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Author Topic: A racial question.  (Read 207 times)


A racial question.
« on: May 04, 2005, 06:50:00 pm »
Just something I noticed while cruising the manual.

Half giants have a -6 int and -6 cha. Yet the are often accepted in human areas as barbarians (paraphrased from the manual)

While Half Ogres have a -4 int and a -2 cha. yet they are the ones that are describes as being thought of as ugly by everyone, and also described as not being smart enough to really understand dieties and religion.(also from the manual)

Just thought that was a little backwards, anyone?
It's pages 40 and 41 of the layonara .PDF



RE: A racial question.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2005, 07:32:00 pm »
It basically comes down to game balance really. Since the HG has greater STR and CON bonuses it has to be offset. This is done by both raising the ECL to 3 and also making a bigger hit to INT and CHA, even if it doesn't necessarily make as much sense, though there is nothing to stop someone from actually pumping up either stat.
STR and CON are worth more than INT and CHA so if they didn't have such a drastic hit to INT and CHA they would be at an even higher ECL. This basically makes them playable.


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RE: A racial question.
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2005, 08:52:00 pm »
Vgn's description is correct from the balance/mechanic stand point.

If you're talking about character reasons...

Half giants tend to hurt people as children. They are incredibly strong. Imagine a child with the strength of an adult or a teenager that could pick up the rear end of a car. They are that kind of strong.

That tends to make them very withdrawn after hurting a few people out of accidents.

They also have to deal with the heritage of bloodlust in many cases which means many halfgiants have an really bad temper they have to keep in check.

Things like this, while not really having anythign to do with the physical looks, is why the half giants charisma is lower. They often lack self confidence, they are often shy, introspective and prone to wanting to be alone for fear of breaking people.

Does that help?


RE: A racial question.
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2005, 11:51:00 pm »
GhostWhoWalks - 5/4/2005  9:52 PM

....and prone to wanting to be alone for fear of breaking people.

Does that help?

Oh, that made me laugh... breaking people *oops, sorry 'bout that!*

Ah, yes, that explains it.



RE: A racial question.
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2005, 09:12:00 am »
yes, and being 6'6", it explains why I'm so bloody single.  Quit snapping, you spindly stick women!  *shakes his fist at all the girls in the club*