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Author Topic: Mac question  (Read 617 times)


Mac question
« on: August 20, 2007, 03:53:33 pm »
First I want to say the new areas that I have seen a just freaking wild cool!

Now onto a not so great point. On my Mac (2 GHz intel core duo, 2 gigs ram, ATI Radeon X1600 256) the areas west and north of Thunder Valley crossroads are unplayable. I have every setting in layo down to the lowest they can be and all I get is a big green screen where I can see a bit on the outline of the things in the area and I can hardly move. Anyone else on a mac seeing this?

Luckily I have a PC desktop as well but if I have to rely on that my play time will be reduced to about 15% of what it is now :(
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Re: Mac question
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2007, 04:11:22 pm »
OK turn all setting down and dont run in window mode and it works :)


Re: Mac question
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2007, 04:35:16 pm »
Thats exactly what I get, except it seems to effect me in more areas than that.  I think its a driver issue because I get the same when run the windows version using bootcamp.  It's annoying because my MAC (Macbook Pro Core DUO 3GB RAM) can run Oblivion pretty well with most of the settings turned up, yet it has major problems with NWN. :(

This is by the way, the only reason I haven't been in the game for the last 6 months or so, its become virtually unplayable unless I stay within certain areas.  I'm praying the new client will come soon(ish) :)


Re: Mac question
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2007, 04:49:48 pm »
My roommate Skabot has a sweet Mac setup, just we're not very savvy on dualbooting and such.  How do you manage to run a windows environment on it?  I have a huge stash of PC games he's been drooling to play, but I don't let him anywhere near my own computer, hehehe.

One thing I have noticed watching him play on his mac, is that darvision actually WORKS for Mac users for some reason!  In windows, my characters with darkvision stagger around just as blindly as the humans.  On his machine, I see Willy running around in those areas and suddenly he can see incredibly well.  Is this usually the case, or more like a driver problem?


Re: Mac question
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2007, 08:21:35 pm »
Its pretty easy to run windows on an Intel Mac (has to be an Intel).  You use a program called 'Bootcamp'.  Its part of the new MAC OS due to be released later this year, however it's been available to download as a beta since before  christmas.  Its pretty straightforward to use, as it's been designed for people who know nothing about partitioning disks or much about the workings of a computer.  I recommend that you don't partition more than 32gb for windows though (although you can use all of your disk if you want to) as anything more than that will prevent you from accessing your windows partion from the MAC OS, probably not important if you're just using it for games.  

You can get it from here Apple - Boot Camp

Oh by the'll need a single disk version of windows xp2 to install onto the windows partion, they don't supply windows you'll have to buy it.  But you'll have already guessed that :)


Re: Mac question
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2007, 06:22:19 am »
I guess you've probably read that NWN2 is coming to the MAC this Xmas?  Which is a good thing although we'll probably have to wait a year or so for the expansion to follow suit :(  But I've just read something else too, that Bioware are finally going to release a Universal Binary File for Intel MAC's after the next update.  So hopefully that'll solve our driver problems, even though it'll be a bit too late for Layo considering the move to a new client :)