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Author Topic: Problem with Time Stop  (Read 375 times)

Halfwit Genious

Problem with Time Stop
« on: December 02, 2007, 08:22:10 pm »
Maybe it's just me, but at lvl 24 I was not given the option to take Time Stop as an epic spell. At the time I thought maybe I had gotten the SC requirment wrong or something, but I just checked and it said 25. I have maxed out my base SC since 1st lvl and I believe you are allowed to have lvl+3 which would put me at 26 at lvl 23 and at lvl 24 it would put me at 27. So whichever one it takes I should have had enough to take it. As far as I can tell the only requirment for taking an epic spell is SC and the ability to cast 9th lvl spells and to be at least 21st lvl which I am. Is there some other requirment I have not met perhaps or is this a bug? Thanks for any info.

Also on a side note. I have heard rumors that Time Stop costs 10k xp per use. On LORE, however, it says it only costs 4k xp. Any truth to this rumor?


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2007, 09:14:47 pm »
Couldn't tell you about why you can't take it... I believe, however, that the xp cost was lowered after it was reassessed, and the 4000 is correct.


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2007, 09:51:29 pm »
Time Stop is not available to Sorcerers, only Wizards.  The reason this was moved to be an Epic Spell is due to the fact that it's rather "high magic" and specialized knowledge...much like the Wizard's Tome of Teleportation that only wizards can attain.

To complete the question, the Time Stop costs 7,500 XP per casting. Both rumors and LORE are incorrect.  It was at one time 75,000 XP.

Halfwit Genious

Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2007, 09:56:18 pm »
Thanks for the replies. Why only wizards though? Wizards and Sorcerers seem to be equal as far as ability in every other feild. Save the wizards tome. If anything I think it would be easier for a sorc to learn to do that kind of thing seeing as they manipulate the weave in it's raw form.


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2007, 10:13:50 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
Time Stop is not available to Sorcerers, only Wizards.  The reason this was moved to be an Epic Spell is due to the fact that it's rather "high magic" and specialized knowledge...much like the Wizard's Tome of Teleportation that only wizards can attain.

To complete the question, the Time Stop costs 7,500 XP per casting. Both rumors and LORE are incorrect.  It was at one time 75,000 XP.

In this thread you said it was being lowered to 4,000xp


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2007, 10:17:55 pm »
Oh neat!  I'd forgotten I wrote that.

We haven't had a HAK change to make that happen though since it was written.

*fiddles with something in another window*

OK, 4,000 XP for the next update.

The Wizard only thing stays though.  This is not a "raw" manipulation of magic to stop time but really a very specialized and complex manipulation of the foundations of spacetime, even if localized.  It's the result of study, not "Oh whoops!  Look what I just figured out!"

Halfwit Genious

Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2007, 10:29:35 pm »
Oh well. Thanks anyway :) I can understand that kinda. Are there any other epic spell that only wizards can take that I should be aware of or perhaps is there one that only sorc's can take?


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2007, 10:35:34 pm »
Nope.  All the rest of the epic spells are Bioware-standard, so should be available to Sorcerers.  We don't have any Sorcerer-only epic spells, but that would have been a neat idea. :)


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2007, 11:00:47 pm »
Man, sorcerers get the shaft. Wizards get the teleporting, the feats, can change their spells whenever, and are Batmans in general! Only thing sorcs have going for them other than "hey I can do this one thing a lot of times" is the coolness of having an innate gift, which wizards are always trying to get a piece of. *Shakes her fist.* You will come to rue this day, wizards...!


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2007, 11:18:43 pm »
Quote from: Acacea
Man, sorcerers get the shaft. Wizards get the teleporting, the feats, can change their spells whenever, and are Batmans in general! Only thing sorcs have going for them other than "hey I can do this one thing a lot of times" is the coolness of having an innate gift, which wizards are always trying to get a piece of. *Shakes her fist.* You will come to rue this day, wizards...!

I disagree.

