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Author Topic: Drow darkness  (Read 82 times)

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    Drow darkness
    « on: April 26, 2006, 09:35:34 am »
    I noticed that when casting darkness at something (monsters etc) I cant see ...! This happened first as a drow ability, but I tested it with a wizard casting the spell on a completely different mod and noticed the same thing. It reads in the spell description that the caster should see through the darkness... furthermore if I walk inside the darkness I have to roll for spell resistance... anyone else wondered about this? Is this a known bug?

    Anyway, as a new member of Layonara I would like to say hello to all! I have very positive expectations about Layonara. I'm a former member of ALFA but got sick of the constant walking, empty servers and lag



    Re: Drow darkness
    « Reply #1 on: April 26, 2006, 10:31:26 am »
    Darkness has a host of known bugs, but suffice it to say, the only way I know of to see in magical darkness is with its counterspell, Ultravision.  Even resisting the spell and I still can't see.

    Super Conductor

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      RE: Drow darkness
      « Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 02:43:56 am »
      cr@p... sorta takes away the usefulness of the ability (and the spell). I suppose DMs won't give my PC some ultravision goggles?? :D



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      Re: Drow darkness
      « Reply #3 on: April 27, 2006, 04:28:44 am »
      You could always buy a lotta scrolls... ;)


      Re: Drow darkness
      « Reply #4 on: April 27, 2006, 06:35:51 am »
      Nah, the spell is still really useful.  For one, it makes a great escape mechanism.   Things go bad, poof!  darkness, run away.  Two, the spell ultravision lasts an hour/level.  That's freakin long.  Most of the time you'll only ever need to cast it once if you're a serious caster.  If you're a drow, well then that darkness is there really for the first purpose.  A quick exit.


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      Re: Drow darkness
      « Reply #5 on: April 27, 2006, 07:11:48 am »
      Darkness is also penetrable with True Seeing.

      Ultravision has its own bugs as well, as sometimes if it gets dispelled early, your ability to see anything else, NPC or PC becomes nil unless you're standing next to them, like invisibility.  The only way I know of to fix this is to have ultravision cast on you again.


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        Re: Drow darkness
        « Reply #6 on: April 28, 2006, 09:15:52 pm »
        Correct me if im wrong but one loses their dodge ac when in darkness.  EXCEPT THE CASTER.. therefore the caster seeing through the darkness does apply. If you are a rogue etc..   you will sneak attack them non ultravisioned darkness folks. And true seeing.. hate that spell.. BAH should be a see invisibility spell and ultravision. True seeing is ....  :D  :p

        Anyway like I said correct me if Im wrong but Im sure this is how it works as Ive seen it work like this.

        Talan Va'lash

        Re: Drow darkness
        « Reply #7 on: April 30, 2006, 07:04:15 pm »
        The caster is not immune to their own spell (they almost never are untill its a party friendly AoE)

        Darkvision does not allow one to see through magical darkness, only natural darkness.  No ultravision goggles will be handed out as this is not a game mechanics hiccup, drow should not be able to see through darkness (otherwise it would be a very useless ability for drow, who most often use it when fighting with other drow.)

        A character in darkness is treated as blinded and invisible to creatures outside the darkness.

        SR does work against darkness.  However, like any non-instant AoE, it will force a new SR check every round(ish).  For some duration AoE's this is proper behavior (Storm of Vengance should force a new check every round I believe) however its incorrect behavior for darkness but there isn't a whole lot to be done about that I don't think.

        A blinded character (a creature in darkness is considered blinded) is treated as if they were flatfooted (as if they were being attacked by an invisible creature) ergo they lose all dex bonus to AC (unless they have uncanny dodge I) and dodge modifiers to AC.  The attacker (assuming they are not blind as well) gains a +2 to attack (I think, might be +4.)


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        RE: Drow darkness
        « Reply #8 on: May 01, 2006, 12:27:47 am »
        Hmm... I just had a look at the description for Darkness and it said:  'All creatures within the area of effect are shrouded in a haze of darkness which can only be pierced by Ultravision. The creator of the zone of Darkness is able to see as normal.'
          So, if the Darkness spell does in fact affect the caster (I'm guessing this is because the server settings are Full PvP), does that mean that all other spells affect the caster also? eg. The 9th level Druid, 8th level Cleric spell Earthquake.

        Talan Va'lash

        Re: Drow darkness
        « Reply #9 on: May 01, 2006, 12:49:57 am »
        I'm not sure who's description that is.  See LORE for descriptions that are accurate for layo.  I don't think the description you quoted ever applies to NWN (except at low difficulty levels where pvp setteings are shunted to party pvp i.e. you can't hurt yourself by accidentally fireballing your foot.)

        Earthquake doesn't hurt the caster because of its AoE (its doughnut shaped.)  Like Meteor swarm, a radius of x length from the caster is unaffected by the AoE.

        Edit: heh, just followed my own link.  Earthquake doesn't have an exempt zone like meteor swarm, it just doesn't affect the caster.   Its specifically noted, see the above link.


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        RE: Drow darkness
        « Reply #10 on: May 01, 2006, 01:12:48 am »
        I was using the definition from GameBanshee, I don't have a clue where they got their's from.. oh well, and the definition in the two manuals I have that list darkness just say 'Covers creatures in a shroud of darkness'.
          Anyway, thanks for the links, and for clarifying that!


        Re: Drow darkness
        « Reply #11 on: May 13, 2006, 01:46:58 pm »
        The Drow Darkness seems to have been fixed in the new update.  If my character casts darkness, then I can see clearly out side of the spell, and attack monsters while in the darkness.  Very efectively I might add, dropping ogres one after another.  If a dark elf alie casts the spell, I am completly blind.  Also, being a cleric, and can pray for them as a level 2 spell.

        Aeon Blues (plaing Cymeran Vrinn)

