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Author Topic: Current stories and lore of dwarves  (Read 57 times)

Pen N Popper

Current stories and lore of dwarves
« on: January 01, 2007, 08:08:49 pm »
  As hopefully most of the players with dwarf PCs know by now, my PC, Wanark, writes a newsletter for all the dwarves. Being a paladin devoted to Vorax he is especially keen on keeping his fellow faithful organized. The newsletter, though, is meant for all dwarves. (If you play a non-dwarf significant RP would be required for you to receive this newsletter, including how you knew it even exists.)
  I found it enormously frustrating getting stories with my last PC. Bumblebee's newsletter, though, was much grander and perhaps over ambitious for a player that isn't involved in quests (not by choice but by playing times). This new PC of mine is an attempt to remedy this by focusing solely on a smaller group of PCs.
  Because we're such a small group, I think it would be natural to assume that we see each other in Hlint and would ICly share tales and events of significance. If you have a dwarf PC that passes through Hlint you would surely have heard of my PC from another dwarf. Wanark is quite an organizer. Therefore, I implore you to help me strengthen the IC community of dwarves and increase our OOC chances at fun by sending me your tales and stories. PMs here on the forum, LORE letters, or a retelling ingame for my logs, all would be fine.
  I look forward to hearing more about your PCs' lives, adventures, and successes!


Re: Current stories and lore of dwarves
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2007, 01:26:04 am »
//PnP - got a few more stories for you, but you should try to ask Harg and Kobal as they have been around much more than I have..


Re: Current stories and lore of dwarves
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2007, 10:34:03 am »
// You should talk to my brother... He plays Gimli...We call him "The Gim Reaper" because someone usually always dies when they quest with him. He's not keen on the long typing, but he is sure to have a ton of stories...

