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Author Topic: Since this was deep down in a thread  (Read 96 times)


Since this was deep down in a thread
« on: September 29, 2005, 05:28:00 pm »
I thought I would bring it up to the top

As a new palyer (3 or 4 months) I am just getting to the part where you question what you are doing. I game for fun, and while crafting can be fun it is a major time consumer. I spend like 40% of my time crafting just to have the arrows to shoot when out gathering raw materials. Sounds kind of cyclical  and any spontaneous adventures that come up are usually centered around collecting craft-able items. How many times will we "Rid the Haven mines of the Ogres" .

I am sure that this is a phase that all new comers go through. I will say that the RPing has been great fun so far. I am sure that the GMs have spent many (many many) hours working on a system that will promote RPing as the highest priority. That is what we are here for, of course I wouldn't mind being able to go collect oak on my own with out getting turned to goo by a few spiders . But I guess if I wanted that I should have played a half-giant or half-orc or half-ogre fighter instead of a elvish ranger, I just like to whole ranger concept .

Well there is my newbie rant  

Just remember I love Layonara and I am really enjoying the interactions with the people I have met here (both in and out of character, you know who you are)



RE: Since this was deep down in a thread
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2005, 06:53:00 pm »
Is there a question/suggest in there somewhere, or was that just a "Just so ya know, this is where I'm at right now" kind of thing? :P

I don't think it's really even a newcomer thing, just something you kind of go in and out of no matter what you're playing.


RE: Since this was deep down in a thread
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2005, 07:05:00 pm »
*sigh* This was only six posts down and only the 9th post in that thread (still on page one). 


RE: Since this was deep down in a thread
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2005, 08:34:00 pm »
*Signed* Lokry Hrendhammer :p

Thee Gods I craft another oak-shortbow, I'm falling on me blades.
*thoughts on crafting by Path, usally while doing it, over and over and over and over again* ;)


RE: Since this was deep down in a thread
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2005, 08:39:00 pm »
*Curses* CRAFTING, BAH!!!!  Bloody shop work...

*thoughts of a mercenary who would much rather buy his goods than make them, and who is not in very good standing with Dorand*


RE: Since this was deep down in a thread
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2005, 09:29:00 pm »
this is what I mean about this place, you bunch are just plain fun.

And yes I do have suggestions but I will save them for a later date.



RE: Since this was deep down in a thread UPDATE
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2005, 10:31:00 am »
So I think the trick here is not to be conservitive when crafting. Last night I made a Long bow of the hunter with only a 20% chance :) now that was a rush.

