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Author Topic: Joining quests today and a few rules in place  (Read 47 times)


Joining quests today and a few rules in place
« on: June 24, 2006, 09:21:12 am »
If for some reason you are not able to join the party/parties on the quest that you appear for please do not jump to another server to join another party/quest.
  All servers will be restarted today at 2pm PDT.
  Standing rules for the quests today.
  1) They will be deadly and dangerous. If a character dies three times and has a forced respawn they are out of the quest. If a player logs out (leaves the quest) after this happens it is their choice and it is not the GM's fault or responsiblity. Characters need to be around at the end of the quest to get xp or items. Even if a character has a forced respawn they are still eligable for xp and items. 2) Keep all conversations in character, no OOC please. Do not speak in Party Chat unless the GM should see what is being stated. All conversations should be in whisper or talk--not party chat. This will help the GM's keep control of things and watch the text as it flys by. It also helps with lag. 3) Understand that the GM's will miss things as there is a lot of stuff going on. So if we miss something it is not a dish on you or your character it is an honest mistake. 4) Show up on time for these quests please. We will have our hands full enough and should not have to deal with late arrivals. 5) Be patient. 6) Have fun!


RE: Joining quests today and a few rules in place
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 09:41:52 am »
For those joining the Nature's Defense tonight and are unfamiliar with my GM style please note the following:

    • if you going to do anything that involves dice rolls please emote clearly what you doing in party chat or DM channel, if I just see dice rolls flying I have no idea what they are for and would probably ignore them
    • keep running to a minimum, I would prefer that you walk where you need to be, this gives me the opportunity to catch a breath and focus on the next area
    • no resting is allowed before you confirmed with me that it is fine, so use common sense with regards to resting, you might not get the opportunity to rest after each battle
    • I would prefer that a leader or spokesperson is elected when speaking to any NPC's as it makes it easier to control the conversation, rather than everyone talking over each other
    • Use the DM channel if you need to check or confirm something with me
    • Let us respect our fellow players and stay IC
     HAVE FUN!!!


RE: Joining quests today and a few rules in place
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2006, 10:28:18 am »
All at 3pm PDT
  Quest 1: Bloodstone  East Server  Levels 20+ but a max of 18 characters  Starts in Arabel
  Quest 2: Natures Defense  Quest Server  Levels 13+ but a max of 18 characters  Starts in Arabel (quest server)
  Quest 3: In Defense  Central Server  Levels 5+ but a max of 18 characters  Starts in Lorindar