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Author Topic: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation  (Read 237 times)


Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
« on: September 04, 2005, 12:20:00 am »
Earlier tonight, before Vyris’ “Stolen” quest began, a fellow player, in-character, challenged Ael to a sparring bout.  In-character, both of them are friends, and both understood that the bout was to be nothing other than a form of training.  The understanding between me and the other player was that the bout was over as soon as Ael or the other reached “Injured” stage.

Because of a busy rl, I often play Layo instead of sleep; this is my personal choice and I accept all of the consequences of this.  I mention this here, because I was tired, and this contributed to my “tunnel vision” in which I role played the sparring bout, even though I understood the “No-Pvp” Rule.

Another player, whose character was standing nearby chastised us out-of-character, and a gm who was joining the quest as a pc immediately was on top of it.  So the first thing I saw was the “//.........” from the player and the gm, the latter in shout caps.  I stopped as soon as I saw that, realizing the stupid mistake I made.

As I said in a tell to the pc/gm, immediately after the incident; I felt completely stupid, because I know the rule already; I felt miserable because I had overlooked a very important rule, “tunnel vision” not withstanding - and I love Layo and hope to be considered a positive contributor to the Layo community.  

I offered to withdraw from the quest, which is part of a series that asks for participation in all the installments; this was in a tell to the other gm/pc, and not on the gm channel.  I only mention this because I was willing, then and there, to face whatever penalties arise from this serious error.  And I remain so willing.

The “No-PvP” rule means +absolutely+ no attacking another pc under +any+ circumstances whatsoever.  This is what I have learned from my mistake.

I ask for clemency with regard to any punishment I must face.  I have learned a lesson “the hard way”.  But I completely accept whatever you all want to do with me on this.




RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2005, 06:48:00 am »
Come to think of it, someone might still be able to be a father, should he have followed the rules... Hmm...


RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2005, 07:19:00 am »
eh, it can be an easy mistake to make among friends, on lack of sleep, etc.  still doesn't excuse it, but, just to recall, it is just a game.  the rules exist to make the game more fun, less stressful, etc.  Thankfully, you didn't do it with malice or just to be a butt, so it was an 'honest' mistake, as some might say.  it's not the end of the world (the whole, it's just a game thing) and i doubt you'll make the mistake again, so no worries. I'll see you in game and everyone esle for that matter =P)

Mr. Tee

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    RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
    « Reply #3 on: September 04, 2005, 11:40:00 am »
    If you really want to "spar", might it be possible to fake it using the dicebag? (i.e. rolling strength checks to see who hits, how often, etc..."

    After a few round of just calculating attack rolls (not even damage) I bet you could figure who'd win, and it would be excellent RPing.

    *Ael jabs with his sword*
    *Otherguy dodges*
    *Otherguy counterattacks*
    *Ael gets hit in the leg*

    ... etc... Just a thought


    RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
    « Reply #4 on: September 04, 2005, 12:00:00 pm »
    Or, if you really want to RP a training session, you might want to get a DM to look on after you get the approval of both parties. I believe that's how it works, but I've only seen one instance of PvP between anyone with a DM around, and that was well over a two years ago.


    RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
    « Reply #5 on: September 04, 2005, 12:18:00 pm »
    What Mr Tee said. :)

    And if it ever comes so far in RP that only one can walk away, just make sure you have checked the following things:

    - approval of other player
    - approval of bystanders (if they aren't informed they might try to intefere)

    and above all:

    - make absolutely sure there is a GM attending who has been informed and approves it

    That, or don't do it at all. *shrugs*

    EDIT: EIGHT-BIT, don't know for sure, but didn't Lia Di'makiir and Brisbane Ashaley recently fight each other? I think that's pretty recently.


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      RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
      « Reply #6 on: September 04, 2005, 01:24:00 pm »
      Jarith Blackheart dueled some half orc less than a year ago. Ozy and a DM was there, Ozy made sure none of us took it too far lol.. *mumbles something about mind spells*

      D Blaze

      RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
      « Reply #7 on: September 04, 2005, 01:44:00 pm »
      Also to getting approval from all parties included, if you want to spar, don't use real weapons, use something like a fishing pole as a sparring rod, I believe it deals no damage per hit anyway, so you can judge how well you are doing against another person by how many blows land without fear of physical injury, all you are doing is striking the opponent in such a decisive manner that they know they have been hit.
      I can't think of any sparring blades like wooden swords that are out there now that would also deal no damage, archery and magic is still kinda out of the question in most cases.

