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Author Topic: children of PCs question  (Read 44 times)


children of PCs question
« on: February 24, 2007, 12:55:07 pm »
Ok here goes...

My in game son is about 11 now.  In the future I am looking to roll him up as a PC.  Could I get thoughts on how this would work in the world.  Obviously other PCs will know him from having helped raise him etc.  Is there a problem with doing this?  I guess I am just looking for general feedback on how to approach this when he comes of age to be a PC, and if there are any restrictions to doing this.  There are several other players with children about the same age so I'm sure they would like some feedback as well.



Re: children of PCs question
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2007, 01:11:53 pm »
Children of established adventurers would have a slight edge, but in so far only as how much their parents told them and how much their young minds could process and absorb that information.  They are children after all.  They have a child's priorities and listening to dear old Dad expound on the politic of Dregar is not going to be nearly as interesting as Mr Fields new colt or neighbor Jonny's gnomish wazzits his father brought back from Port Hempstead.  They may have heard Mom curse the giants of the Forest of Mist but what parent would take thier child there?  They would have more exposure to things like portals and know about bindstones and the like, but really their lore should not be much more than a new player who has read the handbook.  They would not know all the gritty details of some quest their parents were on.  

Playing their parent how much Role play have you put into their character development?  You can't just all of a sudden have them well tutored  in 6 languages and all the geography of Layonara without some efforts on your part.  There is no public school system. Education would be via tutors and learning from parents and realtives.  Books are rare.  Does your character development journal back up or even mention the development of said children?

I have a second generation Layo character.  It's VERY difficult not to fall into metagaming sometimes.  She can tell you all the latest gossip around Hlint where she grew up.  She could point you to the tailor supply store in Port Hempstead.  She dare not enter the city of Prantz because of who her mother is ....

Though sometimes it appears not to be so common... a measure of common sense in these matters goes a long ways.

**disclaimer** these are my personal opinions.


Re: children of PCs question
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2007, 01:20:13 pm »
A quick reply...
  In my CDT there is extensive documentation on my sons learning, anywhere from Exodus Stonecutter teaching him dwarven, my teaching him non flamable cantrips, to his father taking him on outings around Leilon, and now his interaction with the 1/2 drow children that have recently moved into my home.
  So I guess from that standpoint I have it covered.
  I guess what I was wondering as well was if there are any specific rules that must be adheared to in reguards to this. Granted, common sense covers most questions I have.


Re: children of PCs question
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2007, 02:00:41 pm »
The only hard and fast one I can think of is they must be the acceptable age for submission when submitted for play.