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Author Topic: Lost and Found - Postponed  (Read 182 times)


Lost and Found - Postponed
« on: March 28, 2006, 05:49:36 pm »
After talking with Andrios, we have decided to postpone this quest for at least this week.  The party is a at a good stopping point to do this and plus, well, we are just plain busy with other Layo stuff as well as RL.  On top of that, we didnt feel that it would be fair to ask people to go on a Lost and Found quest and get it cut short so that they could get to Rhizome's plot quest.  

But fear not!  Either next week or the week after, it will start up again.  Corius can only wait so long you know ;)



Re: Lost and Found - Postponed
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2006, 07:20:38 pm »
Bummer was looking forward to this quest this week. :)  Thanks for letting us know though.