The World of Layonara

The Layonara Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Pen N Popper on May 29, 2007, 10:40:50 am

Title: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: Pen N Popper on May 29, 2007, 10:40:50 am
Let's use this thread to talk OOCly about the event.

It was suggested that this event should be in a timeslot and not an all day event.  My thinking is that once a month is not that often and Fridays are usually good in terms of server traffic.  I figure if I don't limit it to a time people will show up when they want and say for as long as they are having fun.  Take a few minutes out between monster bashing and stop by.

If you're a crafting guild, why not organize your members to staff a PC quest chest "booth" as much of the day as possible?  This is a chance to bring sellers and buyers together on a regular basis once a month.  The area, Stormcrest Crossroads, is a neutral ground where all races/alignments can come and RP together.  It does get some traffic (perhaps not as much as outside Hempstead currently).

Yes, I'm challenging all of us to come together and make something of the day.  It's just one day and you don't have to be there for all of your playtime.  Sure there's no XP but there will be as much RP as we can collectively stir up.

I am not above begging. :-)
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on May 29, 2007, 10:55:40 am
Well, I'll be there for as much of the time as I can be, never fear.
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: jrizz on May 29, 2007, 11:30:19 am
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: Interia_Discordius on May 29, 2007, 11:32:31 am
The only issue I have with a Friday is the Restoration of Honor quest that I always attend, so as long as it's before 2 EDT or after 6 EDT or so, I'll be there! :)
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: LynnJuniper on May 29, 2007, 11:55:26 am
I feel like I'm going to a convention, and now I have to figure out a way to portray all the Illusions I want to portray without DM assistance Hmm...RPs going to have to go a long way in this....And Rhynn should probably get cookin' again!
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: Pen N Popper on May 31, 2007, 06:41:13 am
This will begin after the server maintenance tomorrow.
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: Pen N Popper on June 01, 2007, 02:24:03 pm

This all day event is ongoing right now at the Stormcrest Crossroads.  I hope everyone can make at least a cameo appearance to support the vendors and entertainers.

Specifically, I'd like to thank the vendors that came while I was there:  Lyle Underroot and Ferrit Pandorn.  Also thanks to Jacrum Sheildbreaker and Jser Arcanebow for each of their stories from recent GM quests.  And of course thanks to the rest of the PCs that came by to add color (Gothim Shieldbreaker, Sala Stonehill, Katrina, Oma Limetree, Ron Kallahan, Tristan Demoyer, Luna Moonfire, Pyyran, Teranda Dovefire, Nemo Dra'mykd'yra).

I'm sorry I missed Rhynnala's magic show; I know she worked many hours preparing for it.  Hopefully screenshots will be available.

You all have my sincere thanks for making this inaugural "First Friday Fair" start off so positively.

Don't forget, since this runs all day it's not too late to get in there and sell your wares, tell a tale, mingle with the folks, shop for gear, etc.
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: LynnJuniper on June 01, 2007, 02:49:49 pm
giggles at the many hours thing

It doesn't take that long to throw together a prepared spell list and say some cryptic things =P Thanks for the flattery though!
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on June 01, 2007, 02:57:52 pm
I'll be back, late tonight, with some interesting things to tell...

Just to whet your appetites for what little I've been able to cobble together. :)
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: Black Cat on June 01, 2007, 06:25:28 pm
*mumbles a curse to Rhynn* while it was nice... NO ONE cared for the poor old lady who got a heart attack when a dragon suddenly appears right next to her..
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: LynnJuniper on June 01, 2007, 06:47:57 pm
You know, I'm going to choose to ignore the constant critisism on everything I do and just stop doing anything soon :)

//If you were joking, then im sorry I took it so harsh
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: J-ser on June 02, 2007, 04:23:02 pm
Bah, I missed the show. Anyhow, it was fun while I was there.
Title: Re: First Friday Fair OOC Discussion
Post by: bobby1361 on June 03, 2007, 04:27:54 am
It was a great show!after it i ran around as an umberhulk.