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Author Topic: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a begger)  (Read 159 times)


Ok Ive been bad, yep thats right bad, not bad in the evil v good world of DnD but as a player
in Layonara. How have I been bad? well I took a long hard look at Layonara and found that its very hard for thows of good alinment to do good to thows who relay need it. What do I mean by this? well there are ways. Like healing PCs who are hurt, doing good quests, killing or stoping evil things out there in the wilds, but its the day today good I found hard to find. So I asked my self what would a real do gooder do in the day, all thows Paladins and good drow running around what would they do when not helping starting PCs and the like.

Why they would help the poor, do good works and genraly make the world a better place for thows not of a Hiroic bering in life. But who would that be, the trades people of Hlilt? say the towns folk?. But they are the grate unseen NPCs and PCs dont get to "do" stuff with them, its just infered.

I wondered what would happon if there was a PC, A PC who was poor and in need, a PC that the do gooders could do good for. UREKA!

Ok he had to have a need and a reason to be so poor, he would have to be unfit for a trade, Physicly unfit, a disater in his past would have rendered him unfit to do any task that could give him a living. Gross difigerment and body imparment is what i came up with and so Himon One leg came into being. The Begger some of you my have seen or been so good as to give food and coin to.

Himon is a good soul who throw no folt of his own full on hard times.Body broken will smashed he is the grate unwashed, he is the down troden, One of thows thats was not faverd by the gods
he played no part in the grate plain, just one of thows that fell throw the crakes and is happy to be there. Let other ne heros, let othere clime the dizzy hights of fame and power. Hamon is just happy to have a hot meal and a bed for the night. In his world, hand to mouth is the oder of the day, his perspetive if far difarent from others who seek to do! he merly seeks to servive.

Now heres where I have been bad, see for Himon to be this he can not do what other PC do, he will never leve town, its just to dangaros for a one legged one eyed, scared begger whos only got parshell use of his hands (kind of stops magic) He dos not wont to be a hiroic fighter with power and I dont wont him to as well. That not what Hamons about. He will alwasy be 1st level.
He will tye his best not to stick his neck out or get invoved in any thing dangarus. He now cowered his just realistic what use is a half bing one leged begger in a fight.

He begs thats what he knows and it worked so for in keeping him alive.

Hamon is a Bumb and happy to be so.

So why bad again?, Well as layonara is set up so that most new players are good the idear so to explout this. My idaer was to make a PC who needs good PCs, needs them and uses them to keep alive. I do feel like a cheat for this meta-gaming as others run around pushing there PCs to ever more hights, interacting in the grater world and the grater narive where as hammon just takes.

In my defeance I would say that I also feel that he also gives, I feel he is that rear thing in Layonara a good reson todo day to day good.

I had a Paladin by me dinner and talk about good gods, even evil PC give coin so as to inbares the good and show hiporacey. Others have offered new wooden legs as aid. all of which has been grate RP.

I have come across Player need to get Hamon into the game trying to entice him to jion them in one of there advenchuers all of which he as refused politly.

Some PCs have been hostile as is there linment, other carring.

As Hamon I have met so may PCs by just standing still that came as a shock.

So if you see him be kind and rember his player may have been bad but he has not.



RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2005, 03:30:00 am »
Perhaps we have reached a limit? Too many good characters and almost none of different aligments. I would like to use use this topic ( sorry about that Nexus :) ) to encourage people to make characters that aren't perfect, cute and lovable. Characters that are thieves, bandits, characters that worship Corath, Pyrotechon, Shadon, Branderback etc. They don't have to be outright evil, they simply aren't "paladin" type.

Sorry about highjacking a topic :)


RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2005, 03:41:00 am »
Will we shall see where the Topic goes

For me it’s about the grater online RPG idea and the way Persistent Emissive non-linear self-generative Intuitive worlds are crafted.

For you is specific to Layoara as is, I hope its starts a good debate about both.


RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2005, 03:51:00 am »
This dos raise the Point of would Himon have been better being evil. I don’t think so I spent some time talking to a paladin who found it very difficult to come to terms with that fact that Himon was good yet life had been very bad to him.

Himon asked him if he would get is leg back in haven to which the Paladin could not reply, also Himon faith that no matter how harsh his life was that Taron would give give him a reword in haven just as he gave magic’s and a healthy body to the paladins on the prime plain. I felt that this was pushing the player to question his actions and his beliefs. All he could answer was the he had to believe that Taron had a good resin for allowing Himon to be as he is and faith was the bases this.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2005, 04:20:00 am »
I don't see anything bad about making or playing such a character.

I haven't met the character, but the other day when I saw the name listed under your characters I thought to myself that I'd like to see that.

I hadn't thought of making PC NPC's as it were like you did (since essentially he isnt a PC in the traditional sense.. well, by definition of course he is, but you know what I mean.)  But one of the things I want to do if I get the chance to DM here, is just create a host of NPC's that... well, just interact with the PCs.  For... no reason.  Just because thats what they would do if ever NPC that should be there IC were controlled by someone.  Fish mongers and town guards and regulars at the inn.  People that would often be around and PC's can kinda casually get to know over time.

