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Author Topic: Ummm Army?  (Read 245 times)


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    Re: Ummm Army?
    « Reply #20 on: June 05, 2006, 02:47:14 pm »
    Oh, I'll find a way to bend the rules, I always do ;)

    If my officer tells me to go through point A, even though I know it's full of suicide bombers and such, I'll SAY I'm going through point A, but really, I'll go around ;)

    Note, I know it's not that easy.


    Re: Ummm Army?
    « Reply #21 on: June 05, 2006, 06:18:25 pm »
    Smart man. You're not superman and you're no use to anyone dead. Better to gather information than get yourself blown up. Also better to forgoe a promotion for the good of your unit than screw everyone else for personal gain. Good luck!


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      Re: Ummm Army?
      « Reply #22 on: June 05, 2006, 09:07:05 pm »
      Canadian Army I have no idea. I am currently enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and stationed in Yuma, AZ. I am a Sergeant on a FIVE year contract. Im finished this coming February. It all depends what you want in life. Do you want a family? etc... divorce rates are MUCH higher being in the military. I am recently married as of a couple months ago and it is one of the MAJOR reasons I am getting out. Another reason there is just more money to be made on the outside. And on a final note... do I regret joining?  NEVER. The Marines had a major influence on the person I am today.

      One thing I forgot.. another reason people find themselves joining (in the U.S. anyway) is because while on active duty 100% of your tuition is paid for. Not to mention the extra money you get when your out via the G.I. Bill.  I have no idea what the canadian policies are. Good Luck and Im sure whatever decision you make will be the right one. Everything happens for a reason I like to believe.

