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Author Topic: Excellent Roleplay - Jet, Mith, Abi & Angela  (Read 146 times)


Excellent Roleplay - Jet, Mith, Abi & Angela
« on: December 11, 2005, 01:40:00 am »
I should have done this some time last week but better late than never!  I would like to thank the follow people for the excellent roleplay for last week especially last Thursday!  There was a wonderful argument between Jet, Abi, Angela and Ireth with Mith offering advice.
For those that aren’t aware Mith and Jet both love Ireth but she recently realised it was Jet she loves. Abi and Angela are extremely close friends of Ireth.
I’d like to thank Jet for his portrayal of a man in love with Cha 8 coming across the woman he loves in ghost form for the first time and really managing to say all the wrong things!
Abi and Angela for doing what any girls best friends would do and exploding at him.
Mith for continuing to play the man who would not see the woman he loves hurt even if it means defending Jet.
I’d like to thank all these players for the wonderful roleplay during the argument, immediately afterwards and in the week since!  It has caused a very interesting amount of fall out in many different ways and all the characters and players handled brilliantly and are still doing!!  I think this relationship between the above people is going to provide some more wonderful roleplay in the future so I’ll thank em all in advance now too!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
To me it’s the well played relationships between characters that helps make Layo what it is!  Oh and the amazing DM team ;)
Oh and in case anyone wonders how the argument ended….
Jet and Ireth sorted it out, they are in love so…….But obviously he's messed up and they have aruged since :)
Abi and Jet hate each other but have since both promised to not start fights or speak to each other, yeah right!  We all know Abi wants to hurt him anyway ;)
Angela has agreed to speak to Jet and he agreed to listen, waiting for time to allow that
Mith and Ireth sorted it out and once again Mith advised her to his detriment but her happiness
Ireth, Abi and Angela sorted it but it was touch and go between Ireth and Abi.  They are now even stronger in their relationships  
Mith not so gently pointed out to Abi recently that in his mind Jet & Ireth are now one as things that hurt Jet will hurt Ireth so she might want to make sure she doesn’t hurt Jet otherwise Mith will get involved for he will not stand to see Ireth hurt.
 Although as a side note Jet was wondering if he could find away of getting XP off a DM last night as he considered dealing with a highly angry Ireth more dangerous than fighting a dragon! ;)


RE: Excellent Roleplay - Jet, Mith, Abi & Angela
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2005, 06:26:00 am »
thanks for all the flattering words, but i am just having fun. Too bad is was already very late when jet and i exploded....but i guess it wasn't the last time *grins* I made a promise and you still think i will hurt him *looks sad*......but you are right.
ohh and mith threats will not influence abi in any way...
...but then again maybe jet and abi will become best friends in the future you never know.....yeah right *laughs*


RE: Excellent Roleplay - Jet, Mith, Abi & Angela
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2005, 07:03:00 am »
Hey, Jet isn't messed up! He's just..... misunderstood?

Anyway, I think it was some pretty good fun. Threats were exchanged, and enemies made... but in the end I suppose almost nothing good came out of it, except good roleplay. :) Ah well, I enjoy having someone for my character to hate.

Oh, and Jet's fought the dragon and dealt with angry Ireth, and he prefers the dragon...


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RE: Excellent Roleplay - Jet, Mith, Abi & Angela
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2005, 07:48:00 am »
*smacks his forehead and then quickly jumps to cover the post so noone can read it* BAH! your killing my reputation here! *glares out into touse passing by, scanning for metagamers* guess ill just have to have Mith be a bet meaner IG so noone is mistaken of his intents.

oh yea, and thanks for the complments, i blame you mostly for a large part of the RP. There are good RPers, bad RPers, and then there is insperatinl RPers. That would be where you fall in, i dident really care to much before, but the work you put ito your char insipered me to work harder on the charecter of my own, instead of just having a shell, he now has emothions feelings. Much more alive then before when he simply did what was needed to get trhgouh the day without dieing and with a few extra coin. Ive spent more time RPing with you then i have all togeather this year im thinking. Dont think ive ever logged on before and simply sat around and talked for 4 hours or more that we have.. spent hole days with 8 hours or so and not killing anything. Something ive never done before. So thanks!


RE: Excellent Roleplay - Jet, Mith, Abi & Angela
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2005, 04:13:00 pm »
thanks for the kind word and thanks for making it fun to be inhere, you always delivers some kick ass rp