      Maybe that could be a possible thing to work on, four weapons used primarily for practicing, if it could be found acceptable by Leanther

      Padded Gloves--Hand to Hand, Monk based
      Sparring Pole---Melee, General based
      Wooden Sword-Melee, Fighter based
      Wooded Dagger -Melee, Rogue based

      all deal no damage
      are not craftable (for simplicity reasons)
      and they cannot be enhanced in any way, spells, elemental enhancements or poisons.

      The problem with this would be possible rampant abuse of the goodwill that would be given towards the player to fight other players. Bad blood, competative attitudes, and griefing could spread cuz someone was able to hit you more effectively than you them, thus creating hostilities that are just not needed considering we always have greater looming threats.
      If it is implimented, it's the player's responsibility to use it wisely, and if not, it could be taken away just as fast

      I think a fight club arena of sorts was talked about earlier, but seems to have dropped off. The only place where PvP would be allowed so long as they follow the rules of engagement.

      Just some thoughts, hope they help out somehow.


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      RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
      « Reply #8 on: September 04, 2005, 02:15:00 pm »
      Lia and Brisbane did not fight each other, if you are referring to what happened on Leanthar's quest. Bris had GM consent for full PvP, as it matched the circumstances of the situation.

       To make it clear, it was not even a fight.

       I hope i was clear, i don't want to create any misunderstandings here. :)



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        RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
        « Reply #9 on: September 04, 2005, 02:53:00 pm »
        D Blaze - 9/4/2005  10:44 PM

        Also to getting approval from all parties included, if you want to spar, don't use real weapons, use something like a fishing pole as a sparring rod, I believe it deals no damage per hit anyway, so you can judge how well you are doing against another person by how many blows land without fear of physical injury, all you are doing is striking the opponent in such a decisive manner that they know they have been hit.

        Fishing poles do yield damage - I know at least one who wields it as a weapon. Looks like a big club.


        D Blaze

        RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
        « Reply #10 on: September 04, 2005, 03:03:00 pm »
        Oops, my mistake, but it's still a possible idea though *shrugs*


        RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
        « Reply #11 on: September 04, 2005, 03:44:00 pm »
        Totally already been down the lack of sleep road. And you think you're completely fine after only catching short naps for several days, and then you get REAL sleep and you look at the logs and think "What? What happened? Can I plea insanity and get free meals?"


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        RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
        « Reply #12 on: September 04, 2005, 04:17:00 pm »
        I remember one time Derrick almost gutted Quin because it was 5:00AM and I clicked attack instead of barter.

        Talan Va'lash

        RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
        « Reply #13 on: September 05, 2005, 12:04:00 am »
        Acctually, this is possible.

        Used to spar with them on another server (which was full PvP except in certain places so you could go afk w/o getting pick pocketed Confounded halflings!)

        There is a customization of a club that looks like a wooden sword, and a property called "No Damage" that can be added to any weapon.  However, that property just negates the 1dX damage of the weapon, they still do any damage from a high str modifier.

        The way to fix that is give them the no damage property and a -10 (or 20 if you're going to be sparring with epic half giants) penalty to damage.

        That way, you're not going to do any damage, but you can still use the game engine to spar.

        Also, I suggest that "Attack roll" and "grapple roll" be added to the dicebag.  I think thats such a good idea that I'm going to go repost it somewhere appropriate.  Dex/Str rolls just don't cut it for starting a grapple because they don't take base attack into account.


        D Blaze - 9/4/2005  2:44 PM

        Also to getting approval from all parties included, if you want to spar, don't use real weapons, use something like a fishing pole as a sparring rod, I believe it deals no damage per hit anyway, so you can judge how well you are doing against another person by how many blows land without fear of physical injury, all you are doing is striking the opponent in such a decisive manner that they know they have been hit.
        I can't think of any sparring blades like wooden swords that are out there now that would also deal no damage, archery and magic is still kinda out of the question in most cases.

