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Author Topic: elven races  (Read 169 times)


elven races
« on: April 26, 2007, 09:22:13 am »
I have a question that came up.

I read that the following races of elves are on layo.
Dark Elf
Gray Elf
Moon Elf
Sea Elf
Sun Elf
Wild Elf
Wood Elf

But wich ones are playeble. and what about the moon elves. I can't find any info on them. I'd like to know more about them even if they are not playeble.



Re: elven races
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 09:30:02 am »
All are playable if one puts in the effort to justify a subrace. Moon elves are what the 'standard' elves are called.


Re: elven races
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2007, 10:16:30 am »
All of those are playable, see [lore]Races of Layonara[/lore] for more information on the races.

As Acacea said, Moon Elves are the base Elf race (no difference).  For any of the other subraces, the character background will need to be expanded to show why the subrace is necessary to the character concept (e.g., why would the character have to be a Wood Elf instead of a standard Elf?)


Re: elven races
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2007, 12:35:39 pm »
moon elfs are standard elves got it. so no limit on looks and or skin collours eye collours and such as I read with the subraces?
I didn't read any. gives me some great idea's thanks.


Re: elven races
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2007, 06:05:01 am »
Moon elves, generally speaking, have fair skin, normal hair colouration (brown, blonde, silver, possibly red, but not blue or green or purple unless they rub dye into it), and normal eye colouration (green, brown, blue, possibly purple, but not conventionally red, or yellow, or black.)

That is to say, moon elves don't look like their subspecies, or they would likely BE a member of said subspecies.


Re: elven races
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2007, 06:40:36 am »
I'll have to look into the subraces then. and perhaps it is posible to have a character who's parents where of different subraces of elf's. like a sea elf and a moon elf for example. or grey elf and wood elf.

just thought.


Re: elven races
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2007, 08:32:58 am »
Read LORE. Races of Layonara.


Re: elven races
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2007, 04:25:11 pm »
Well, sea elves do not often interact with surface races, and a grey elf would be extremely unlikely to lower him/herself to associate with a Wood elf, but yes, if it were well-laid-out, such a thing could be possible.


Re: elven races
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2007, 01:57:14 am »
Quote from: darkstorme
Well, sea elves do not often interact with surface races, and a grey elf would be extremely unlikely to lower him/herself to associate with a Wood elf, but yes, if it were well-laid-out, such a thing could be possible.

oke thanks for that. it helps a lot.


Re: elven races
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2007, 07:51:02 am »
Quote from: darkstorme
Well, sea elves do not often interact with surface races, and a grey elf would be extremely unlikely to lower him/herself to associate with a Wood elf, but yes, if it were well-laid-out, such a thing could be possible.

Don't get your hopes up though. It's VERY unlikely.


Re: elven races
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2007, 04:49:43 pm »
*chuckles*  I didn't put the stresses appropriately.  I should have said that it's possible.  I can't imagine, under any circumstances, a Grey Elf associating romantically with a Wood Elf - but if the reasoning were established over the course of a long, LONG exposition, it might be possible.

The sea elf thing I think is at least equally unlikely.. though we do have a Sea/Moon elf crossbreed who was approved several months ago.

The one that strikes me as particularly unlikely (and, in fact, was not approved), is a Dark Elf/any other elven race cross.  I don't care if this is the Dark Elf of Sweetness and Light, who braids her hair with flowers and dances in the moonlight, leaving little toys for children on their doorsteps... I can't see other elves getting over the fact that it's a fcaawelv Dark Elf.


Re: elven races
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2007, 06:01:18 pm »
oke thanks. I just never made an elf before and I just wanted to get some idea's going. I'll loke into the different sub races and see what is posible. and what would fit my character.


Re: elven races
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2007, 06:14:26 pm »
I would suggest to not do a mix of two elven subraces, as pointed out already:
why would the character have to be a Wood Elf instead of a standard Elf?

This would weigh even more heavy for whatever combination you think up, not to mention what the actual subrace will be (I think that we'd say you get the standard elf race).


Re: elven races
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2007, 04:11:48 pm »
it's not much of a question for me as what kind of race or subrace to take since I like the standard elf much more than the subraces. they all have something I don't realy like. It's more of a question for skin, hair and eye colours I was interested in. the different race of parents was just and idea to make the back ground more interesting.

I already read about some collours availeble for the standard elf race. but not much about skin colours. only that they have "fair skin". what does this mean?  just your normal human skin colour or are there more options?


Re: elven races
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2007, 04:39:19 pm »
Well, to be specific, normal caucasian human skin colour, possibly with the barest hint of blue/white.  Moon Elves are somewhat monochrome.