Those 'extra spells' can make a world of difference.  Secondly by being a sorcerer means you can usually be more selfish with buffing others (I do that anyway as a corathite).  Also by being charisma based, it allows for some excellent cross-classing (cleric/sorcerers, bard/sorc, Sorc/Blackguard...etc).  Additionally in PnP I think they get diplomacy as a class skill.  I was fairly sure that they get Persuade as a class feat and perhaps bluff as well though I can't remember.  LORE states that they don't, yet I believe it could be incorrect.
Additionally they get simple weapon proficiency.  All in all I love Sorcerers more than Wizards and I'll certainly make one next time I make another arcane spell caster.

Lastly LORE states that they get Timestop as an epic level option.  We'll need to change this.



Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2007, 11:20:06 pm »
Thanks, ycleption. I thought I was about to run make another tweak to LORE.

EDIT: Doh, still have to tweak LORE... thanks Polak

EDIT EDIT: Woo, think I got it all fixed.


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2007, 11:47:06 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
Time Stop is not available to Sorcerers, only Wizards.  The reason this was moved to be an Epic Spell is due to the fact that it's rather "high magic" and specialized knowledge...much like the Wizard's Tome of Teleportation that only wizards can attain.

To complete the question, the Time Stop costs 7,500 XP per casting. Both rumors and LORE are incorrect.  It was at one time 75,000 XP.

I may have missed something in the past...not the first time :)

Wasnt time stop eliminated altogether due to server lag issues when it was used? I remember a time as GM's we had to go around any spellcasters with Timestop and remove it from them and give them another spell in return?

Is this still the case or..did it change and I just missed it?


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2007, 11:55:18 pm »
Maybe you are thinking of when it was still bioware standard, a 9th level spell. Since it was changed to an epic spell, it would have likely have required those who had it to relevel and pick a new one... maybe?


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2007, 12:43:54 am »
I still remember back in the day when it would cause the entire server to suffer the effects of Time Stop.

"Oh... Ta'k must be killing another Dragon..."


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2007, 12:54:54 am »
Quote from: Halfwit Genious
Thanks for the replies. Why only wizards though? Wizards and Sorcerers seem to be equal as far as ability in every other feild. Save the wizards tome. If anything I think it would be easier for a sorc to learn to do that kind of thing seeing as they manipulate the weave in it's raw form.

This is a big time missconception IMO. Sorcerors can cast more spells per day, but know less spells (A LOT LESS) than what a wizard can know. A wizard, when prepared, can be ready for any situation, while a sorceror has to rely on how they leveled up and what spell they picked a long the way.

While I see where you are going with this, and by D&D standard rules, a sorceror should and does have access to Time Stop =P IN layo, they deemed it to powerful and moved it to an epic feat to limit it, then to even limit it more made it wizard only. =P


Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2007, 01:27:56 am »
Quote from: Dezza
I may have missed something in the past...not the first time :)

Wasnt time stop eliminated altogether due to server lag issues when it was used? I remember a time as GM's we had to go around any spellcasters with Timestop and remove it from them and give them another spell in return?

Is this still the case or..did it change and I just missed it?

Yeah, at one point, it stopped the whole server, but that's not the case any more.  We removed it as a spell and made it an epic feat to keep every level 17+ wizard from repeatedly stopping time in a low-magic world.

Anyway, it currently only stops the area in which it is cast.  Stopping the entire server creates havoc and gives the server headaches.  It gets cranky when that happens.

Halfwit Genious

Re: Problem with Time Stop
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2007, 04:09:21 am »
Just in response to Drizzlin. I get what your saying but I think I still prefer a well built sorc in a completely random situation because of the fact that the sorc has access to his whole repitoure (sp?) while a wizard has to just hope they got the spells right. A wizard can have all the spells in the game but if they're not memorized they don't help them. Ina  multi class though wizard is probably better because your magic is just to support something else and not your main source of fighting.

As far as being selfish about buffing Kalin is actually built mostly as a group buffing mage with a few offencive spells. When he's in groups it's the wizards that get to be selfish and not ward :)