        Maybe that could be a possible thing to work on, four weapons used primarily for practicing, if it could be found acceptable by Leanther

        Padded Gloves--Hand to Hand, Monk based
        Sparring Pole---Melee, General based
        Wooden Sword-Melee, Fighter based
        Wooded Dagger -Melee, Rogue based

        all deal no damage
        are not craftable (for simplicity reasons)
        and they cannot be enhanced in any way, spells, elemental enhancements or poisons.

        The problem with this would be possible rampant abuse of the goodwill that would be given towards the player to fight other players. Bad blood, competative attitudes, and griefing could spread cuz someone was able to hit you more effectively than you them, thus creating hostilities that are just not needed considering we always have greater looming threats.
        If it is implimented, it's the player's responsibility to use it wisely, and if not, it could be taken away just as fast

        I think a fight club arena of sorts was talked about earlier, but seems to have dropped off. The only place where PvP would be allowed so long as they follow the rules of engagement.

        Just some thoughts, hope they help out somehow.


        Reply to all suggestions
        « Reply #14 on: September 05, 2005, 12:57:00 am »
        There is an Arena for PvP in Ft Velensk.
        'nuff said.

        Talan Va'lash

        RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
        « Reply #15 on: September 05, 2005, 01:25:00 am »
        It doesn't work and/or was taken out



        RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
        « Reply #16 on: September 05, 2005, 01:24:00 pm »
        Yllyrryon - 9/4/2005 9:20 AM Earlier tonight, before Vyris’ “Stolen” quest began, a fellow player, in-character, challenged Ael to a sparring bout. In-character, both of them are friends, and both understood that the bout was to be nothing other than a form of training. The understanding between me and the other player was that the bout was over as soon as Ael or the other reached “Injured” stage. Because of a busy rl, I often play Layo instead of sleep; this is my personal choice and I accept all of the consequences of this. I mention this here, because I was tired, and this contributed to my “tunnel vision” in which I role played the sparring bout, even though I understood the “No-Pvp” Rule. Another player, whose character was standing nearby chastised us out-of-character, and a gm who was joining the quest as a pc immediately was on top of it. So the first thing I saw was the “//.........” from the player and the gm, the latter in shout caps. I stopped as soon as I saw that, realizing the stupid mistake I made. As I said in a tell to the pc/gm, immediately after the incident; I felt completely stupid, because I know the rule already; I felt miserable because I had overlooked a very important rule, “tunnel vision” not withstanding - and I love Layo and hope to be considered a positive contributor to the Layo community. I offered to withdraw from the quest, which is part of a series that asks for participation in all the installments; this was in a tell to the other gm/pc, and not on the gm channel. I only mention this because I was willing, then and there, to face whatever penalties arise from this serious error. And I remain so willing. The “No-PvP” rule means +absolutely+ no attacking another pc under +any+ circumstances whatsoever. This is what I have learned from my mistake. I ask for clemency with regard to any punishment I must face. I have learned a lesson “the hard way”. But I completely accept whatever you all want to do with me on this. Regretfully, Yllyrryon

            Thank you for this post Yllyrron, taking responsibility for your actions is appreciated and always a good thing.


        RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
        « Reply #17 on: September 05, 2005, 04:08:00 pm »
        Fl/\\m3Str!k3 - 9/4/2005  11:15 PM

        Lia and Brisbane did not fight each other, if you are referring to what happened on Leanthar's quest. Bris had GM consent for full PvP, as it matched the circumstances of the situation.

         To make it clear, it was not even a fight.

         I hope i was clear, i don't want to create any misunderstandings here. :)

        No, misunderstanding here. :)

        What can I say, I gossip a lot so I often say things based on incomplete information.

        About that, did you here the story about Glokk and the Xeenite priestesss.....


        RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
        « Reply #18 on: September 05, 2005, 07:19:00 pm »
        In that case... >.>

        There may yet be still some boxing matches against a certain old man... Thar whell beh a reckonin', medge!


        RE: Self-Reporting of Rules Violation
        « Reply #19 on: September 05, 2005, 07:31:00 pm »
        Thank you Yllyrron.  It means a lot when a player is able to do what you just did.  Good job.