Lonn has been doing this a bit, which I think is great.  He has a few npc's (only a few that I know of so far heh) that are tied to a location (where they live) and if a quest goes through there you might run into them and have a totally non-quest related encounter just involving that npc doing something weird (they would kinda have to be doing something weird to catch your eye in a bustling marketpalce.)  So, yeah, Lonn, I'm a fan of that, work that angle *winks*



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    RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a be
    « Reply #5 on: October 03, 2005, 05:42:00 am »
    I agree with AR7. Maybe there is so much good that seeing good is actually harder. Kind of like having a dark room with a lamp on. The light is a contrast against the dark. But in a room full of lamps, then the light becomes a trivial thing. I love characters with big flaws. It makes them more real. You can be a good character, but be intensely selfish, or cowardly. You can even be a paladin with a heavy drinking problem, or a saintly good character, that when angered, he loses all recognition of friend and foe, or loses his conscience. Just a thought.



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      RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a be
      « Reply #6 on: October 03, 2005, 11:06:00 am »
      My character Zeos, although true neutral, can be very evil at times, yet good in others. Just the other day he was laughing his socks off when someone told him that his family had been killed. Zeos, although originally intended to be grumpy, has turned to be a little loopy. A maniac! Those who have met him all think him to be weird. Zeos hasn't many friends, but i tell you what. His original, thats for sure. *smiles* Just don't aim to be the worlds greatest hero, and you'll end up with an excellent person to RP. I've been lucky. I have two characters I love to Roleplay. Zeos, a grump nutter, and Zalaelen, the kind and pathetic old man. Remember, even though you are alligned to good, people         do change. Zeos changes personalities faster than night turns to day. Zeos has walked past Himon afew times I believe, but due to his ignorance he tends to blank him...actually he tends to blank everyone except Acacea, since he thinks she's as nutty as he is.  ;)

      Zalaelen is very old and cannot battle either. He tends to just follow behind others, and he finds it difficult to run in his old age. Thats why he uses throwing knifes for awhile so that he can learn how to polymorph and be able to fight in a stronger body. If you see him around, you can look pathetic together.  :)


      RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a be
      « Reply #7 on: October 03, 2005, 01:47:00 pm »
      I've thought about making a beautifully dispicable and yet misunderstood tiefling but need some more time under my belt before playing a chaotic neutral character. Although I do like the idea of less lovable characters, why bother playing something you dont love yourself? Give yourself something annoying and querky but still something you can accept in a happy way.

      I remember intense RPing with evil characters abound it was too dramatic all the time. So long as you hold a trump card that will put your character in his respectable place without doing something truly foul is the best way to do things. Oh yeah and of course being open minded enough to let yourself be the victim in many occasions.


      RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a be
      « Reply #8 on: October 03, 2005, 02:32:00 pm »
      This is how I feel on this topic, example, (and I think it's pretty close to the Dogma) as Pyrtechon was used in AR7's example, I will use that diety here.

      I think where people lose sight of things is that you don't HAVE to be good to fight evil. A desciple of Pyrtechon wouldn't want Blood to take over the world, he might not CARE if he did or didn't, but his designs for destruction would be for the greater glory of Pyrtechon, whether Blood was master of all or if he was defeated by the more 'goodly' PC's the purifying flame would consume all regardless of thier reletive evil or good.

      So, really, you could be one mean, nasty, vile, evil bleepity-bleep, and still be heroic in the sense that you were fighting against Blood, although your ultimate goal is the destruction of the world, you might not want Blood to get to play his armageddon card before you do.

      The problem I have with actually PLAYING that, is that you're not going to find too many evil folks willing to heal you *grins* and the good folks' blessings won't work on you.



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      RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a be
      « Reply #9 on: October 04, 2005, 02:22:00 am »


      >Zalaelen is very old and cannot battle either. He tends to just follow behind others, and he finds it difficult to run in his old age.
      >Thats why he uses throwing knifes for awhile so that he can learn how to polymorph and be able to fight in a stronger body.

      I love the sound of Zalaelen hes just the kind of PC that Himon would like to hang around a realistic PC an a world of hiroc tyeps.
      The Knives are a good idear im my have to nick that for Himon and let him have darts or the like, he could just about throw one badly.

      I have seen Zeos at work grate PC

      >If you see him around, you can look pathetic together.
      Your on


      RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a be
      « Reply #10 on: October 04, 2005, 02:26:00 am »
      That last post was me sorry


      RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a be
      « Reply #11 on: October 04, 2005, 02:30:00 am »
      Vyris thats how I see evil if its to work as a PC, a combo of mind set and aims which may or amy not seem to be for the grater good.
      Its the core of the Anti-Hero fight for them selfs but doing good in a way.

      Some times that alows good PCs to try and turn them from evil,
      all good RP stuff



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        RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a be
        « Reply #12 on: October 04, 2005, 10:09:00 am »
        *winks* if you thought Zeos was RPed good, then you should see him now. A new twist is coming around. if you see him, you'll know what i mean..although the Zeos you all know and hate won't be around much longer, time my friends, only time will show you what i mean.  ;)


        RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a be
        « Reply #13 on: October 04, 2005, 10:37:00 am »
          Well, I kinda agree... we could use some more "questionable" adventurers. Not to join up with Blood or anything (the goal of pretty much the entire world is to stop him) but to just be annoying nuisences.
            Have to remember though that this is a world of heros... whether you give a squat about what happens to the little kiddies in Hampshire if they were to be attacked or not, you're there to stop Blood. The Dragon wouldn't call a bunch of evil people to fulfill their potential now would he?  :)  (I know several evil people that work against many good people but still fight Blood so...)

        Kapitän Awesome

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          RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders (or my life as a be
          « Reply #14 on: October 04, 2005, 11:57:00 am »
          I think it'd be pretty cool to have a small minority (maybe 6 or 7 players) working for Blood instead of vice-versa. Add a bit more to the game, in my opinion  :)