The grumpy old man

        The chaste and pious paladin

        The scarred and jaded veteran

        the idealistic naive young something


        well I guess you see some of those things.. but yeah archetype does not equal bad. In fact they're great and reinforce the feel of the fantasy setting.

        giants that worship grannoch also reinforce the setting.

        Too many that don't, undermine the setting. Same with drow that arent' very drow.

        hm. This is off topic isn't it?


        Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
        « Reply #12 on: January 03, 2007, 05:29:47 am »
        Talan Va'lash - 1/3/2007  12:07 AM

        Drizzlin - 1/2/2007  9:34 PM

        Currently the problem is that the norm is rare and in fact what layonara needs more of. If you want flavor to add to RP, just follow the dogmas of your race and their gods.

        I actually agree with this heh.

        One of the things I find odd about Layonara is that you very rarely see archetypes played. Archetypes are great and from my experience you'll often find several very well played examples on other RP servers, even ones that aren't as strong RP servers as layo and even on servers that are PG servers that want to be RP servers.

        The old bearded terribly forgetful wizard

        The gnomish tinker who's always babbling on about something (nod to lonn here for Briilligimble)

        The grumpy old man

        The chaste and pious paladin

        The scarred and jaded veteran

        the idealistic naive young something


        well I guess you see some of those things.. but yeah archetype does not equal bad. In fact they're great and reinforce the feel of the fantasy setting.

        giants that worship grannoch also reinforce the setting.

        Too many that don't, undermine the setting. Same with drow that arent' very drow.

        hm. This is off topic isn't it?

        Not really, the original poster is the one who said he was thinking of making an elf cleric rather than a human/halfgiant. Blame them!


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          Re: Cleric of Grannoch questions
          « Reply #13 on: January 03, 2007, 03:32:22 pm »
          No, don't blame me! It was just a fleeting thought I swear :) I do agree that there aren't enough archetypes though. By the way Drizzlin, which half giant is your wife's character?