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Author Topic: Question about PKs..  (Read 73 times)


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    Question about PKs..
    « on: December 19, 2005, 07:42:00 am »
    (PK=Player Kill, Party Kill, Team Kill or similar..)
    - My first PK was a stray fireball killing a rushing low level player..  
      (Effectively making me rarely use fireballs, despite 'learning' to target them wide.)
    - My second was when a player died when I had buffed a player with endurance, and then resting somewhere else.
      (And what would seem to have canceled the extra HP, killing him because he was close to 0).
    - The third was a miss-clicked phantasmal-killer
      (Player standing next to the target.. ‘jumping’ in front of my mouse at the very last second)
    - And now the forth, which was my summons using lightning.
      (Which I had warned that he might do, but I still blame myself for using him)
    I've never requested to have these PKs removed, since none resulted in tokens, and the player in all cases quickly forgave me.. But mainly because I don’t want to burden Rhizome or anyone else with such trivial requests.

    All of these where caused by magic and I can’t say I’ll not PK again, despite my hardest effort to not do so.  
    (As I’ll soon tap into those ‘kill everything in the area instantly’ spells)

    I guess my question is, should one keep better track of PKs?  
    If the target player forgives with a PM, and a screenshot or similar is stored.. is this good when one reaches the ‘max 10 and your booted’ limit ?


    RE: Question about PKs..
    « Reply #1 on: December 19, 2005, 08:11:00 am »
    Forgiven mistakes should certainly be let go... However. Having the PK tokens cancelled on that much more common a basis would add a good bit to the workload of our already-weary DMs.

    If they want to allow it, well, cool. I must've been AI'd into Sneak Attacking low-level Taunting PCs four or five times already; I keep thinking I'll slaughter one of them, eventually, and give them thier first Token. xD

    Back on track, though, if they do want to go for it, then power to them; it can only help the system, and make the Ao-

    Hm. I see a bad, bad loophole here. Say that Mordy the Mage is in battle with Tordy the Fighter. Tordy rushes in, gathering all the monsters around him in a lovely little battle, and shouts for Mordy to cast Wierd on the area. Now, Mordy'll get a PK for killing Tordy in the bargain, but with Tordy's official pardon, it can be erased. Do you see the exploitation part?



    RE: Question about PKs..
    « Reply #2 on: December 19, 2005, 08:17:00 am »
    PK tokens were actually put in place more to deter possible grifers, and to help players track their mistakes. If you honestly misclicked, ask for it to be removed. Wasn't your fault. The fireball thing, well, that wasn't your fault either, but you deliberatly cast it and the person ran into it, that PK would stay. The HP thing, that's another example of a close one, it should probably stay since you'd want to heal someone who's very close to death before letting them sleep. And your summon using lightning well, the blame would also lie with you for that one...
      All in all, if you continue to make these mistakes and get to 10 PK tokens and get booted, it's really not going to be THAT big of a deal. Explain that you didn't go around purposefully butchering the PCs, and they'll knock you down a few tokens, pat you on the back, and send you back in. Just be careful is all. (That's why I never use Meteor Swarm... just have it because it's a fun RP spell to have)

    Evil Dad

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    RE: Question about PKs..
    « Reply #3 on: December 19, 2005, 08:26:00 am »
    A lot of PK's are removed, and requested to be removed.  I myself has asked for one, but that was because of a server error.  

    But I believe there are instances when they shouldnt be.  If for example, a party attacks a load of myconids and one gets confused and kills another player then surely this PK should stand.  Okay, they were confused, but they knew the risks when attacking the myconids.  But, perhaps it is the lack of intent to kill another player that makes this one removable.

    If a mage casts confusion, gives you warning and you still run it, get confused then PK someone.  Is this perhaps your own fault also? I think that perhaps these PK's should stand.  But if the made cast it without warning or in the wrong place, then it was not your fault for getting confused in the first place.

    And a mage/druid/cleric that casts AoE spells, knows the risks involved.  These PK's should stand is it was a lack of care to the party members that caused it.

    I do find it hard to justify your second PK as a PK.  Just because you boost his stats does not make it your responsibility to keep him alive and he should have kept his health up.  This is one case when you should have complained and asked for it to be removed.



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    RE: Question about PKs..
    « Reply #4 on: December 19, 2005, 08:59:00 am »
    The fourth PK was Yardislan.  I was the one who suggested that errk post about this because it was an odd circumstance, as evident in the screenshot I took:

    I think he should have that one removed at least, even though it's the result of a summoned creature, because I can't figure out why I died after Nex managed to hit me with a potion in time.  Strange result of lag, I guess.


    RE: Question about PKs..
    « Reply #5 on: December 19, 2005, 09:27:00 am »
    From what I understand. . .  you can not get a DT from a PK.

    I have 2 PKs...  one was from being confused and slaughering the mage next to me.

    One was from someone accidentally choosing me as a target for a knockdown in a crowed Melee.  When I Cleaved. . .  well...  



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      RE: Question about PKs..
      « Reply #6 on: December 19, 2005, 04:45:00 pm »
      Well, my question started because I suspect a magic user has about 200% more PK then a fighter type.. Since a ‘fighter/rogue/monk would normally have to do a severe miss-click in order to hit another char. and even then they most often could abort any killing..  unless confused of course. (However, I’m sure there are many that have none).

      The repertoire of a wizard involves many AoE spells, I guess the PK rule is a way of forcing players to handle them with respect and understanding.  I’d rather see a handling of misfires with some harsh RP. And if somebody is killed, the whole party spends the rest of the day cursing at the mage... I think the shame and embarrassment of killing(or even simply harming) someone in your party is punishment enough.  Unless you’re a follower of Corath that is.. ;)

      If someone is going around PK’ing, then they would surely be singled out fairly quickly..
      ..Eh, I don’t know where I’m going with this rambling.. It’ll take me at least 2 more weeks to get a 10 PK total.. ;)

