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Author Topic: Don't Leave Things Lying Around  (Read 807 times)


Re: Don't Leave Things Lying Around
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2009, 09:53:57 pm »
Clicking a crafting station only to be taken almost immediately to the menu because someone was inconsiderate enough to leave things there is irritating.  It's kind of like grabbing a shopping cart with a sticky handle; it's not going to waste a lot of time to get another one, but wouldn't it be nice if people would clean up after themselves so you wouldn't have to?


Re: Don't Leave Things Lying Around
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2009, 11:28:10 pm »
Besides that, that's a kind of viewpoint that at least says a lot about the improved server stability, heh. A lot of people here will do anything to reduce what they can, because stuff adds up and they've seen the consequences. Not direct ones (he left a heal potion on the station and it crashed the server!) but rather just the unstable and lagginess of a less quality server that makes everyone want to do their part.

There are still people that might backhand you for not counting to ten before taking a server portal, let alone log onto the server in the first 10 minutes after a reset if someone hasn't changed the passwords. Cleaning up after ourselves is personal, easy, and when everyone does it there's nothing to see.

Being messy en masse, however, can be pretty true in the opposite sense... messy inventory lagspikes (sorry central *squints upwards*), merchants that only "have a few" items on them waiting to be sold, houses filled with deeds being loaded at one time (now staggered, thanks!), crates filled to the max being opened thirty times on a busy Friday night...

*shrugs* Is it really about calculating how much something may improve, so much as just performing a simple and considerate improvement? ;)

